Muslims and the Pope - Politics and War Forum

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Muslims and the Pope
Sunday, September 17, 2006 9:28 AM on
CNN article on the Pope


(CNN) -- Muslim leaders around the world are continuing to demand a full apology from Pope Benedict XVI after the pontiff said he regretted the furious reaction to his speech on Islam.

In his first public appearance since he made a speech last week -- in which he appeared to endorse a Christian view that early Muslims spread their religion by violence -- the pope said he was "deeply sorry" about the reaction and that medieval quotes he used on holy war did not reflect his own views.

Not that I agree with the Pope saying these things, but isn't this a huge case of "pot, meet kettle"? There are many Muslim leaders who openly insult western civilization, where are their apologies to us?

What are your thoughts on this?


John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4

Re: Muslims and the Pope
Sunday, September 17, 2006 11:03 AM on
Why should anyone appologize for quoting someone else anyway?

The words they are mad at were said centuries ago, perhaps they need a time machine.

Besides in the beginning Islam was spread by means of an army led by Mohammed. That is a point of fact, not opinion. They were very violent times and that behavior was not at all unusual anyway. Look at the history and you will find that's how many things spread. Religion, empires, disease.. Lot's of stuff. Christianity spread by the Roman army. I don't find that statement offensive at all. It's plain old history, nothing more.

Re: Muslims and the Pope
Sunday, September 17, 2006 1:18 PM on
eh, i made a shirt with a pic of Muhammed on it..

and on the back its says " dial 911 for the WAAHmbulance"
seriously, people need to stop crying, once those Islamic and muslim f's in other
countries stop talking crap about our country ( to which they know nothing about)
why should we stop bashing thier dumbass ideas as well.. "you Christians are like the nazis", but its not ok for someone to say " Hey f you and your comet your muhammed saw in the sky, get over and killyourself already"

you dont see honest muslims or islamic's hating on the US in the US
because most people like freedom... the bastards over there dont because they
need dictators to control people and keep there tribes in the stoneage...

as a gift we should clone some wolly mammoths and send them over to the middle
east and watch them try to kill them with spears.

Re: Muslims and the Pope
Sunday, September 17, 2006 1:39 PM on
Hahahaha wrote:Why should anyone appologize for quoting someone else anyway?

Because those words were spoken by the Pope, even if he was quoting someone else. Nobody would like it if the Pope started quoting Hitler...

Ha_cubed wrote:The words they are mad at were said centuries ago, perhaps they need a time machine.

But they were just re-spoken last week, giving them new life.

Ha_cubed wrote:Besides in the beginning Islam was spread by means of an army led by Mohammed. That is a point of fact, not opinion. They were very violent times and that behavior was not at all unusual anyway. Look at the history and you will find that's how many things spread. Religion, empires, disease.. Lot's of stuff. Christianity spread by the Roman army. I don't find that statement offensive at all. It's plain old history, nothing more.


Facts have no place in the minds of those who already have pent-up hostility toward us. They're looking for any excuse to rally behind and stir up the terrorism machine.

Instead of apologizing, which the Pope already has done, what if the Pope called for a holy war? Would those who are insisting on a better apology still stand in the middle of the streets or would they find a nice Osama cave to hide in?


John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
Re: Muslims and the Pope
Sunday, September 17, 2006 3:13 PM on
I think it's hysterical that Muslims are protesting being called violent by massive rioting, burning everything in sight and threatening to kill people. YEAH! That'll show us how non-violent they are!!!!!!
Re: Muslims and the Pope
Sunday, September 17, 2006 5:24 PM on
I don't listen to anything Muslims say any more. pretty much because I just don't care.

I'm not going to apologize for anything I said that was offending, because they'd just as soon kill me as look at me. Regardless of what I say. Just for the fact that I am a Christian American. Oh wow. The church went on crusades 100's of years ago. Jee, that sucks, but uh, last time I checked, Muslims, at least in the popular sense, haven't been the most peace loving people latley.

If I were Muslim (a complaining one) I'd learn to just keep my mouth shut. Nobody is activiley destrying you based soley on your faith, like they have been to others. They have 0 right ot complain, 0.

People say bad stuff about the Pope all the time, calling him Nazi Pope and all that stuff. Yet, we haven't said word one about those people. Grow up and stop crying about it already.

I'm not defending the Pope, nor am I condeming him either, he was using a statement he shouldn't have it was a mistake. Not that big a deal. He shouldn't have said it, he apologized, lets move on.

And the Pope will not call for a Holy War, not in the forseeable future. The Catholic Church has not called for any crusades. And the radical Muslims continue to do so.

Who is the victim? Certainly not the Christians. What have they done as a faith based community to be violent? Nothing.

I think we have "turned the cheek" plenty of times. Espically before 9/11. I don't know how much other people are going to take before they start a war with Muslims. I guess that must be what they want.

I wrote this post a long time ago, a real long time ago, back in 94.
Re: Muslims and the Pope
Sunday, September 17, 2006 6:26 PM on
Jeremy Knox wrote:I think it's hysterical that Muslims are protesting being called violent by massive rioting, burning everything in sight and threatening to kill people. YEAH! That'll show us how non-violent they are!!!!!!

Ding Ding Ding!!!! We have a winner!!


Re: Muslims and the Pope
Sunday, September 17, 2006 6:55 PM on
To me the muslims reaction to something as silly as this, along with everything else that's been happening, has convinced me that most of them are pretty much usless. I was a defender of the war in iraq, I thought that we were doing good by helping them get away from saddam and giving them a chance at freedom. Know I see that we need to get the heck out of there and let them eliminate themselves, thereby making this world a much better place. If you think about it, what has actually come out of the middle east? nothing! Except for north korea every problem spot on the whole planet is in the middle east. The one good thing is that they're killing each other, we just need to get out of their way so they can speed up the process.

Re: Muslims and the Pope
Sunday, September 17, 2006 7:24 PM on
Just watch out for the JIHAD!!!!!!

Re: Muslims and the Pope
Sunday, September 17, 2006 7:42 PM on
I can't say anything bad about Islam in theory. In practice, it isn't working out so well. But I could say that about any religion.

But yeah, killing because you were called a violent people. Not helping your cause.

I too find it funny (in the not so funny sense) that 90% of the worlds current issues stem from that region. The fact that people in that area take such radical stances that degrade women and promote and reward cowardly terroism techniques more than anywhere else in the world leads me to believe that something is seriously wrong there.

Do I blame Islam, or Muslims in general? No. The religion is just an excuse, it's the people who give the religion a bad name.

As for the Pope, use your freakin' head man. Regardless of what context you meant, somebody, somewhere in the vatican should have gone, "Uh, maybe we should scratch that comment...I predict some, uh, unpleasantness."

Re: Muslims and the Pope
Monday, September 18, 2006 3:54 AM on
Christianity once had the same type of followers as Islam, those who would kill people who insulted their religion. The difference is that Christianity went through a period of reform where the views and methods began to change toward a more peaceful tolerant religion. Islam never had this stage and until it does, will be at war with all those who do not follow.

Re: Muslims and the Pope
Monday, September 18, 2006 11:05 AM on
degenerated wrote:As for the Pope, use your freakin' head man. Regardless of what context you meant, somebody, somewhere in the vatican should have gone, "Uh, maybe we should scratch that comment...I predict some, uh, unpleasantness."

Maybe this Pope is looking to start a holy war, we'll have to see if this is an isolated incident or the tip of the iceberg. Now that there are more Catholic churches being burned down the Pope may call for a "righteous movement" or some other euphemism.


John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
Re: Muslims and the Pope
Monday, September 18, 2006 12:07 PM on

It's a religion of peace and tolerance, just don't piss them off even by accident or they'll kill your judeo-xtian ass.
Re: Muslims and the Pope
Monday, September 18, 2006 2:07 PM on
^^ You'd think that a country that can print such lovely signs could have some kind of dental program... Dude has "summer teeth", Summer there, some are missing.


John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
Re: Muslims and the Pope
Monday, September 18, 2006 11:39 PM on
You see that shaweet head rag? I got one of those! Just thought I would put that out. My halloween costume is going to be freaking "teh bomb". Litterally!

Suspension Division - "Handling Before Horsepower"
Making the turns since 1999
1998 EK Civic Hatch - Yes, it's a Honda.

Re: Muslims and the Pope
Friday, September 22, 2006 4:59 PM on
An italian nun in africa, i believe, was killed by a muslim, and they think it was related to what the pope said. Way to prove the pope wrong, huh

Re: Muslims and the Pope
Saturday, September 23, 2006 4:52 PM on
This reminds me of how Dave Howard, head of the Office of Public Advocate for D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams, had to quit his post when he used the word "Niggardly" and everyone forgot to look in the dictionary and called him a racist.

The origin of "niggard" is unclear, but not its timeline, which predates the N-word in the English language by a couple hundred years at least. "Niggard" comes up as early as Chaucer, late 14th century. The most commonly speculated origin is Scandanavian nig/Old Norse hnoggr, meaning miserly. Don't know how much faith you want to put in Indo-European roots, but one meaning of the root ken- is conjectured to relate a family of words with a connotation implying closing, tightening, or pinching (the family of related words is hypothesized to include such n-words as nap, nibble, nod, nosh, neap, nip). The racial slur "nigger," on the other hand, doesn't enter the lexicon until the 1500's, first as "neger" or "neeger," obviously from the same root as the French negre and Spanish negro, words for the color black, which are derived from the Latin niger.

Using the word Niggardly is no different that calling a guy called Richard "Dick" or a cat "Pussy". There's something really wrong with the world when people start demanding you apologize for their ignorance.
Re: Muslims and the Pope
Sunday, September 24, 2006 7:44 AM on
i think what the pope did was a smart move, sorry for the nun though. He is basically rallying the Catholics together 85% of Europe is Catholic you so now instead of 25% saying that we need to clean up in their and 6% thinking that islam just wants to be alone and is peaceful. that 60% will now see WTF these dudes are crazy, the catholics in europe as well in the U.S will unit together,

And for the Record the Pope didn't apologize he only said he shouldn't have used the phrase, saying i'm sorry and taking something back are two different things.

and as the peaceful part of islam about being kind and peaceful and lovign your nieghbors... thats only if your nieghbors are believers. We INFIDELS(aka any other religion thats not islam) are not included in that...

Think about it these people are so brain wahsed would you want to be by a worshipping area when their leaders all on one day in the united states says Allah wants us to fight the Infidals?? how many do you think will come out and start randomly killnig people?

I know that last sentence is a bit far fetched and hopefully will never happen but if their so easy to follow their religious leaders no matter how crazy what says it couldn't happen.

Re: Muslims and the Pope
Wednesday, September 27, 2006 5:12 AM on
The Catholics and the Muslims are on the same team anyway even though they do not know it nor would they admit it. Just more of the same that has been going on for centuries.

Chris Crossont
A.H.M. Performance
Baltimore, MD
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