and BTW thank you to every member of the military past or present.
i hope that *ucker burns in the lowest pit of hell. obama will take credit but thank god for gw bush for putting the people in place that actually carried out the missions. leave his body on the white house lawn as a message for the rest of them.
Prove that he is dead. Release the pictures of his dead body. Kinda funny that he has already been buried at sea.
sndsgood: while that may be true (and i'm not saying one way or another) it just brings up the question of "why didnt they show proof?" right from the beginning. i mean that should nip 99% of the distrust and conspiracy theories right in the butt. like had obama shown his birth cert immediately when it was brought up, we wouldnt have had the past 3 years of people saying he wasnt born here, would we? sure a few people would still believe it, but not the 40+% of americans like there were.
same deal here: "hey, we killed bin laden and here's the same proof that we've given for every other terrorist we've killed, up to and including saddam" is a much, much more convincing statement than "oh yeah, we killed the most sought after fugitive in the world last week then buried him at sea without taking any pictures. but we got dna evidence so you'll just have to trust us." i mean how can you NOT question that?
even if it is 100% legit, the way they are going about it is either completely stupid or purposely shady, and given the current state of political debate in our country, you KNOW it will only lead to more questions being raised. and this all right before the 10th anniversary and the political season starting, its just too easy to believe that it could be a political ploy.
again im not saying one way or the other, but i just hate it when they do @!#$ like this when they could so easily avoid a controversy to begin with.
well they will know if new videos come up showing osama. it would be really idiotic for them to fake it to try to get re-elected. do you know how many millions of people would hate them for the rest of there lives if it was just a cheap attempt at a vote grab. they would likely have to have 24/ protection for ever. im not an obama fan, but i dont think he is that stupid.
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sndsgood wrote:well they will know if new videos come up showing osama. it would be really idiotic for them to fake it to try to get re-elected. do you know how many millions of people would hate them for the rest of there lives if it was just a cheap attempt at a vote grab. they would likely have to have 24/ protection for ever. im not an obama fan, but i dont think he is that stupid.
gotta agree with this. as much as i want to see pictures, not releasing them at this point MIGHT be a better idea.
as a society, perhaps not. but as humans we unfortunately do. many people need that as part of their closure. i mean think of how many tens of thousands of close family members and friends were directly affected by over 3k people dying on that one day. now think of the other millions of people who need some form of closure for their own reasons. weve spent 10 years, billions of dollars, and lost thousands of more lives all over the middle east all in the name of hunting this one man. the people deserve to have some sense of finality in this measure, even if you dont personally need it yourself.
and like i said above, im def not saying hes alive, but its just shady the way they went about all of this. if anything, id be more likely to believe hes in some bunker somewhere being tortured to hell to get some secrets out of him.
Maybe the Whitehouse will release proof of Bin Ladin's death in 3 years, while making a statement that it's a foolish distraction, and they need to move past "all this silliness."
Closure is in knowing he is dead. a picture won't change that. people only wanna see it because they know there is a picture out there. i think that is the biggest factor in all of this. no diffrent then a car wreck. people have to slow down and look at the car wreck, in this instance they are upset because they didnt get to see the wreck.
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its more than morbid curiosity. its a psychological component that is missing from the equation. you can tell a scared kid that the boogeyman isnt under his bed but he wont believe it until you get down on the floor with him and pull up the sheets to show him that nothing is there. same deal here.
thats why family members of a murdered person are invited to a killer's execution...to let them see that the person is dead with their own eyes. thats what a picture would provide in this case. seeing the cause of so much pain in a person's life actually dead in a photograph will allow that person so much more closure than just saying "yeah, we got him and dumped him and wont show you any proof".
and people look at a car wreck out of curiosity, not because they want to see blood and guts and disgusting stuff, but just to see what happened. big difference than whats going on here.
the reason he was buried at sea was because of the islamic tradition of burial within 24 hours. DNA samples were collected; and confirmed before the announcement was made. he may have been dead longer than for a couple weeks now before they made the anouncement.
also the photo probably will not be released; to prevent him from further becoming a martyr; or upset those oh-so-sensitive muslims who cry foul of such depictions.
that's not how the US operates--we don't do a somalia, we don't do a nick berg, or a margaret hassan, or a kenneth bigley. we say, "we got your guy, and we treated his body with respeck, brah"
and before you go, "oh snap sadaam sadaam sadaam lololol" no. just no, you ig-nor-ant piece of crap. NO. you are wrong, and STFU.
new drink called a bin laidin ---its two shots and chased with a splash of water.
i dont like the excuse that they arent showing the pics just to try and keep from inciting the militant muslims. i mean seriously...is there anything we could do to make them hate us any more?
it really is in poor taste to celebrate the undignified killing of a human being; no matter how evil that person is. the 1 second after death photo probably won't be released; it's pretty gruesome; but the photos of the body aboard the naval vessel after his brain was stuffed back in through his eye sockets and ears; and the blood and dirt cleaned up, and his body dressed or at least covered may be released as public record.
i hardly think that being glad someone responsible for thousands of deaths all over the world is finally dead himself is in poor taste. we should be able to celebrate that he met his justice and that we wont ever have to worry about him again. there is nothing wrong with that.
so what you're saying is; that decapitating a jewish person over an american flag, and celebrating it after 9/11 as an effigy to israel and the united state's encroachment on muslim life is in good taste? i mean, if you're a muslim, right? that's totally okay to celebrate?
How is that the same as what Ben said? I don't see it being anywhere near the same. Did that specific Jewish person in question order the killing of thousands? Seriously your logic in this argument isn't making any sense. It's almost like you took the "no death should be a celebration" stand and now have to work harder and harder to hold that stand no matter how little sense it makes.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.
what im saying is exactly what i said: the death of someone that killed THOUSANDS of people all around the world is something that we should not be afraid to celebrate. what reasons do you have for thinking that we shouldnt be relieved at their deaths? and with that relief, why should we not be allowed to show it?
if you think otherwise, then give some reasons. are you saying it wasnt ok to celebrate hitler's death? mussolini's? stalin's? saddam's? pol pot's? any other of a number of mass murderers'? why not?
think from the muslim perspective. from the outsider perspective. did you see the helicopter pilots, and delta guys bodies being dragged naked through the streets in somalia; being thrown into the air while cheering? to them, they have the same perspective as you--america is at fault for the starving somalis; for the dead somalis. is it right for them to celebrate the death of an american? have you watched the nick berg decapitation video, or any of them, for that matter, whilst his captors cheered and praised god for their killing? is that right? by your standards, from their perspective. yes. stay classy fellas...stay classy...
he was still a god damn human being. evil, fcuk yeah, but a god damn human god damn be-god damn-ing. celebrate the victory of ST6; or the victory of 'merka. but not the death of a person.
i realize that other people celebrated those things, and i realize why they did. but to me the difference is one member of a helicopter team or a single person of our army is nothing but that: just one small cog in our system and most likely not responsible for any deaths. but bin laden was THE head of a whole terrorist organization. he, again, was responsible for thousands of americans dying as well as thousands of other people all over the globe. now if we celebrated like we did for just one of his foot soldiers dying, then that would be a bit much. but the de facto leader of a whole group of people who have sworn to just one thing, killing americans? and you expect me to cry for his death? no.
at some point you make a choice in your life...a choice to keep your humanity and live like one of the rest of us or to forgo that humanity and live like an animal, killing other humans on this planet for personal or political gains. once you cross that line you lose those basic, intrinsic values that people are born with. once someone has decided to murder and kill people they have decided that other people do not have any value beyond that person's own selfish gains. and once youve made that distinction that other people are not worth something, that they are not worth the basic right of life, then you also make that distinction within yourself.
so, yeah, bin laden at one point was a human being with some form of intrinsic value. but he long ago gave that up when he decided to murder innocent people en masse for no reason. i will not cry for his death because while he shared a human body like most of us, he long ago gave up his humanity by giving up those ideals that set us apart from the animals.