Exclusive J's Webpage? - Page 3 - Mid East Region Forum

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Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Saturday, July 30, 2005 8:55 AM
hey guys sorry its been soo long..i just got back from florida..sounds like u guys got ur hands full on some really great ideas..this is kickin off pretty damn good

Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Saturday, July 30, 2005 3:14 PM
Mark Futey wrote:hey guys sorry its been soo long..i just got back from florida..sounds like u guys got ur hands full on some really great ideas..this is kickin off pretty damn good

who are you?


we're going to surprise visit you one day, so you can meet the Exclusive J's. Would you like to join our car club? We're getting the window decals here in the next few weeks, whenever we can all meet up to have them put on.

Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Saturday, July 30, 2005 5:06 PM
oh....my....god....he speaks.....nah andy, your price sounds cool, if i cant get my dude to do one, im ganna have you get one for me, ill let ya know.

Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Saturday, July 30, 2005 5:10 PM
NICE sig man

Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Saturday, July 30, 2005 5:32 PM
Hey Keith, can you see the sig yet?

How about you come over here and get it put on as well. My price was with installation, and any color. Tell you what, you come over, and we'll feed you, and that goes for all of you (Exclusive J's and guest only this time please). Lasagna, how's that sound? We'll get all the club stuffs going, get the banners put on, and set up the next meeting as well. I say we meet at Don's house in the near future as well, to have a house warming type of gathering. Then one at your house Keith, same thing, a sort of a house warming thing. Then before you head out to school Keith, we'll have to have some kind of meet to see you off.

Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Saturday, July 30, 2005 7:46 PM
don looking really good, cant wait for it to be fully functional.

Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Saturday, July 30, 2005 9:17 PM
Alright guyz this is what me and andy need now we need pictures of your car that you want on the web site so we can make thumbnails and everytihng else with them so send them to me at Jrickard19@aol.com not sure what andys is off the top of my head im tired so off to bed i go... hope you all like it...

Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Saturday, July 30, 2005 9:24 PM
andy has the only pics online of my car right now,so yea

Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Sunday, July 31, 2005 12:25 AM
Ok, I got the site up and going, at least as far as I could figure out how to.

Don, all the links need to be updated to the new location. Look at "menu.html" for the changes, you should be able to tell what I did. It loads like 200 times faster off my server than off the genocities one.

AOL broadband gives unlimited picture storage, we might be able to link from there for our site pics, to save room. Otherwise, I have to pay for the extra space, and at a $1 a MB, it can add up quick, it's still cheaper than our own domain ($12 a month minimum), since I have to pay for my internet (Road Runner) anyway, and I have a good amount of space left.

How many of us are on Broadband (Road Runner, AOL, ETC.), most of them give free space of some sort to customers. I get 5MB (I have another 5MB elsewhere) and if any one else would like to donate, it would be appreciated.

my email (one of them anyway) is hotbug1776atneo.rr.com, or hit me up on AIM/ICQ,MSN,or YIM, it should be on all the time, just away. OH, and I should have my broadband phone here in the next week, so I'll be giving whoever needs it my number, but please keep it out of the public eye (LOL)

Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Monday, August 01, 2005 5:46 PM
hey keith just wondering, who shaved your inner tail lights, i have a plan if lee still has his trunk lid......and with that, lee do you still have that trunk lid, if you do ill buy it off you.thx

Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Monday, August 01, 2005 6:58 PM
Wow, you guys are busy, its all looking good, Ill post again when I have more time

last name is Toney

and Tony - yes I still have the white one, make an offer and its yours........make a CHEAP offer if you want


Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Monday, August 01, 2005 7:18 PM
man, i hate doing this, 20 bucks and i can pick it up thursday if ud like

Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Monday, August 01, 2005 7:20 PM
o and about going to andys sometime, how to get thne vynals done we go on sat aug 13? its the last sat ill have free for a cpl weeks, if not ill have to go and buy it myself that day. its a week from this sat, i need to know soon so i can ask for it off on weds. let me know

Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Monday, August 01, 2005 11:29 PM
we need to confirm so I can make an appointment for the vinyl guy. He also needs a day to make the decals, and 50% down on the order. the price is only good on 5 or more so...

1. Andy - hotbug1776
2. Tony Wise
3. Don - donsextremecavy
4. Keith - black widow cavy (putting on your self? price may be lower)

one more and we get the $20.00 installed price. I may be able to cover the 50%, but I would need the money back ASAP, since I'm on 40 hours until my back is better.

Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Tuesday, August 02, 2005 4:47 AM
is this for aug 13^^^or am i stupid and missed a date somewhere?

Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Tuesday, August 02, 2005 4:51 AM
Tony - $20 will take it. I can meet you somewhere, or I can give directions to my house, whatever you want.

Ill be the fifth for the decals


Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Tuesday, August 02, 2005 5:07 AM
thank you, just give me directions to your house and what time to pick it up on thursday. thats awesome, now i just need to find someone to shave the inners

Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Tuesday, August 02, 2005 9:53 AM
If it's a steel trunk lid consider it done Tony. Shaved in one day, easy.

Heck, we could probably make a small pan and move the license plate, LOL, or shave the plate as well and mount the plate in a new bumper.

August 13th...Club Decal meet...appointment time to come soon.

1. Andy - hotbug1776
2. Tony Wise
3. Don - donsextremecavy
4. Keith - black widow cavy (putting on your self? price may be lower)
5. Lee Toney
6. ?

Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Tuesday, August 02, 2005 9:56 AM
ud have to ask lee if its steel, ha i really dont know. hopefully it is and maybe we could do it on the 13th if we have time?ill let you know the rest of my plan later

also maybe its just my comp, but why arnt the buttons working on the site?

Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Tuesday, August 02, 2005 8:28 PM
try it now and let me know its working for me...

Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Tuesday, August 02, 2005 10:12 PM

Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Tuesday, August 02, 2005 11:45 PM
this may sound stupid, but when you overwrite the "menu.html" file make sure you get the old one off the server first, change the old one to what you want, then put it back on. I'll email you the reason why Don. you're gonna love it.

Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Wednesday, August 03, 2005 5:13 AM
Danget... im dumb i should of seen that... thanks man ill make sure to watch it now when ichange stuff...

Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Wednesday, August 03, 2005 11:53 PM
Do we have Futey? you comin Mark, this is your baby after all.

Re: Exclusive J's Webpage?
Friday, August 05, 2005 7:12 AM
hey guys.
just one more banner to go...Mark, you got any more pics I can use?

I emailed all of you, hope you got it. important stuff in there. please feel free to write me back.

we still need more pix for the site. I can photoshop them to be small in file size, so lets get some nice ones to me.

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