I just called my bank for a different reason but did go ahead and confirm what he said. They WILL be requiring the 3 months deferred and the current payment on the 4th month. As they said, it isn't an extension of the loan. I am not speculating as to the reason behind doing it this way, but I can imagine there will be a lot of folks in hot water when 4 payments are due in 4 months if they deferred those payments.
The key to what you said here is the "CURRENT payment on the 4th month" - that means ONLY the payment of month #4 is due...
Now I see where you guys are making that left turn at Albuquerque…let me try and explain this again.
Let’s say you took out a 30-year mortgage in September of 2012; and let’s say the payments were a nice even $1000 each month. This would make payment #1 due on October 1, 2012, and payment 360 – the final payment, due on September 1, 2042.
If this was like a car payment in the 20th Century, you would receive a payment book with a slip to turn in with each payment, showing you the amount of that payment, and the final one would not have a dollar figure attached to it. There would be no dollar figure because the bank couldn’t predict the future when you signed the loan, and there was no way to know what extra payments you might make over the life of the loan, or if you would miss any payments in that time either.
So, what happens with deferred payments? Well, this is like the last page of that payment book, for the stuff the bank couldn’t predict when you signed the loan.
Now, back to that 30-year mortgage you took out in September of 2012…
April 2020 is payment #91, May #92, June #93, July #94. These payments are deferred. This does not mean you must give the bank the total value of payments #91-#94, plus #95 in August of 2020, or $5000. Nope, you only owe the bank payment #95 in August of 2020.
But what happens to the deferred payments of #91-#94?
Remember that blank slip at the end of the payment book – THIS is where those deferred payments become due.
At this point, you’ll have a few options:
1. You could pay it in a lump sum because you got lucky and found a big bag of money on the street in August of 2042.
2. The bank will know you don’t have that cash laying around because you forgot about those deferred payments and allow you to get a home equity loan for it (because let’s face it, at this time you have near 100% equity).
However, what will most likely happen with most of the people who get deferred payments is they will sell their homes long before the final payment on their house, and that outstanding balance including the deferred payments will be paid at that time.
So once again, like I’ve stated before, banks want to be in the money business, not in the real estate business. Remember what happened in 2008 when people walked away from their homes and owed tons of money. This caused the banks to own real estate they didn’t want, people’s credit was in the crapper so there wasn’t anyone to loan money to, and home values dropped and the banks were forced to sell that real estate they didn’t want at a loss.
Trust me, banks don’t want this to happen again, that’s why they are acting like the good guys right now with deferred payment plans, because the alternative is not the outcome they want.
Oh, and one other option you have is to take the dollar amount of the deferred payments (in my example that would be $4000), and divide that by the number of remaining payments (in my example that would be 265), and pay that amount extra each month for the remainder of the loan so it doesn't bite you on the butt at the end.
No, I confirmed with my bank, Chase Mortgage, that all 4 payments will be due on the 4th month. I spoke with them directly and asked that exact question. The 3 months are NOT extended to the end of the loan. All 3 PLUS the 4th will be due on the 4th month payment date.
While it still is possible that the individual with whom I was speaking with at Chase did not know what they were talking about, that is how they explained it.
Think about it this way: what good would that do anyone, the customer or the bank?
Beats me, but that is the info I received.
Whats going on guys? I have been semi busy with work and things around the house weather permitting lately.Anyhow I starting poking around my J stuff (part numbers,sites and just plain old searching).For some reason it has LIT a FIRE in me to pursue some Ideas and Even plan on going to the Junkyard(I cant recall when I last went ).There is 1 car that has peaked my interest and know it should be intact as Most older js just are not liked by most as keepers.I have just went on photo bukkie and deleted as many photos that I do not use either here or on another site which at present is OFFline and no back up for mazda truck guys like me.So I figure to get my More important pics to show minus the stupid water mark I would delete enough below the 250 pic threshhold to keep it free for me,I refuse to pay when imo the ads they run surely ARE paying the bills.SO that said will keep you posted as things fall in place.I have no idea what provoked the GO get re interested but,I think the prospects at the junkyard is 1 ,possible new old stock items, etc.I reallly kind of lost the Drive but thats due to alot of things that preoccupy my time IN general life and not a car that stays covered in my garage out of the elements and not a daily driver.WHo knows maybe you guys will have the Interest POP up for you and maybe frequent this site a Touch MORE.R
http://www.collectorsautosupply.com Check out this site for a variety of Jbody items!! Came across this saturday and they do carry some pretty good stuff for cavs,birds,did not see if firenza or cimmaron etc .Prices are not to bad either.I did not walk thru it all,but I did some tonight and I am def going back,A new hood insulating pad is something I would Like to get.Used ones are well typically toast.
Nice to see you're still around Ron

With my latest Stimulus money I went to the local pick a part JY and picked up a set of bigger rims for the Saturn for $50 so I'd have more tire choices than the 14's that originally came with the car, had to settle for Steels as all the aluminum ones were all gone. Bought new tires too and glad I did as the car had no problem getting thru the snow we got yesterday.
Didn't see any 1st or 2nd gen J body's but there were a handful of 3rd gen ones. One was a really nice convertible, I'm assuming the engine or transmission went to car heaven as the body was 99% rust free and the top was in decent condition.
Hope everybody has a good 2021
Well the storms we got Tuesday night put the final nail in the coffin for the Cavalier

. Several large tree branches fell on my dad's garage and the hood of the Cavy so to the junkyard in the sky she goes. Sad part is if my dad wasn't such a procrastinator and would have got the tree cut down last year when he was warned that it was rotting from the inside out this would have never happened. One of the branches landed in the neighbor's patio so they called me up at 6am

to me; told them why are you waking me up, IT'S NOT MY

HOUSE!!! I grabbed the badges off it today just to have some mementos. Pisses me off I won't see a dime in insurance money on both the cars I had stored there since he won't file a claim because his deductible to high and rates would go up, well boo freaking hoo why the hell have insurance if you're never going to use it when you need it. If he wasn't such a hoarder one of the cars would've been protected in the garage instead of both going to the junkyard. Then again it looks like the garage will have to be demolished because it now leans to the right.
At the moment I'm not sure what I'll do with the parts that Ron got for me but if I get rid of them I'll post here to see who needs them.
Wow, sorry to hear this Spike.
My other hobby is rebuilding chainsaws. So while I wait for parts, I am usually working on them or the "honey-do" list around the house.
And THAT went on the wrong thread.
Sorry guys.
I found that on page 11 of this thread on Tuesday, May 07, 2019 9:50 PM - the name changed from "What things are you busy with that side track your car work" to "Re: Wheel Bearings from China" for some reason or another.
Strange but True
Which is what confused me. Lol
butch nackley wrote:Wow, sorry to hear this Spike.
I'd love for it to go to someone as a parts car knowing it can somewhat live on in another J but one local junkyard shot me a email with a $400 offer and that at the moment can help pay some bills. All the chrome and glass besides the windshield is good as well as the fenders, bumpers, head tail and side marker lights. Door bottoms are shot though and the hood is dented.
Are you parting it out?
If so, what year model is it?
I have an 87 that might could help part of your car live on in another.
Mathew Hays wrote:Are you parting it out?
If so, what year model is it?
I have an 87 that might could help part of your car live on in another.
1989 Cavalier VL sedan. Not parting out, whole car would have to go. Just posting what's good for anyone willing to make the trip to whatever junkyard it ends up in.
Got ya.
Sorry to hear about your troubles.
It's at the Junkyard LKQ Toledo Hangman Road off of Alexis. They usually only keep the cars in the pick your part section for about a month so if you need parts get there as soon as you can.