4 or 5 point seat harness street legal in Texas any one know i hope so thanks for your time......
No. Not legal in any state. I've never been stopped for mine though and they've been in more than 10 states in the last 2 years.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
granted this is nc, i got pulled over for the cop seeing the stock buckle in the window, so he came up, saw the harness, and apoligized and started shootin the @!#$ for a hot minute... it was pretty funny i thought... he just asked if it had the DOT tag, and i told him "of course, why would i use it otherwise" and he was like, ok, have a good day
ive been pulled over a few times with my harnesses on and no issues whatsoever.....NY state i will add, where they suck about that stuff. i get more probs for tint or no front plate
Don't understand why they wouldn't be legal since they are safer then normal seatbelts (if hooked up correctly). I was looking into getting some for mine to go with the seats. Anyone know a good place to start for some 4-point harnesses?
Well thats why I mentioned if they are used/hooked up correctly. Half the people out there just rig their harnesses up to the bolts under their seat and thats a BIG no-no. Either have to bolt them under the rear seat, or the roll cage (best method).
This doesn't hinder drivers or hurt the enviroment so I don't think the off road use applies
on this. I've searched through the Cali. veh. code book and it doesn't say anything on 4 or 5-pt
harnesses. As a matter of fact the NHTSA, NTSB and all the the abbreviations,say child seats
should a have a 5-pt harness, so what's the difference. As long as the harnesses are anchored
properly and used correctly it shouldn't be a problem. If someone finds written law against these
then please post. We could guess all day but it won't help. If you want to go deeper then check with your
local DMV or go to your State Troopers office. They are supposed to be the experts.
They are NOT STREET LEGAL AND LISTED FOR OFF ROAD ONLY. Go look at ANY major manufactures site and you'll see this. Not a hard concept to understand. Basically you CAN use them but it's at YOUR risk and no one elses.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
I sell these things. I have to know this.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
Bad Boy P-Noy wrote:This doesn't hinder drivers or hurt the enviroment so I don't think the off road use applies
on this. I've searched through the Cali. veh. code book and it doesn't say anything on 4 or 5-pt
harnesses. As a matter of fact the NHTSA, NTSB and all the the abbreviations,say child seats
should a have a 5-pt harness, so what's the difference. As long as the harnesses are anchored
properly and used correctly it shouldn't be a problem. If someone finds written law against these
then please post. We could guess all day but it won't help. If you want to go deeper then check with your
local DMV or go to your State Troopers office. They are supposed to be the experts.
Yeah almost any harness you read will have a disclaimer on th box or item itself saying it is for off road use only and not street legal. that is all the cops need. also when looking up codes about 4 or 5 point harnesses your somewhat looking in the wrong direction. what you want to do is look up about saftey devices. most codes say it is illegal to remove any saftey device that came from the factory.
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Schroth is the only company I know that makes street legal belts
Schroth Website wrote:Street Legal Harnessbelts
Schroth's Street Legal belts are perfect for the Autocross course, or for the driver who occasionally runs track events in his street car. They are legal for road use in the USA and are approved by almost all track organizations. They meet all federal regulations for use as a primary vehicle restraint.
Schroth is the only company that has taken the time to go prove to the DOT that the 5 point harness system is better than the 3 point.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
From Texas' vehicle code:
Sec. 547.601. SAFETY BELTS REQUIRED. A motor vehicle required by Chapter 548 to be inspected shall be equipped with front safety belts if safety belt anchorages were part of the manufacturer's original equipment on the vehicle.
Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 165, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1995.
545.412 (abridged by me)
(3) "Safety belt" means a lap belt and any shoulder
straps included as original equipment on or added to a vehicle.
(4) "Secured," in connection with use of a safety
belt[0], means using the lap belt and any shoulder straps according to
the instructions of:
(A) the manufacturer of the vehicle, if the
safety belt is original equipment; or
(B) the manufacturer of the safety belt, if the
safety belt has been added to the vehicle.
These are the only references to seat belts I found during a quick search of
Texas Statutes. Notice there are no specifications about the belts. So just by that quick search, harnesses look legal. Extremely stupid without a full cage, but not illegal. Remember this was just a quick search, do some research and read the laws for yourself, then decide.
thanks MIKE yeah im going to call my DPS office and ask and i'll reply to inform what they say....
I completely agree, but however, why the @!#$ would (for example Sparco) say "NOT STREET LEGAL AND LISTED FOR OFF ROAD ONLY" ???
I would think that racing IS a more dangerious sport than driving down the road....

Portage, MI
-ruen- wrote:I completely agree, but however, why the @!#$ would (for example Sparco) say "NOT STREET LEGAL AND LISTED FOR OFF ROAD ONLY" ???
I would think that racing IS a more dangerious sport than driving down the road....
Because safety testing is a LONG and
EXPENSIVE process. Its cheaper for Sparco to just say "Off Road Use Only".
You'll also notice that racing approved harnesses have an expiration date.
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Shifted wrote:-ruen- wrote:I completely agree, but however, why the @!#$ would (for example Sparco) say "NOT STREET LEGAL AND LISTED FOR OFF ROAD ONLY" ???
I would think that racing IS a more dangerious sport than driving down the road....
Because safety testing is a LONG and EXPENSIVE process. Its cheaper for Sparco to just say "Off Road Use Only".
You'll also notice that racing approved harnesses have an expiration date.
and.... when they put them in a race car, they also put in a roll cage. The roll cage is what prevents the driver from suffering massive head injuries in a rollover. That is another reason not to use them on the street, you will get hurt badly in a rollover
How would you like the opinion of an acutal texas state safety inspector??
As state above if a vehicle CAME with a lap belt with anchors there must be a belt atached to those achors...as an inspector ive never failed anyone for having a harness as long as it is installed properly..i brought this up to my inspection supervisor when i SHOWED him MY harness..he had no problem with it...i have mine attached to my floor anchors...i even asked about the shoulder strap and he said that a "shoulder strap is not a lap belt"
Im sure alot of you may disagree with this but like i said since ive been an inspector ive never failed one or heard of anyone failing one for having a harness..just make sure you have it on if you get pulled over
also..i asked about the driver side "seat anchor" if you dont have a stock seat then there is no anchor..properly anchoring your belt to the floor WILL be considered an anchor and should pass..of course your gonna have differing opinions on this but this is the answer i got.....you can call whoever you want..but look at it like this....before i was an inspector i tried to have blue lights under my car..so i called the STATE headquarters and asked about it if there was anyway i could make them legal...the inspector there said" i dont see any problem with it if it doesnt flash or blink,especially if the bulbs arnt visible" .. talk about just asking for trouble lol i removed them shortly afterward lol
problem being is a cop can still ticket you and showing a printing off the org to the judge will not help you.
shifted hit things on the nail. to get things approved cost allot of "MONEY" and if a company like sparco can just stick for off road use on it, and still have people buying them up by the boatloat then thats what they will do. this is also the day an age where people sue you for anything and everything. putting for off road use on them gets rid of a ton of liability.
545.412 (abridged by me)
(3) "Safety belt" means a lap belt and any shoulder
straps included as original equipment on or added to a vehicle.
important words here are original equipment. 3,4,5 point harnesse's are not original equipment. or added to a vehicle refers to adding original equipment to the vehicle as in the car was in an accident and the seatbelt became torn. so a new (original seatbelt) is put in to replace it.
if you go by that then 3,4,5 point harness's would not be defined as a saftey belt.
that is just one way of reading a code. the question comes down to wich way the cop and the judge read it.
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problem being is a cop can still ticket you
in which case you simply go get another inspection sticker ($30) and go get the ticket dropped....