Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ? - Page 3 - Politics and War Forum

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Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Thursday, June 08, 2006 11:13 AM on
DAYMN keeper what school did you go to ? They never mentioned that when I went through ! And I'm pretty sure that they ain't teaching it in schools that my kids go to cause the parents have to read and ok all this type stuff BEFORE they can teach it. AND I'd remember if someone was gonna tell my 9 yr old daughter about blow jobs!

John, Thanks I forgot about STD's. Yup they're covered as well.

But No BJ's or Anal !

Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.

Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Thursday, June 08, 2006 11:41 AM on
they are covered in passing--mainly for how STD's are transmitted they basically described it as "oral sex is contact between the mouth and genitals, and anal sex is contact between the anus and genitals".

Which, any kids that has an IQ greater than my freind's pet goldfish, Fluffy, can figure out what it means.

so, they won't teach the hows, but likely they will explain that STD's can be transmitted through oral or anal sex, and describe those acts as such.

But, since you have a couple of years on me, i have to ask--did you have the question box, and were there any rememberable questions in it

Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Thursday, June 08, 2006 11:49 AM on
Oh geez your asking me to remember back over 25 years ago ! With all the recreational drug use in high school I'm lucky I can remember where I live everynight and be able to find my way home.

But no I'm sorry I honestly can't say anything stands out in my mind.

Oh ya know what I take that back I do remember a kid asking what "poontang" was and the teacher almost spit her coffee all over the room ! It was funny but its all I got.

BTW she never did answer the question she just sent the poor boy to the office. ( Catholic school )

Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.

Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Thursday, June 08, 2006 12:34 PM on
Time to chime in. First, I have a question. Why are some of you putting the word 'parents' in quotations when referring to gay couples raising children? What, you don't coinsider them real parents? A straight couple that adopts are parents, but gay people are only "parents"? As far as I can tell, they're just as capable of raising, loving, and nurturing a child as any straight couple. Frankly, I would have rather been raised by a couple of gay guys or even lesbians than go through what I did. I watched my dad go to prison, my step dad beat my mom every chance he got, my two brothers grew up to be gangsta Eminem wannabes, the three of us got the @!#$ beat out of us by BOTH our parents. By the time I was ten I was living with my grandparents, they ended up adopting me because my real "parents" were, well, fukked in the head.

But let's think about this. How often do you hear about a gay couple that is raising children, abuse those children? How often does a gay guy come home and beat the sh*t out of his partner because he had too much to drink? How often does a kid really gtrow up to be gay because his parents - gay or straight - raised him to be gay. Make whatever bull@!#$ left-wing argument you want, but I for one am not buying it. I say let them adopt. Hell, let them get married. How is two men or two women being married and raising children really going to affect your daily life? Seriously, people.

Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Thursday, June 08, 2006 1:35 PM on
I never put " " around parent when talking about gay couples so . And I saw an episode of Cops once when this big burley chic beat the hell out of her girlfriend when she came home drunk after work so

Gays are no different then straight people other then who they choose to screw. They're no better or worse then a straight person either so don't try to go there. The reason domestic violence may not be as prevelent between homosexuals is that homosexuals are such a minority group in this country. So less of them means less problems not that they're saints because they're gay ! Good Grief !

Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.

Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Thursday, June 08, 2006 2:00 PM on
Never said "Jackalope, why are you putting " " around 'parents' ?", now did I? Didn't think so. It's not that I'm "going there" I'm just voicing my opinion.

Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Thursday, June 08, 2006 2:08 PM on
I know, I'm just screwin with ya man ! Its all good !

Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.

Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Thursday, June 08, 2006 2:55 PM on
far as I'm concered thier is a reason that God made man (Adam) and woman(Eve), so that the man(is repensted as the father) and the woman (is repensted as the mother). God didn't make Adam and Steve or Eve and Jenny.God created man and women to populate the Earth. Also if or when the child is adopted it too confusing and stressful for the child, to figuer out should who to called mom or dad. In plus this is saying it is okay to be gay, that's not okay (IMO). I thank God that we live in the country that is free, but at same time I think that we abuse this power for our personal needs and we don't care if that person or child gets hurt in the process( even harming oursleves for that matter).
Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Thursday, June 08, 2006 3:05 PM on
drecav wrote:far as I'm concered thier is a reason that God made man (Adam) and woman(Eve), so that the man(is repensted as the father) and the woman (is repensted as the mother). God didn't make Adam and Steve or Eve and Jenny.God created man and women to populate the Earth. Also if or when the child is adopted it too confusing and stressful for the child, to figuer out should who to called mom or dad. In plus this is saying it is okay to be gay, that's not okay (IMO). I thank God that we live in the country that is free, but at same time I think that we abuse this power for our personal needs and we don't care if that person or child gets hurt in the process( even harming oursleves for that matter).

Just a little piece of info for ya,
Not everyone is a Christian
Does this mean that a non-Christian shouldn't be a parent?

Also! Kids who are old enough to decide are able to deny being raised by a gay couple if they don't want to. And kids who are TOO young, don't have the predisposed notion that the man is dad and the woman is mom.

Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Thursday, June 08, 2006 3:12 PM on
drecav wrote:far as I'm concered thier is a reason that God made man (Adam) and woman(Eve), so that the man(is repensted as the father) and the woman (is repensted as the mother). God didn't make Adam and Steve or Eve and Jenny.God created man and women to populate the Earth. Also if or when the child is adopted it too confusing and stressful for the child, to figuer out should who to called mom or dad. In plus this is saying it is okay to be gay, that's not okay (IMO). I thank God that we live in the country that is free, but at same time I think that we abuse this power for our personal needs and we don't care if that person or child gets hurt in the process( even harming oursleves for that matter).

Get your jesus loving bible crap outta here.

some people are not weak and do not need a book writen by man to live by...

Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Thursday, June 08, 2006 3:13 PM on
btw, if God didnt make steve who did????

Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Thursday, June 08, 2006 3:28 PM on
Phil, the prince of insufficient light.

Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Thursday, June 08, 2006 3:37 PM on
bradsk88 wrote:
Just a little piece of info for ya,
Not everyone is a Christian
Does this mean that a non-Christian shouldn't be a parent?

Also! Kids who are old enough to decide are able to deny being raised by a gay couple if they don't want to. And kids who are TOO young, don't have the predisposed notion that the man is dad and the woman is mom

first off I know that eveyone not christian and a non can be a parent as long it is the oppiste sex (male and female). It is true that kids that are old enogh can deny to be raised by a gay couple but when a child is too young or a baby for that matter can't determained.And I bagged the differ on too young part now a days kids start to a compelx issues at shows in the schools. So please don't say that they don't have notion of a mom and dad is.Because it starts at home and it depends on how the natural parents portary it.
Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Thursday, June 08, 2006 3:56 PM on
cable wrote:Get your jesus loving bible crap outta here.

some people are not weak and do not need a book writen by man to live by...

If I offended you? Than oh well, since we live in country patice relgion and the freedom of speech. It is true that man written the Bible, but God inspired them to write the words (so God is the true author). There nothing wrong for a man or woman to say that are weak and that read bible for guidence.
Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Thursday, June 08, 2006 4:08 PM on
Cable wrote:
Get your jesus loving bible crap outta here.

some people are not weak and do not need a book writen by man to live by...

That was uncalled for. Maybe you could use a verse or two from the Jesus Christ School of Civility.


Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Thursday, June 08, 2006 4:37 PM on
Okay, how about an Adoptions Social Worker adds her two cents?

I write adoption Home Studies, which bascially means I do intensive interviews and training with persons who wish to adopt, either domestic or international. I make major decisions determining if the applicant(s) can adopt.

to me there is no difference in any parent single, married gay, straight.

I will interview them, and determine their ability to raise a child.

The ability to raise a child is not related to sexual orientation.

I do not work for a religous based agency

Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Thursday, June 08, 2006 5:25 PM on
I agree 100%

As long as they have the ability to raise a child, the adoption should be approved.

I was thinking more like Michael Jackson or some weird child-molester, sex offender... I guess I jumped in to conclusions too fast. oh well

Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Thursday, June 08, 2006 6:32 PM on
I just want to know when 'DRECAV' decided to be straight. What point in your life did you come to the conclusion - "I'm going to be straight"?
Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Thursday, June 08, 2006 7:00 PM on
I know you're asking DREDCAV, but I have red cav also

I never decided to be straight, I was born straight, its on my DNA
I always had a thing for boobs, girls, make-out with girls, ect...ect...
but never with a guy.

this can be a very sexual topic.

If two guys adopt a 2 or 3 year old child.
at one point of that child's life, he or she will wonder about sexual activities with other humans. Sometimes guys need that guy talk and usually comes from a father figure.

But sometimes I wonder,
if I was not able to have any type of relationship with a female, or if I could not get a girl. Would I be gay? A Sex offender?
I think not because its in my nature, and not because I want to.

Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Thursday, June 08, 2006 8:24 PM on
drecav wrote:far as I'm concered thier is a reason that God made man (Adam) and woman(Eve), so that the man(is repensted as the father) and the woman (is repensted as the mother). God didn't make Adam and Steve or Eve and Jenny.God created man and women to populate the Earth. Also if or when the child is adopted it too confusing and stressful for the child, to figuer out should who to called mom or dad. In plus this is saying it is okay to be gay, that's not okay (IMO). I thank God that we live in the country that is free, but at same time I think that we abuse this power for our personal needs and we don't care if that person or child gets hurt in the process( even harming oursleves for that matter).

With all due respect, not everyone is a christian and not everyone believes your god created adam and eve. Therefore, why should your religion get to dictate what is and is not allowed in this country? You see, the freedom of religion is also the freedom from religion. The consitution wasn't meant to protect the majority, it was meant to protect the minority from the majority. Your religion may believe that homosexuality is wrong, but there are many of us that believe that taking away the rights of people simply because your religion is intolerant of their sexual orientation is equally as wrong. Now, I've seen quite a few interviews of teens and adults that were raised by homosexual parents and almost all of them turned out completely "normal" and love their families dearly. Of course there are exceptions to every argument, but ultimately parenting boils down to loving a child, teaching them about life, and providing them with a carring home. They aren't turned gay by their parent's gay wand, nor are they emotionally damaged backage that seek countless hours of therapy every week. So, since your religion states that god didn't make adam and steve, or eve and jenny, then we should let children rot in foster care feeling lost, alone, and unloved in many situations when there are wonderful parents just waiting to adopt them and provide them with a loving home. Sadly they have but one flaw; they are sinful evil people in the eyes of your religion. Sounds like a fricken swell plan to me.

Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Friday, June 09, 2006 5:24 AM on
Not to knock your faith but if you read the Bible its so full of inconsistances and holes big enough to drive a Mack truck through how do you know for sure Adam and Eve were the first ones ? What of Kaine who was fled to the land of Nod and found his wife there ? Well if he found a wife that means there WERE in fact other people but then what of the claim that Adam and his Eve were the only ones ? Thats like saying 2+2=47 and not questioning it because of your faith. Faith is good but blind faith is dangorous just ask Zarkowee (sp?)

I don't agree with being homosexual but that doesn't mean I hate the people or won't deal with them. I've had more then one gay friend and a few lesbian ones as well, oh and I can't forget bi-sexual friends too (they're just greedy if you ask me ) Being gay doesn't rub off on you your born that way and thats been proven so if God so hates homosexuals then why does he allow babies to be born that way ? That makes no sence at all dude!

If they can care for a child who has nothing or noone you mean to tell me you'd rather see that child go without then be with a gay couple ? And you call yourself Christian ? Your a Christian when it serves your purpose and the rest of the time you snub your nose at things you don't like. Hipocrite ! If you were truely a Christian you'd love homosexuals for who they were as isn't that what Christ taught ? Forgivness and unconditional love ? But I know thats only for the people who fall into your predetermined group isn't it ? You talk of forgivness when a murderer is about to be exicuted but yet the Bible says its fine to kill someone. But when a homosexual is around you say the Bible says its a disgrace before God. So which is it ? Do we forgive and love or kill and snub ?

Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.

Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Friday, June 09, 2006 7:59 AM on
Robby002 wrote:I know you're asking DREDCAV, but I have red cav also

I never decided to be straight, I was born straight, its on my DNA
I always had a thing for boobs, girls, make-out with girls, ect...ect...
but never with a guy.

this can be a very sexual topic.

If two guys adopt a 2 or 3 year old child.
at one point of that child's life, he or she will wonder about sexual activities with other humans. Sometimes guys need that guy talk and usually comes from a father figure.

But sometimes I wonder,
if I was not able to have any type of relationship with a female, or if I could not get a girl. Would I be gay? A Sex offender?
I think not because its in my nature, and not because I want to.

Dude, there are a couple things in this thread that have gone over your head, and its HILLARIOUS to wittness.

Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Friday, June 09, 2006 8:02 AM on
Look out, Jack, you might get some gay on you (as if it was a bodily fluid) </sarc>

Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Friday, June 09, 2006 8:05 AM on
AHHHHHH not gay !!!!!! anything but that !!!!!!!

Its not like a cold you can catch ya know?

Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.

Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopt ?
Friday, June 09, 2006 8:27 AM on
Jackalope wrote:Not to knock your faith but if you read the Bible its so full of inconsistances and holes big enough to drive a Mack truck through how do you know for sure Adam and Eve were the first ones ? What of Kaine who was fled to the land of Nod and found his wife there ? Well if he found a wife that means there WERE in fact other people but then what of the claim that Adam and his Eve were the only ones ? Thats like saying 2+2=47 and not questioning it because of your faith. Faith is good but blind faith is dangorous just ask Zarkowee (sp?)

I've read the Bible, I know what it says. The Bible was written to show that there are details and contradictions, that's why we have multiple books showing multiple points of view of the same story. The Bible itself acknowledges that. That's why it's all in there.

You also have to be able to separate a tale of morality from what was written to be an historical record. This is very hard to do and it requires a deep understanding not found just from turning the pages of the book itself.

This argument from non-believers is tiresome, but it's also tiresome that it keeps working against Christians who don't bother to know what it is they actually believe and why.


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