I just can't keep looking at this thread anymore. It's forcing me to want to put more money into mine, which is not something I want to do, as I already have enough into it, lol.
Gary Frank wrote:god dammit, putting ideas in my head, i'm supposed to be stopping this @!#$ lol, that's a badass idea!! for sure consider it if i ever fined a set of sides. Perhaps even cut the vent sections out and swap em side to side to make the face out back might be a possibility as-well.
I've still gotta get pics of my tow hook mount, pretty sure it was you vince that was intrested in seeing it.
correct I do want to see your tow mount but my FMIC screws me up with tow mounts
My dream would have been to make my exhaust exit out of the sideskirt with a tear drop exhaust plate like on the fender exits that cars do. Would be bad ass...