I'm so there!! I'll be rolling up from KY in a caravan hopefully, so maybe we will hit up the cincy guys on the way up

I am also waiting on the hotel info...

Proud member of Jbody of Kentucky ... Click on sig to go!
Badcavy7 wrote:Oh and real quick, i'm not sure but if there is anyone driving from missouri, or through it, or anywhere near it, please let me know because i have a couple guys who wanna come but aren't sure about the drive. So any help in that area would be great. Thanks again
Let me know.. Im 99.9% sure myself and BluZip01 are coming(leaving from STL)... Im sure I will gather some others as well... I dont need a route(I've done this drive many times over the last 5 years)

P&P Tuning
420.5whp / 359.8wtq
Rosario - Not a problem, I'll need your help as much as possible with setting up the caravan from your area since you obviously know your area FAR better than I do. Basically when it comes closer to Bash time we'll get in contact and you'll relay your guys route and I'm going to relay it to everyone else that way everyone can join together as you pass through the states.

its VINTAGE bike week, no super bike weekend. If it was super bike weekend, we'd have to reschedule completely cuz NO ONE would have room. The holiday inn is likely out of the equation, FAR more money, and they don't have the openings they said they did. I'll be visiting the hotels tomorrow evening and will be announcing upon my trip home as to which location. I wanna scout pools, bars, parking and see who's gonna be the best host.
Oh that sucks, i was really looking forward to the holiday inn in ashland(prices seemed really fair when talking on the phone with the lady but who knows)
Try to keep it in a safe area obviously. I think I mentioned before to you that we should look into hotels with rooms that open to the outside.
1. We can park in front of our rooms, which makes it easier to keep an eye on our cars.
2. We can all be outside without having to pass the lobby every time or walk through hallways...
3. I want to bring my bike inside lol
location is going to be VERY safe...I'd park my car outside unlocked unsupervised...and not lose a peep of sleep. The state highway patrol is less then half a mile away...not too many gonna pull @!#$ this close. Holiday inn wants 129/night...I got 2 hotels less then a mile from it, sayin 89 and 75...which do you prefer? haha I don't know which rooms open to the outside so we'll see tomorrow...I'll try to factor it in, but no promises. 75 dollar one has first floor outside access, and upper floors are indoor access...just wait till tomorrow we're talking less then 24 hours before we swarm their phone lines
Boardorgohome wrote:i want a mo'@!#$ hot tub
Haha thats what I want.
Paul that sounds like a great price. (They must have misquoted me) Let us know..and whats it take to book a room? Down Payment or anything?
usually just a credit card number, nothin gets charged to it though unless you don't show
just remember to post the info when you get it.

DTP I am down... my fiance' and I will be coming if everything goes right...
can you hit me up on aim later on tonight?
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
Estimated Drving Time: 29 hours, 10 minutes
Estimated Distance: 1980.70 miles
Wow thats one heck of a trip for a j-body meet. I don't know, I just don't know........ but it would be nice to meet some of you guys in person. And party with some of you. LOL
Though I have made the drive before years ago in High School...... so it wouldn't be too unfamiliar...... I don't know.......
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Friday, January 19, 2007 5:36 AM
ImPhat0260/Cavattack2000 wrote:Badcavy7 wrote:Oh and real quick, i'm not sure but if there is anyone driving from missouri, or through it, or anywhere near it, please let me know because i have a couple guys who wanna come but aren't sure about the drive. So any help in that area would be great. Thanks again
Let me know.. Im 99.9% sure myself and BluZip01 are coming(leaving from STL)... Im sure I will gather some others as well... I dont need a route(I've done this drive many times over the last 5 years)
Brandon and I will most likely go... but after the 05 Bash, I am not sure how I feel about a caravan
...maybe if I can be the caboose??
How long of a drive is it for us Ryan?
lil cox wrote:ImPhat0260/Cavattack2000 wrote:Badcavy7 wrote:Oh and real quick, i'm not sure but if there is anyone driving from missouri, or through it, or anywhere near it, please let me know because i have a couple guys who wanna come but aren't sure about the drive. So any help in that area would be great. Thanks again
Let me know.. Im 99.9% sure myself and BluZip01 are coming(leaving from STL)... Im sure I will gather some others as well... I dont need a route(I've done this drive many times over the last 5 years)
Brandon and I will most likely go... but after the 05 Bash, I am not sure how I feel about a caravan
...maybe if I can be the caboose??
How long of a drive is it for us Ryan?
im guessing around 7-8 hours for you guys. maybe have to stop at indy to pick up those of us coming if we head out that early. not sure yet.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/sndsgood/ https://www.facebook.com/#!/Square1Photography
When Paul Posts the Hotel Info...dont get all jumpy and grab a room...(Unless paul reserved a block of rooms near each other) Post up and we will see if we can get rooms near each other...
for guys that are driving from STL i appreciate the help, i will get the guys information so you can give it too him. I think he might be new to the JBO scene so i wanna make sure hes here for the parties and everything. lol. His myspace account says hes from Lone Jack, Missouri, so where ever that is. Once i get some contact information i will let ya guys know. Thanks

Paul and I went and visted ALL of the hotels in the area that have enough open blocks to support us. We will not have "official" group rates until Monday morning. Please do not attempt to make any reservations before then UNLESS YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT GETTING THE GROUP DISCOUNT RATE.
On this same road, is multiple gas stations, restaurants (Denny's, Perkins, McDonalds - all open 24 hours), Wendys & Bob Evans, Wal-Mart (Also 24 Hours), Home Depot, and also a grocery store.
It's an overall nice & quiet neighborhood with good security. It's located approximately 15-20 minutes from the track.
Any questions,
email me, or contact

YEAH! what he said

I just couldn't get the announcement ready for tonight...so you'll have to wait till monday...so put your credit cards away for tonight...save em for monday

Look for the announcement sometime late morning early afternoon!
wow... i thought it would be further from me... id love to make it... *sigh... next year bitches!
Will they allow camping at the track for this event? The link for camping at the MMS site is not working.
Ill wait until after Monday to reserve..
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
going for sure, and ken you better still come i want to run a vette

R.I.P. Brian Klocke, you will never be forgotten
jbodyho wrote:DTP,
Will they allow camping at the track for this event? The link for camping at the MMS site is not working.
YES....camping at the track will be allowed...I already know of a few people thinking we should do that instead of a host hotel, but I just don't think people would prefer pitchin a tent to a nice hotel.