Amy Gothic Cavi


Location: Central MO
Joined: Monday, December 1, 2003
Last Update: Saturday, September 4, 2010


 2001 Chevrolet Cavalier Sedan - red...yellow flames

Birthday: November 1, 1983
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Long Term Relationship
Ethnicity: Caucasian (White)
Education: Post-Graduate
Occupation: volunteer firefighter and EMT
About Me:  I love to work on cars!! (especially mine!) I do my own work because it isn't worth it to pay someone else to do something you can do yourself. It means much more when you build your own dreams rather than someone else building them for you. Bloody knuckles never killed anyone!
I have 11 piercings and 10 tattoos
I have my EMT-B license and have just finished paramedic school. Just gotta finish those clinicals! I am a volunteer firefighter for Boone County Fire Protection District, and have been a station resident for over 4 years.

Hobbies/Interests:  Working on my Baby, getting tattoos and piercings, coloring my hair a new color every other week, singing, firefighting, emergency medicine.

What's New:  My car just hit 100K miles :) Most people would not like that, but I got this car new from the Chevy dealer. There are lots of memories!

Favorite Quote:  Everyone dies but not everyone lives! BAD A$$ TOYS AREN'T JUST FOR BOYS!!

Dream Car: VIPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (black of course)

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