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Re: A Letter To Christians......
Thursday, June 16, 2005 10:21 AM on j-body.org
I'm with Kardain...

As I've said a billion times, a perfect, omniscient God would never have allowed this world.

If you were perfect, would you even entertain the notion of Free Will? How could you?

God may be powerful as all get out, but he's not perfect. Perfection exists as itself, there would be no need for anything else.

Re: A Letter To Christians......
Thursday, June 16, 2005 10:36 AM on j-body.org
perfect is a relative term....therefore God is Perfect, perfect does not have to mean complete, whole, limitless or any other concepts humans attribute to perfection.

if i am working on a car and have PERFECTLY put it together up to a point have i not attained perfection relative to the point i am at.

"If you were perfect, would you even entertain the notion of Free Will? How could you?"

yes if i were perfect and i choose to make the earth free will would be a must. and how could i? simply because of LOVE. love with out free will is not love.
Re: A Letter To Christians......
Thursday, June 16, 2005 11:41 AM on j-body.org
[quote=Keeper of the Light™]hahahah:

Take 6 million out of the WWII figure and add them to religion...unless you believe the Holocaust didn't exist.

Take every people that was killed for being a heretic by the inquisition.

Take every single Aztec that Cortez and his men killed

Take every single Inca that Pizaro and his men killed.

Take every single S.W. Native american that Coronado killed.

Take 9/11

Take Kashmir

Take the Crusades

Take N. Ireland.

Take the current struggle between Isreael and Palestine

It adds up: The point was, more people were killed in the name of God--or more specifically RELIGION than were killed for any other reason. it's not limited to war, nor is it limited to christianity.

As for the argument--i have to say that it was as elitist as the *bad apples* of christianity can be.

How about this: Who cares? Just live your life.

Ummm No.. Hitler hated Jews because he believed they were behind international monetary systems that were destroying Germany's economy, and he felt that they were responsible for the rise in communist movements. It had very little to do with religion. Aside from that, the figure of 6 million is highly contested. I will not enter into that debate. There are few topics that tyou are not allowed to openly discuss in Canada, and that's one. People have gone to jail for having that argument. I'm not touching it.

The inquisition killed few when copmpaired to coventional warfare. Same goes for The Crusades.. I'll trade them for the rise of communism in Cambodia. That should be about equal.

Aztecs and Inca were killed more for gold than religion. Take a look into Spain's debt load at the time and there efforts in South America. You'll see the real motivation was greed, not religion.

Coranado killed for fame and land. Sure he pretended to be Christian, but the true motivator was land and you know it.

9/11 is debatable, but I'll let you have that one. Even if I feel it was more about trying to get the US to stop their detrimental foriegn policy actions in the mid-east.

Kashmir is a despute between to nations (religious basis) over land. They are not shooting at each other because they are Muslim or Hindi, but in an effort to control a very special piece of land with little religious signifigance. If you want to make the argument, I'll hear it. It'll be a tough sell, but easier than Cortez.

The Crusades.. Yuppers.. At least that's how it strated, but of course once the Templars figured out that land=money=power things escelated to a whole new level didn't they. I'll accept Crusades 1 and 2 as religiously motivated. Crusade number 3 was all about greed.

Northern Ireland is based in religion, but the protestant vs. Catholic fight is certainly influenced by the resistance to subjegation fight. Irish people simply don't want to be ruled by the English. Both are true. Some kill because the "enemy" is from a geography, and others because they have certain beliefs. I'll accept that 66% of the killing is religiously motivated.

Isreal vs. Palestine is mostly rooted in religion, I'll accept 80% of the killings.
10s of thousands, maybe even 100s of thousnads. Not millions.

Never has anyone vapourized a couple hundred thousand people at once in the name of religion. Heck, the much better cause of nuclear testing was the reason to flatten Nagasaki. Nice eh.. Let's drop a nuke on a city so we can see what it will do. Really nice.

I'm not saying that killing in the name of religion hasn't happened to a great degree, because it has. What I am saying is that those conflicts tent to be tribal in nature, with primitive weapons, on a much, much, much smaller scale.

The inquisition for example would take a month to move from one town to another and was only carried out when people turned their neighbours in. You can see by this alone that while barbaric and inhumane the process could not have killed many people, it simply took too long to do anything. There was certainly no genocide. It started in fronce in an effort to combat a sect that claimed Satan made man, and God pittied us and gave us a soul. They would have spent days just aguing what the herecy was , then proceed to torture the heretic for days befor even thinking of killing them. Mostly they burt people's fingers and toes, and didn't actually kill them. An ugly period in history for sure, but nothing compaired to the killing fields where people were murdered simply because they wore glasses.

Have a look at this from here

(Possibly) The Twenty (or so) Worst Things People Have Done to Each Other:

Rank Death Toll Cause Centuries
1 55 million Second World War 20C
2 40 million Mao Zedong (mostly famine) 20C
3 40 million Mongol Conquests 13C
4 36 million An Lushan Revolt 8C
5 25 million Manchu Conquest 17C
6 20 million Taiping Rebellion 19C
7 20 million Annihilation of the American Indians 15C-19C
8 20 million Iosif Stalin 20C
9 19 million Mideast Slave Trade 7C-19C
10 18 million Atlantic Slave Trade 15C-19C
11 17 million Timur Lenk 14C-15C
12 17 million British India (mostly famine) 19C
13 15 million First World War 20C
14 9 million Russian Civil War 20C
15 9 million Thuggee 13C-19C
16 8 million Fall of Rome 3C-5C
17 8 million Congo Free State 19C-20C
18 7 million Thirty Years War 17C
19 5 million Russia's Time of Troubles 16C-17C
20 4 million Napoleonic Wars 19C
21 3 million Chinese Civil War 20C
22 3 million Huguenot War 16C

What real historians say:
"The destruction of the Indians of the Americas was, far and away, the most massive act of genocide in the history of the world." David E. Stannard, American Holocaust: the Conquest of the New World (1992) page x
"The Mohammedan Conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history." Will Durant, The Story of Civilization: I - Our Oriental Heritage (1935) page 459
"Little did we guess that what has been called the century of the common man would witness as its outstanding feature more common men killing each other with greater facilities than any other five centuries together in the history of the world." Winston Churchill

Like I said.. The conflicts over religion have been many, but none compare to the killing machines simple greed produces.

Re: A Letter To Christians......
Thursday, June 16, 2005 11:53 AM on j-body.org
Kardain wrote:In order for something to be infinite, there cannot be a termination point. By having such, it creates a finite limit, negating the possibility of infinite.

By definition, infinite is having no boundaries or limits. Where would one place the boundary or limit on the good to make space for the evil?

Therefore, the christian hell cannot exist, as it would negate the infinite presence of the god. Also therefore, god cannot exist. Good must equal evil, evil equals zero since good is infinate, therefore good equals zero, therefore the christian god does not exist.

Christianity has people lead to believe that their god is omniscient. Infinite is one of the definitions of omniscience.


You took a first year college philosophy course and now you think you are an intellectual, don't you?

ToBoGgAn wrote:we are gonna take it in the ass and like it, cause thats what america does.

Slo2pt2 (Projekt Unknown?) wrote:One my SON is ADHD N.O.S and Autistic Spectrum Disorder. I will nto medicate him he will battle throught this himself and learn to control it.

Re: A Letter To Christians......
Thursday, June 16, 2005 12:09 PM on j-body.org
i hope he didn't take a first year college philosophy course and come away with that logic
Re: A Letter To Christians......
Thursday, June 16, 2005 12:48 PM on j-body.org

perfect is a relative term....therefore God is Perfect, perfect does not have to mean complete, whole, limitless or any other concepts humans attribute to perfection.

Relative to what, exactly? It's either perfect or it's not. You can't have something be semi-perfect, that implies imperfection. This is hard to understand?


if i am working on a car and have PERFECTLY put it together up to a point have i not attained perfection relative to the point i am at.

No, you're just in various stages of imperfection. Some less imperfect than others. You could never actually attain perfection. Don't get perfection confused with your own standards.


yes if i were perfect and i choose to make the earth free will would be a must. and how could i? simply because of LOVE. love with out free will is not love.

That doesn't even make sense. Love is an emotion we humans have to signify our attachment and affection to others, because we are a social species. Love isn't necessary for a perfect being...

You know what, it doesn't matter. Arguing on this site is like talking to a brick wall, but I usually get more out of talking to a brick wall.

Re: A Letter To Christians......
Thursday, June 16, 2005 1:12 PM on j-body.org
This guy sure hit the nail on the head , religion is nothing but a contradictory fable, and I find a hard time believing in something wrote 2000 years ago by ppl with less education than todays 12 year olds

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85

Re: A Letter To Christians......
Thursday, June 16, 2005 2:03 PM on j-body.org
Bobo0225 wrote:...although Kardain seems to be holding his own quite nicely.

degenerated wrote:I'm with Kardain...

Thanks guys. Appreciate the support.

Continuing on...

Pretjah wrote:start and zero and count on tell me when you hit infinity? you never will!! what do you do about negative numbers. see positive and negatives can both co-exsist and both be infinite. ie. Good(positive) and evil(negative) can both be infinite and both exsist. in actuality most would argue(and correctly so) that for Good to exsist Evil must also exsist in equalty.

But what if we combine together all the positive numbers (your christian god) with all the negative numbers (your so called "evil")? We can write this as an equation. At first it seems like if we try to sum all numbers into a single ultimate number; if we sum all the positive numbers with all negative numbers, then the total combination of all in question would sum up to zero, as shown below.

(1 + (-1)) + (2 + (-2)) + (3 + (-3)) +... = 0 + 0 + 0 + ... = 0

There cannot be a zero amount of "something" as this would be "nothing",
and there cannot be a non-zero amount of "nothing", as this would be "something".

"Nothing" cannot be "something".

Pretjah wrote:change that word to must-which is impossible cause that would create a limit for the omnipotent being-and your logic would hold true.

however the word CAN means he CAN or CAN NOT by choice of being limitless.

If your god chooses not to be limitless, then it is no longer infinite. There would be a limit to your god's power. With such limit in place, there is room for evil. But as many of the people of the christian religion has said, "God is infinite." So again, I ask the question, infinite or finite? If it is infinite, the rest of the logic holds. If finite, you have not supported your logic by stating, "CAN or CAN NOT by choice of being limitless."

My logic holds true as is. The second premise:


(2) There is no limit to what an omnipotent thing can do.

ties into the third perfectly.


I have not, nor ever will attend a college course in my lifetime.

Re: A Letter To Christians......
Thursday, June 16, 2005 3:21 PM on j-body.org
As for the free-will defense:

God contradicts Free Will of all living beings including itself
List all the pages on Free Will on this site by Vexen

* A benevolent god all-knowing being only has one option in any situation, and that is the option that causes most good. Therefore a perfectly good all-knowing God has no free will.

* An all-knowing god instantly knows all of it's future actions and therefore has no free will to change them. A god with no free will is not moral.

* If an all-powerful and all-knowing God exists then this (by a long chain of cause and effect) denies any free will of any living being.

* If God has free will, but never chooses evil, it is immoral because it could have created life in the same way: With free will, but also never choosing evil. Therefore God must be immoral, not all-powerful or not all-knowing.


That's about all that I will speak of the christian free will defense

Re: A Letter To Christians......
Thursday, June 16, 2005 5:32 PM on j-body.org
dude your logic is horrible!!!

first off INIFINITY does not equal any equation except X+1 or X-1

that is INFINITY!!!!

now as to you assertion that an infinite God cannot choose to become limited that in and of itself is again illogical.

If i go for a drive and have a car that is capable of driving 100 mph but CHOOSE to drive 55 i have not LOST the ability to go 100 MPH

neither does God who by creating our laws of physics entered himself into SPACE and TIME limit his ability to alter those laws at anytime IF he so CHOOSE to.

as back tot he good and evil arguement if one measures something as ultimate EVIL and compares it to ultimate GOOD and puts a divide inbetween...there are still infinite points inbetween those two points by simply using the half way theory.
Re: A Letter To Christians......
Thursday, June 16, 2005 7:05 PM on j-body.org
Pretjah wrote:dude your logic is horrible!!!

first off INIFINITY does not equal any equation except X+1 or X-1

that is INFINITY!!!!

as back tot he good and evil arguement if one measures something as ultimate EVIL and compares it to ultimate GOOD and puts a divide inbetween...there are still infinite points inbetween those two points by simply using the half way theory.

I beg to differ. It is your logic that is flawed.

Infinity must be all inclusive. The formula must be (x+1) + (x-1), which equals zero, non-existance. By definition, your god is infinitely good. To also state that your god is also infinitely evil, that would be incorrect, as it violates the definition. Infinity cannot have a starting point, no halfway point, only a result.

Therefore, your god is finite, since it is infinitely good -- (x+1)

Here's another twist on the whole centuries-old debate, "Does god exist":

Assume for a moment your god exists, it exists within the confines of your teachings. Your teachings tell you a god exists, therefore, from your point of view, that must be true.

Take every every form of media: record, memory, thought, written word (including your bible), CD, tape, 8-track, spoken word and the scammers on the churchy channels on TV. Erase it from history, like it never happened. Would your god still exist? And if so, prove it.

Pretjah wrote:

now as to you assertion that an infinite God cannot choose to become limited that in and of itself is again illogical.

If i go for a drive and have a car that is capable of driving 100 mph but CHOOSE to drive 55 i have not LOST the ability to go 100 MPH

neither does God who by creating our laws of physics entered himself into SPACE and TIME limit his ability to alter those laws at anytime IF he so CHOOSE to.

With that, you are impling that your god has free-will. Again, that violates your definition of your god -- All-knowing and all-powerful.

If you are all-knowing, you know your future actions, what choices you will make, and you cannot change them otherwise your knowledge would be wrong, and you wouldn't be all-knowing. An omniscient being has no free will to choose actions; all it's actions are predetermined.

Free will is outside of this debate. As any evidence of free will negates the definition of the christian god.


Re: A Letter To Christians......
Thursday, June 16, 2005 7:34 PM on j-body.org
"Infinity cannot have a starting point, no halfway point, only a result"

dude where are you getting this from? you really don't have an understanding of infinite...talk to any physics professor or any philosophy professor and they will both tell yo how wrong you are.
Re: A Letter To Christians......
Thursday, June 16, 2005 7:37 PM on j-body.org
"Infinity cannot have a starting point, no halfway point, only a result"

and just to prove you wrong again..

mark a point on a ruler point A

go two inches up and mark another point B

now go half way between A and B and mark that C

now go half way between C and B and mark that D

continure on....let me know when you reach point B!

you can't there are infinte halves and yes there is a starting point & an ending point!!!!
Re: A Letter To Christians......
Thursday, June 16, 2005 9:00 PM on j-body.org
Ah yes. Zeno's Paradox.

Zeno demonstrates that you can never really get anywhere because to get there you have to travel half way there first. But once you are half way there, you still have to travel half the remaining distance to your destination. You can do this an infinite number of times and still never reach your destination. The reason for this weird behavior is the supposition that there is such a thing as an infinitely small distance that can be further divided into yet smaller distances.

Zeno's paradox no longer holds any water since you can no longer divide a finite line into an infinite number of points. Sooner or later, you will cross that last unit and reach your destination:

1. There is a specific amount of space that can not be subdivided into smaller units
2. All distances are composed of finite number of basic spatial units.

Kardain wrote:
Assume for a moment your god exists, it exists within the confines of your teachings. Your teachings tell you a god exists, therefore, from your point of view, that must be true.

Take every every form of media: record, memory, thought, written word (including your bible), CD, tape, 8-track, spoken word and the scammers on the churchy channels on TV. Erase such forms of media, like it never happened. Would your god still exist? And if so, prove it.

Care to answer that question?

To christians, their god only exists because a book -- paper and glue -- defines a premise, "I exist". Remove the whisper, no more existence.

Re: A Letter To Christians......
Thursday, June 16, 2005 10:20 PM on j-body.org
Pretjah wrote:
they were killed because they weren't WHITE not because they practiced a different religion!!!

funny cause I always thought my great grandparents who died in the camps and my grandparents who escaped all looked pretty white to me. Actually, come to think of it I'm white too.
Re: A Letter To Christians......
Thursday, June 16, 2005 11:20 PM on j-body.org
this whole letter is a huge load of CRAP! every piece of evidence was taken out of context to suit this guys purpose of bashing peoples beliefs. some people really need to read the verses after a select verse to get the full meaning.

for example:
women and children will be ripped up... it was referring to a morally corrupt country, Samaria to be exact.

you should tear eyes, hands, sexual organs off... only if you need to to not lust after the opposite sex. this was not literal, just telling that lust is a sin, which it is.

family should be separated... this was telling that you should not put anything before god, not even family. that is a sin also. god says there must be some separation between family members so this doesnt happen.

also, as someone already posted, most of those examples of deaths from religion were actually persoal greed and an attempt to gain wealth and prosperity. the holocaust was an attempt to blame one race for another country's misfortune.

I hope that clears things up for some of you, and please dont let some stupid letter thats not even close to being accurate, or some of the other people on this website that are too blind to see, make your decision between christianity and atheism.


Check out my build thread!

Re: A Letter To Christians......
Thursday, June 16, 2005 11:57 PM on j-body.org

* A benevolent god all-knowing being only has one option in any situation, and that is the option that causes most good. Therefore a perfectly good all-knowing God has no free will.

* An all-knowing god instantly knows all of it's future actions and therefore has no free will to change them. A god with no free will is not moral.

* If an all-powerful and all-knowing God exists then this (by a long chain of cause and effect) denies any free will of any living being.

* If God has free will, but never chooses evil, it is immoral because it could have created life in the same way: With free will, but also never choosing evil. Therefore God must be immoral, not all-powerful or not all-knowing.

YES, THANK YOU. No one ever answers this one. Sure, there have been attempts, but nothing that really makes sense. All I ever get back is, "Uh, FREE WILL!"

The idea just doesn't work, and that alone negates a perfect god for me.

Anything that would instill "free will" must understand it as a concept. The simple understanding of a concept that includes and encompasses the possibility of evil and chaos makes your god imperfect.

But if it makes you feel better, I'm not denying your god. I'm just thinking that he's got a big ego and pimped himself up in the Bible to scare the hell out of you.

Re: A Letter To Christians......
Friday, June 17, 2005 12:09 AM on j-body.org
"But if it makes you feel better, I'm not denying your god. I'm just thinking that he's got a big ego and pimped himself up in the Bible to scare the hell out of you"

youre comparing the most powerful being anywhere to a common everyday thug? wow...


Check out my build thread!

Re: A Letter To Christians......
Friday, June 17, 2005 5:49 AM on j-body.org

Assume for a moment your god exists, it exists within the confines of your teachings. Your teachings tell you a god exists, therefore, from your point of view, that must be true.

Take every every form of media: record, memory, thought, written word (including your bible), CD, tape, 8-track, spoken word and the scammers on the churchy channels on TV. Erase such forms of media, like it never happened. Would your god still exist? And if so, prove it.

lolol you're trying to use the if a tree in the forest falls and no one around to hear it, does it make a sound arguement?

lol at erasing documentation of an event means it didn't happen, i'll only assume that since you do not believe in God, tht you believe in some form of evolution(i dont want this to turn into an evolution debate i'm simply using this as an analogy)

show me some form of documentation on the first cause? you can't cause there is zero documentation however you still must believe in the first cause to believe in evolution. this is called FAITH...the same FAITH you are critical of in religous people you are using for your belief. now prove to me an evolutionary first cause? you can't!

nor can God, be proven. however the historically documented accounts of the new testament and most of the old testament(yes historically documented as truthful) only add supporting evidence to the arguement to have faith in the non historically documented truths of the Bible(ie. the miracles and life of Jesus Christ)

on a side note...what kind of education do you have, because you really do not follow simple logic in your arguements at all.
Re: A Letter To Christians......
Friday, June 17, 2005 9:25 AM on j-body.org
Hahahaha wrote:
Ummm No.. Hitler hated Jews because he believed they were behind international monetary systems that were destroying Germany's economy, and he felt that they were responsible for the rise in communist movements. It had very little to do with religion. Aside from that, the figure of 6 million is highly contested. I will not enter into that debate. There are few topics that tyou are not allowed to openly discuss in Canada, and that's one. People have gone to jail for having that argument. I'm not touching it.

Even so, why target "the Jews" and not "those behind the international monetary system?" I won't expound on this--because i don't want you to get into trouble (you and i will just have to hang out in the states, and then say it while thumbing your nose at Paul Martin . But seriously--it's like me saying instead of eliminating all of the car theives in Los Angeles, i'm going to eleminate all Mexicans. It's a toss-up either way, but based on a lot of the occultic knowledge of Hitler, he was also exterminating the jews for religious reasons.


The inquisition killed few when copmpaired to coventional warfare. Same goes for The Crusades.. I'll trade them for the rise of communism in Cambodia. That should be about equal.

Aztecs and Inca were killed more for gold than religion. Take a look into Spain's debt load at the time and there efforts in South America. You'll see the real motivation was greed, not religion.

While i *could* give you the inquisition (the crusades make me laugh about as much as Custer's Last Stand--it's what happens when the high and mighty get too arrogant), a lot of the religious practices--mainly the sacrifices, were abhorrent to the catholics that were there. Gold was the reason for coming, the practices were the reason for the slaughter. Plus, given the nature of the catholics of that time period, they were out to seal up their numbers--after all, the pope is/was second only to J.C, and that much gold and power in the catholics' hands would increase their influence even more--especially against the burgeoning protestant offshoots.

Again, the reasons are clouded, but you cannot deny that religious expansion had a play in it.


9/11 is debatable, but I'll let you have that one. Even if I feel it was more about trying to get the US to stop their detrimental foriegn policy actions in the mid-east.
But ask yourself how it was carried out and how it was sold to the peopel cheering the attacks on? Religion. We're corrupting their belief system, their clerics make us out as (to quote 4xchamp) "satan made flesh", and then they unite their people for the cause of a holy crusade. Again, i've never denied other reasons, but religion had its hand in it.


Kashmir is a despute between to nations (religious basis) over land. They are not shooting at each other because they are Muslim or Hindi, but in an effort to control a very special piece of land with little religious signifigance. If you want to make the argument, I'll hear it. It'll be a tough sell, but easier than Cortez.

I never said that to have a body count based on religion the kill has to be because you answered the God question wrong. Again, look at the reasons behind Cortez, and the Conquistadors: land/money=power/influence. Indirectly killed in a land war fought by proponents of a given belief system is still dying over religion.


The Crusades.. Yuppers.. At least that's how it strated, but of course once the Templars figured out that land=money=power things escelated to a whole new level didn't they. I'll accept Crusades 1 and 2 as religiously motivated. Crusade number 3 was all about greed.
See also Kashmir. greed over control based upon a religious pretext.


Northern Ireland is based in religion, but the protestant vs. Catholic fight is certainly influenced by the resistance to subjegation fight. Irish people simply don't want to be ruled by the English. Both are true. Some kill because the "enemy" is from a geography, and others because they have certain beliefs. I'll accept that 66% of the killing is religiously motivated.
Then would you consider someone who died fighting a religious war who was killed by a mercenary who was kist killing for greed a religous-based death? I would--because the pretext of the war is religious-based, and those that pay off the mercenary have an agenda for their fath. Again, i'm not denying oppression, land, and other motives, but religion is right up there.

Again, this is my *opinion*. If i stated this as fact, i apologize. Plus, there's the many other deaths *not* reported, or not counted. How many young girls die when their clitoris is forcibly removed in certian religions? How many people dy whent hey deny themselves, or deny their children decent medical care because "it's all in God's hands?"

I'm not trying to trivialize any deaths or the reason behind them--But i think you have to agree, be it testing soem weapon in the field (Hiroshima/Nagasaki), or a suitcase bomb in a crowded marketplace because they answered the God question wrong--it's a pretty @!#$ up way to die.

Goodbye Callisto & Skađi, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Re: A Letter To Christians......
Friday, June 17, 2005 9:28 AM on j-body.org
"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.

-Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)

Thus, Protestantism will always stand up for the advancement of all Germans as such, as long as matters of inner purity or national deepening as well as German freedom are involved, since all these things have a firm foundation in its own being; but it combats with the greatest hostility any attempt to rescue the nation from the embrace of its most mortal enemy, since its attitude toward the Jews just happens to be more or less dogmatically established.
-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf Vol. 1, Ch. 3)

The anti-Semitism of the new movement was based on religious ideas instead of racial knowledge.
-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf Vol. 1, Ch. 3)

Thought these were pretty interesting.....

Re: A Letter To Christians......
Friday, June 17, 2005 11:31 AM on j-body.org
shortcut90 wrote:"But if it makes you feel better, I'm not denying your god. I'm just thinking that he's got a big ego and pimped himself up in the Bible to scare the hell out of you"

youre comparing the most powerful being anywhere to a common everyday thug? wow...

Yup. Warm up the handbasket, I'm ready to jump in...

Re: A Letter To Christians......
Friday, June 17, 2005 4:21 PM on j-body.org
Shortcut: something to ponder....

Is god really the most powerful being ever, or maybe he's just so much more powerful than we are that was can think of him as such, when other deities rank above him but we're below their notice

just something to think about

Goodbye Callisto & Skađi, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Re: A Letter To Christians......
Friday, June 17, 2005 7:59 PM on j-body.org
KOTL- I guess i've never thought of it that way, but thats not my beliefs. I believe he is the most powerful being now and forever. And through his sons life mine is saved.


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Re: A Letter To Christians......
Friday, June 17, 2005 8:50 PM on j-body.org
AH c'mon keeper. You know that when it comes to absolute power, there can be only one. In christianity it is a sin to worship any power lower than God the almighty. If there are lesser dieties and greater dieties, Christianity strives to praise the highest power. Holy of Holies right?

In fact it seems to me that Christianity doesn't deny the presence of other powers but instead sets it's sights straight for the top and just ignors eveything and anything else. Unless it is related to "the Godhead" (Father, Son and Spirit) it's simply not in the Bible. Omission is not denial.

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