america attacked check it out - Page 2 - Politics and War Forum

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Re: america attacked check it out
Wednesday, October 11, 2006 9:23 PM on
The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy wrote: The Encyclopaedia Galactica defines a robot as a mechanical apparatus designed to do the work of a man. The marketing division of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation defines a robot as "Your Plastic Pal Who's Fun To Be With."

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy defines the marketing division of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation as "a bunch of mindless jerks who'll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes," with a footnote to the effect that the editors would welcome applications from anyone interested in taking over the post of robotics correspondent.

Curiously enough, an edition of the Encyclopaedia Galactica that had the good fortune to fall through a time warp from a thousand years in the future defined the marketing division of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation as "a bunch of mindless jerks who were the first against the wall when the revolution came."

As an addendum to the Encyclopaedia Galactica, Robot will also include the new inference of a being that mechanically does what it is told without ever questioning the reasons why it is doing so.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy will also subsequently be updated, copying the marketing division of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation entries and including the names of those no-good foppish political garden gnomes that vote on party lines, specifically Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians (and all other political parties) in place of the aforementioned group.

Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.

Re: america attacked check it out
Saturday, October 21, 2006 10:44 PM on
i still dont see a plane sticking out of the pentagon.

and i lost interest after about 3 min.

Re: america attacked check it out
Sunday, October 22, 2006 9:18 AM on
mrbrown wrote:i still dont see a plane sticking out of the pentagon.

and i lost interest after about 3 min.

Why would there be?

There wasn't a plane sticking out of the WTC either...and there wasn't much of a plane left in PA either.

They probably hit the bulidings going about 250-300 mph, if not more, They aren't made to take an impact.

Re: america attacked check it out
Wednesday, October 25, 2006 5:57 PM on
All I have to say is that this video shows the real problem with the world. The middle east, the WHOLE middle east.

And most important. THANK GOD FOR PRESIDENT BUSH. If it was any other president that would just sit on their asses, we would have been attacked again.
The most proactive president this country as ever seen. I will be sad to see him go in two years. If the democrats get seat again... well, we can only pray that our nation is not wipped off the map.
Re: america attacked check it out
Wednesday, October 25, 2006 9:00 PM on
Actually, he was the most reactive president.

The information that there was something huge afoot was given to him and all Whitehouse and Senate Defence Commitee members in 2000 before Bush took command. This is something you'd know if you read the 9/11 commission report (Or you can DL and play the free Text-To-Speech version), as well as Richard C Clarke's book Against All Enemies, or James Risen's State Of War

Bush is no great president, he was asleep at the wheel for 9/11, his government allowed the greatest invasions into your personal privacy, and even managed to side-step the Constitution's protections on your right to unreasonable search, all while making it VERY attractive for major US companies to outsource American's jobs to foreign countries and pay far less taxes than you as an individual pays. That was just the first 4 years. In the last 2 years, they've managed to watch one of the major metropolitan areas (that classically voted Democrat) basically get pounded on and the single largest loss of life in US history happen unchecked over 3 days while doing nothing (say what you want, he had the power to activate Reserve units in case of a disaster, the buck stops somewhere, hold him responsible), all while dumping more money into Iraq than 3 Vietnam wars, Totally whiffing on capturing on Bin Laden, and not really secure either Iraq or Afghanistan (remember that place?) or make things better on the whole than they were under Hussein. Not to mention the fact that he's taken historic economic surplusses and fiscal prosperity and basically turned them into record debts... We're still watching what is happening with North Korea, but basically, NK has re-agreed to a deal that was hashed out and signed under Clinton's Administration... How is this a feat?

The next President, Democrat Republican or Independant, is going to have to spend their first term cleaning up after the Bush Administration.

How do you call this kind of underachieving mess great?

Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.

Re: america attacked check it out
Thursday, October 26, 2006 12:21 PM on
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:Actually, he was the most reactive president.

The information that there was something huge afoot was given to him and all Whitehouse and Senate Defence Commitee members in 2000 before Bush took command. This is something you'd know if you read the 9/11 commission report (Or you can DL and play the free Text-To-Speech version), as well as Richard C Clarke's book Against All Enemies, or James Risen's State Of War

Bush is no great president, he was asleep at the wheel for 9/11, his government allowed the greatest invasions into your personal privacy, and even managed to side-step the Constitution's protections on your right to unreasonable search, all while making it VERY attractive for major US companies to outsource American's jobs to foreign countries and pay far less taxes than you as an individual pays. That was just the first 4 years. In the last 2 years, they've managed to watch one of the major metropolitan areas (that classically voted Democrat) basically get pounded on and the single largest loss of life in US history happen unchecked over 3 days while doing nothing (say what you want, he had the power to activate Reserve units in case of a disaster, the buck stops somewhere, hold him responsible), all while dumping more money into Iraq than 3 Vietnam wars, Totally whiffing on capturing on Bin Laden, and not really secure either Iraq or Afghanistan (remember that place?) or make things better on the whole than they were under Hussein. Not to mention the fact that he's taken historic economic surplusses and fiscal prosperity and basically turned them into record debts... We're still watching what is happening with North Korea, but basically, NK has re-agreed to a deal that was hashed out and signed under Clinton's Administration... How is this a feat?

The next President, Democrat Republican or Independant, is going to have to spend their first term cleaning up after the Bush Administration.

How do you call this kind of underachieving mess great?

You wasted your time typing somthing that... well... wrong. Some stuff is true, like the spening money. So @!#$ what. I am glad he did.

Personal privacy, Bush didnt go any farther than Clinton did. Remember the Eschelon program. Which did they same thing, only president Bush had the decency to ask the public first. Yes thats right, Clinton was lying to you and spying in on phone lines and all sorts of stuff behind everyones back. Get over the phone line thing, even if they were listening to every person, you wont get arrested if you say " gun" or "bomb" on the phone. There would have to be beyond reasonable doubt for anyone to even assume your going to blow somthing up. It would be one of the best policies we could adopt. It's just the retarted people out there that think their lives are more important that anothers that keep complaining about privacy.

Plus our economy is just as high as clintons was. Not only that but we are paying back national debt at the fastest rate our country has ever done so.

You cant capture Bin Laden when you are being forced to stand down by other nations and retarded generals. Plus the fact that Bin Laden is definaly not doing to much right now. He has no more resources and no ability to call shots.

Outsourcing of jobs is a direct relation to the corruption of Unions in the nation. If you allow every factory worker to get paid over $20 and hour for putting a steering wheel on a car your prices are driven to the highest levels in the world. And you wonder why it is attractive to move out of the country. Get rid of the selfish unions and you have companies that can produce goods for nearly half the price they are right now. This brings TONS of money back into the US system and will offer attractive oprotunities for other companies to move back in to the States, which creates more jobs and gives people incentive to rely on US companies. Oh yeah, and Unions are 99% Democrat, funny that they are the ones complaining about outsourcing the most. And the Demmies want to raise taxes even more, Wow, idiocy at its finest.

Give me George W. as president any day of the week, he is one of the last true politicians who cares about the US, the rest might as well be considered terrorists or communist.
Re: america attacked check it out
Friday, October 27, 2006 12:00 AM on
Rollinredcavi wrote:All I have to say is that this video shows the real problem with the world. The middle east, the WHOLE middle east.

And most important. THANK GOD FOR PRESIDENT BUSH. If it was any other president that would just sit on their asses, we would have been attacked again.
The most proactive president this country as ever seen. I will be sad to see him go in two years. If the democrats get seat again... well, we can only pray that our nation is not wipped off the map.

Oh wait, your serious....

Do you actually believe that horse-@!#$ ?! You actually believe that a Democratic president - or ANY president - would have done any less(besides the stupid stuff) ?! Where do you people get this crap. ANY PRESIDENT EVER WOULD HAVE WENT AFTER BIN-LAUDEN - and a more competent president would have got the bastard too - so get that into your thick skull.

Hate to tell you bud, but not all Democrats are anti-war. Ever heard of LBJ - the idiot that got us thick into Vietnam(although Kennedy started us down that path) - he would have alot in common with Bush only that he was pro-actively attacking Communism(but the Democrats are pro-communism if you ask die hard GOP sources lol) rather than a so called "terrorist state." But a better example would be FDR - one of the best presidents to date and the man who got us out out the Great Depression and into WW2(he was trying to steer America - who was mainly anti-war at the time - into action well BEFORE Pearl Harbor). He is the man who defeated the Nazis and Fascism in general. How is that for anti-war?!

Furthermore - some Democrats aren't so much anti-war as they are anti-stupid-war. Afghanistan was where we should have gone and no one is arguing that one - but we should have sent in a LOT more troops into there in the first place and not let OSB escape like Bush did. Iraq was a mistake. I at first supported invading it and I was wrong - I trusted the BS intel that Bush&Co provided. They knew there intel was and they crafted it to show what they wanted.

We should never have gone there(Iraq) - we should have all those troops in Afghanistan(which is now also starting to get chaotic). When we should have finished off the Taliban instead of letting them lick their wounds and regroup as they have. Instead of finishing the job we instead have inspired more and more people to be terrorists. Great job Bush - lol.

Before you even start - I'm not a Democrat. I probably have more in common with the old(and now dead) traditional Republican party. The modern Republican party however - is a complete betrayal of basically everything Republicans once stood for.


If you like Bush - I don't think you should be thanking God. You should probably be thanking Satan for that one. Short of Satan - you might consider thanking KOTL (j/k KOTL - I would never really blame Bush on you)

I've never heard of this "part throttle" before. Does it just bolt on?
Re: america attacked check it out
Friday, October 27, 2006 4:38 PM on

You actually believe the hore @!#$ you just said.

More people were killed in the world trade center attack than were killed at pearl harbor. Plain and simple.

Re: america attacked check it out
Friday, October 27, 2006 5:15 PM on
Rollinredcavi wrote:^^^

You actually believe the hore @!#$ you just said.

More people were killed in the world trade center attack than were killed at pearl harbor. Plain and simple.

3 to 4 times more people died of food poisoning in 2001 than died at 9/11 ground zero. More importantly - a HELL OF A LOT more people died in WW2 than people who have so much as even seen the WTC. What is it that some people tell the French now? "You can't speak German?! - you're welcome." Guess what - WW2 was a much bigger and more important war than the "war on terror" could ever hope to be. A madman with a fetish for genocide could have conquered the world. OSB IS NOTHING COMPARED TO HITLER. Go tell a WW2 veteran how you think 9/11 is more important than Pearl Harbor - and prepare to get smacked in the head with his cane. You'll deserve it too.

However - Are you saying that Bush is awesome because people died at the WTC? Or is it that you think he's awesome for counterattacking? - I mean its not like the brain-dead-obvious thing to do is counterattack someone who attacks you.[/sarcasm] Gee isn't that amazing?!

Hmm someone - who in command of the most powerful army the world has ever seen - managed to take some bearded men out of power in Afghanistan - but still didn't manage to finish them off and now they're coming back. Real accomplishment there... Ghandi could have done better lol.

Where the hell do you get that crap about how a Democrat wouldn't have gone after OSB? Do you have ANYTHING to back up such a ridiculous claim?! Hell no you don't - because ANYONE would have done the same thing Bush did in response to 9/11 - but a better commander in chief wouldn't have given orders which resulted in OSB escaping. Yeah he is hardly a threat anymore (besides being a figurehead) but wouldn't you rather have him dead than have him be "not a threat?" OSB got us - but we didn't get him back - so are you really satisfied with "he's no longer a threat"?!

Fact is - no matter who the president was on 9/11 - be they Republican, Democrat, Green party, or one of the many parties that I've never heard of - no matter who they would be - the response to 9/11 would have been the same. Get over that political talkshow BS.

I've never heard of this "part throttle" before. Does it just bolt on?
Re: america attacked check it out
Saturday, October 28, 2006 3:54 PM on

John Kerry even said that he was going to use "Diplomacy" to defeat the terrorists. If you can believe that "talking" the terrorist down would work... yeah ok. Nearly the whole middle east wants every other "Infidel" person killed in the name of allah. The general public the the middle east are not extremist but the powerful figures over there are, and they want to kill everyone in every way they can. And that is not my words, Its the words of the terrorists. Yeah great people to take a democrat's philosify on. They say " Why cant we just talk to them and stop all this fighting". HAHAHAAH, great idea... Come on bastardking, even you know that is an absolutely retarded idea. And that is exactly what the democrats are using as a party plan for upcoming elections.

And as for Osama, it would have been nice to put a piece of lead in his head, but the most important figure to take out in that region was Sadam. Dont believe me...well since you wanted to start about WWII, here is a little bit of info that you just might find a little interesting...

It all starts back at the days of Hitler's party rising into power. Through a series of unfortunate events and politcal genious, Hitler became the leader of the Nazi party and Germany. At the start of WWII Germany aligned with Italy who was very near the middle east and just across a sea from Africa. The British and some American troops were stationed all over north africa and the middle east where Hitler definatly didnt not want them. He sent in troops in Africa (were the Africa Corp was coined) and enlisted certain "rebels" in the middle east who were did not like that other nations had military stations in thier "holy land". Hitler sent these rebel armies thousands of weapons to carry out attacks on small British military bases around the land. This group of rebels was actually a political party which was created in the early part of the century that was trying to get rid of the British control over the country. You may have heard of them, the Baath party. One member of this party, Khairullah Tulfah, Saddam's uncle, became an alliance with the Nazi party. After getting out of prison in 1947, for whatever reason Saddam moved in with his uncle, where he became a member of the Baath party. Where his uncle thought him the political views of his party, basically the nazi party. So after time what you have is a ruler who created is politcal agenda with nazi beliefs.

That all came to be because of the Grand Mufti who was the leader of this rebal party that was actually in physical contact with Hitler, it is even reported that they became quite good friends. So in other words the Baath party, was kept running though a funding from the slaughterings of the Jews and Serbs in the middle east, and the endless amounts of military fundins from nazi germany itself. This group that commited to the holocost in the middle east was most of the members of the Baath party, was funded by Hitler and called the Hanzars (or somthing like that). This politial party grew into power exactly the same way that Hitler did. And out of that came the former leader of Iraq, Saddam.

I dont car how Bush got intel from Iraq, or even if his advisors made it up, they did the right thing even if that is true, its not but it doesnt matter.

And this Baath party was basically the first muslim group that would kill themselves to kill others and the suicide bombing type stuff. Thus making Iraq the center of terrorist organization because it was the first extremist muslim state. So for anyone who thinks there is no link between Saddam and terrorism, you are sadly uninformed.

So for all of you saying that Iraq is wrong... plain and simple, your wrong.
Re: america attacked check it out
Saturday, October 28, 2006 3:59 PM on

Re: america attacked check it out
Saturday, October 28, 2006 10:00 PM on
IF you want to read this, It's going to be FRIGGIN long. You might want to grab a drink before hand.

I've tried to keep my own typos to a minimum, but I can't help everything

Rollinredcavi: This isn't a personal attack on you, if you think it is, I apologise ahead of time... I really abhor poor thought process, and you've got some bad ones going on here. I'm not trying to espouse one political idea over another, but you're really missing a lot of the pieces here and until you are fully equipped with the full facts (ie, not "facts" or "talking points" from a right or left leaning editorial, but with actual journalistic and historical information) you're going to get a lot of these from me. Just a heads up.

Rollinredcavi wrote:^^

John Kerry even said that he was going to use "Diplomacy" to defeat the terrorists. If you can believe that "talking" the terrorist down would work... yeah ok. Nearly the whole middle east wants every other "Infidel" person killed in the name of allah. The general public the the middle east are not extremist but the powerful figures over there are, and they want to kill everyone in every way they can. And that is not my words, Its the words of the terrorists. Yeah great people to take a democrat's philosify on. They say " Why cant we just talk to them and stop all this fighting". HAHAHAAH, great idea... Come on bastardking, even you know that is an absolutely retarded idea. And that is exactly what the democrats are using as a party plan for upcoming elections.

Kerry had advocated using diplomacy to defeat terrorists, absolutely...

What you're NOT getting is that Al-Qaeda needs sympathetic Governments or failing Nation States to provide people and money for their cause. If a failing Nation gets money and other goods from Western nations, they know it'll have strings attached, and that will mean that they have to keep radical Islamic schools out of the country.

Kerry, unlike Bush, didn't need to be told this. It seems that bit of the message went over your head. To learn a little more about why a failing state is a breeding ground for terrorists read THIS WILL BE OF SOME ASSISTANCE.


And as for Osama, it would have been nice to put a piece of lead in his head, but the most important figure to take out in that region was Sadam. Dont believe me...well since you wanted to start about WWII, here is a little bit of info that you just might find a little interesting...

First off...
Osama Bin Laden actually carried out attacks on the USA itself, not just an arm of the military (Don't forget the USS Cole), but the actual 9/11/01 terrorist attacks... all his doing. Saddam Hussein, had nothing whatsoever to do with it. None. Nada. Don't believe me? <-- Read. There's a LOT of information there to get started on. Once you're done with that: read the other 2 books I posted earlier in the thread, maybe open your eyes to what actually happened, and what really is going on. To give you a run down: 911 commission didn't find any causative or substantial link with Saddam Hussein and Al-qaeda.


It all starts back at the days of Hitler's party rising into power. Through a series of unfortunate events and politcal genious, Hitler became the leader of the Nazi party and Germany. At the start of WWII Germany aligned with Italy who was very near the middle east and just across a sea from Africa. The British and some American troops were stationed all over north africa and the middle east where Hitler definatly didnt not want them. He sent in troops in Africa (were the Africa Corp was coined) and enlisted certain "rebels" in the middle east who were did not like that other nations had military stations in thier "holy land". Hitler sent these rebel armies thousands of weapons to carry out attacks on small British military bases around the land. This group of rebels was actually a political party which was created in the early part of the century that was trying to get rid of the British control over the country. You may have heard of them, the Baath party. One member of this party, Khairullah Tulfah, Saddam's uncle, became an alliance with the Nazi party. After getting out of prison in 1947, for whatever reason Saddam moved in with his uncle, where he became a member of the Baath party. Where his uncle thought him the political views of his party, basically the nazi party. So after time what you have is a ruler who created is politcal agenda with nazi beliefs.

Interesting, except it's entirely myopic. I'm pretty sure you didn't come up with that yourself, so let me put it to in real terms:
- Saddam Hussein didn't give a damn about Islam, Allah, or any Terrorist's ideals (proof: Shariya was not implemented EVER in Iraq, Hussein only started the Islamic sham after 1993, and was never seen in a public mosque)
- Saddam Hussein wanted Iraq for HIMSELF, no-one else... This is why he is called a sociopath.

Now, for what was happening in WWII:
- Italy had an Armada in the Mediterranean in 1939, and it was penned up because the Brits had the Strait of Gibraltar laden with heavy guns, and Italian ship trying to leave the area would have come under heavy artillery and ultimately sunk. It's one of the reasons only U-boats and Nazi capital ships made it out onto the Atlantic: They used the Rhine.
- The whole of the Afrika Corps of the Wermacht was to root out the British and some Americans... they did well, but not good enough.
- Iraq was it's own nation in 1939 (you know, when WWII ACTUALLY started), independent of the United Kingdom.
- Saddam Hussein was born in 1937... so, I'm kind of interested to find out how it was that he became a Ba'ath party member when he was 10.
- BTW: Ba'athists are universally SECULAR. They do not espouse an Islamic ideology, and never have.


That all came to be because of the Grand Mufti who was the leader of this rebal party that was actually in physical contact with Hitler, it is even reported that they became quite good friends. So in other words the Baath party, was kept running though a funding from the slaughterings of the Jews and Serbs in the middle east, and the endless amounts of military fundins from nazi germany itself. This group that commited to the holocost in the middle east was most of the members of the Baath party, was funded by Hitler and called the Hanzars (or somthing like that). This politial party grew into power exactly the same way that Hitler did. And out of that came the former leader of Iraq, Saddam.

Interesting, but ultimately wrong.

The Ba'ath Party started in Syria in the 50's (ie, about 10 years AFTER the Nazis were driven out of Africa), and was founded on nationalist, socialist, and pan-arab ideals. It wasn't a force in any country it was present in (namely Syria, Iraq and Jordan), until the 1960's when Syria under went a military Coup d'etat, and the Communist party in Iraq (and all others for that matter) were crushed.'ath_Party <-- for a better understanding.


I dont car how Bush got intel from Iraq, or even if his advisors made it up, they did the right thing even if that is true, its not but it doesnt matter.

Actually, it does.

Acting without founded information (all reports of Iraq pursuing WMD from Russia's FSB and Her Majesty's Intelligence Service in the UK were retracted after they were all found to be from a person that had a vested interest in seeing Hussein deposed: Ahmed Chalabi) endangers you and every other American. It wasn't appropriate in North Korea, it wasn't appropriate in the Cold War, and it is not appropriate in any other circumstance. When real lives are at stake, you must verify a real threat from a phantom threat.

The sabre-rattling began when Bin Laden evaporated into Pakistan... doesn't that seem rather opportune? Take out a political hurdle and gain a friendly and most importantly, oil-rich government in the middle of the middle-east? What's the downside? Only a couple Trillion dollars in the offing... no worries there.


And this Baath party was basically the first muslim group that would kill themselves to kill others and the suicide bombing type stuff. Thus making Iraq the center of terrorist organization because it was the first extremist muslim state. So for anyone who thinks there is no link between Saddam and terrorism, you are sadly uninformed.

Whoa... whoa... whoa.

The only point that the Ba'ath party ever began to resemble a terrorist organisation was in 2003 when party members actually had to carry weapons during the invasion of Baghdad. Before that, entering the Ba'ath party was like entering the Communist party in Russia... it was something you did if you wanted to get ahead in life and not be either dirt poor, or resigned to owning a poverty level shop and ekeing out an existence.

The Ba'ath party under Hussein was basically a political machine to serve him, not a radical Muslim agenda. Simple point of fact (if you read anything about Nazis) is that they killed Communists, Catholics, Gypsies, Protestants and basically any political rivals. Hussein emulated this, but not out of devout idealism, it was because it was the most expedient way for him to solidify his grasp on the political reigns of the country.

Hussein killed other muslims (Iranians, Kurds, Kuwaitis, Saudis)... this would seem to bely any radical Islamic agenda, n'est pas?


So for all of you saying that Iraq is wrong... plain and simple, your wrong.

What is being said is that:
- 1: Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.
- 2: Iraq had no connections with Al-qaeda
- 3: Iraq was handled.

BTW, the link to the book you're talking about is first and foremost, a self-published book. That's not to say anything bad about it, but, self-published books are that way because either: major publishing houses can't verify the veracity of what is being said (in this case, that's what I'm thinking) or, that the author is believed to be just enough of a crank that they're not going to expose themselves to Libel proceedings.

Now for something completely different:


You wasted your time typing somthing that... well... wrong. Some stuff is true, like the spening money. So @!#$ what. I am glad he did.

Hey, prove I'm wrong.

I've referenced NEWS (*NOT editorial, learn the differences) publications, and government documents. You've referenced a single person's self published book, which has only been reviewed by one person who writes for the same editorial site (Newsmax, contrary to the name, is editorial. There is no on site reporting).

Here's a hint before I shred what you're saying: Go over what I wrote, read what I have referenced in this post and in others. I'm one of those few people that will admit when they're wrong. In this case, I'm not wrong, you need to bone up a little.


Personal privacy, Bush didnt go any farther than Clinton did. Remember the Eschelon program.

Echelon is a myth.

There is no way to process the amount of signals intelligence being batted around the USA on a quiet night, let alone a full day... and have it interpreted, contextualised, condensed and recorded. There is just WAY too much of that happening.

Why is it nigh impossible? Well, here's the thing, most people that know about electronic eaves-dropping know about encryption. Be it PGP, point to point keyed encryption, strong encryption... whatever: it's there. Now, I'll give you a fer-instance: a Native speaker of Crou is talking to a native speaker of Crou on a digitally encrypted cellular phone from Norway to Brazil: even if the call is routed into the USA, it's functionally undecipherable because digital encryption they're using is appended to the GSM-1900 phones they're using, and Crou is spoken by about 40,000 people total. Same thing with arab dialects like Pashto. Add in the fact that throw-away phones are becoming more and more commonplace, and you have a very difficult problem: you can't track it all down, and you can't decipher it fast enough.

If you really believe Echelon exists, I have a few other things to tell you about, but they involve Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The three little pigs, and Hanzel and Gretyl.


Which did they same thing, only president Bush had the decency to ask the public first. Yes thats right, Clinton was lying to you and spying in on phone lines and all sorts of stuff behind everyones back. Get over the phone line thing, even if they were listening to every person, you wont get arrested if you say " gun" or "bomb" on the phone. There would have to be beyond reasonable doubt for anyone to even assume your going to blow somthing up. It would be one of the best policies we could adopt. It's just the retarted people out there that think their lives are more important that anothers that keep complaining about privacy.

Anyone that sacrifices liberty for security deserves neither. Get used to that saying.

The phone taps are the beginning. Here's a short list of the freedoms that are infringed upon by the USA PATRIOT Act.

That's not the end of it: <-- If you don't like the site, there's a link to a WIRED Magazine article.


Plus our economy is just as high as clintons was. Not only that but we are paying back national debt at the fastest rate our country has ever done so.

No, your economy is in the crapper. Thanks to the Republicans, you're adding trillions onto your national defecit.

Here's a fiscal lesson:
Debt - Money you've borrowed and must pay back.
Interest - Money that accrues on the money you've borrowed and haven't yet paid back.
DEFICIT- The difference between what you owe payment to payment and what you have paid, usually negative.

You're not even covering your interest payments. This is the reason that the Euro is going to overtake the US dollar as the main currency used in the world's transactions. Look at it like this: on Sept 10, 2001, the Canadian Dollar traded against the US dollar at 63.8 cents, basically it cost us 1.49 or so to buy a single US dollar. As of Saturday, October 28, 2006, the Dollar is trading at over 89 cents [url-]LINK... Canada has been doing the same thing for the last 5 years, and the US has been tossing money out the window at Iraq.


You cant capture Bin Laden when you are being forced to stand down by other nations and retarded generals. Plus the fact that Bin Laden is definaly not doing to much right now. He has no more resources and no ability to call shots.

Do you really believe that?

Did the bombings in London and Madrid not ring a little bell?


Outsourcing of jobs is a direct relation to the corruption of Unions in the nation. If you allow every factory worker to get paid over $20 and hour for putting a steering wheel on a car your prices are driven to the highest levels in the world. And you wonder why it is attractive to move out of the country. Get rid of the selfish unions and you have companies that can produce goods for nearly half the price they are right now. This brings TONS of money back into the US system and will offer attractive oprotunities for other companies to move back in to the States, which creates more jobs and gives people incentive to rely on US companies. Oh yeah, and Unions are 99% Democrat, funny that they are the ones complaining about outsourcing the most. And the Demmies want to raise taxes even more, Wow, idiocy at its finest.

You know what's really interesting is that about 75% of the US is middle-class... I'm going roughly here. Do you honestly think that it was small business that brought the US out of the post WWII slump? Of course not. IT was the fact that you had a large group of skilled labourers that organised in order to deny large companies from arbitrarily dumping 2/3 of their workforce and working the other 1/3 to dust and bringing the rest in at dirt-cheap labor prices... which, if you'll note, is something that is done with aplomb in India, Malaysia and China.

Unions aren't the perfect solution, but removing tarriffs on companies (who don't pay nearly as much tax per dollar earned as the average american citizen) who willingly close up shop in the USA only to open up in a 3rd world country and then sell their goods to Americans who now have no way to pay for these goods... how is this making things better?

Blame Unions all you like, they have to operate under federal and state laws, and they are forced to look after their own, because big business won't unless they're pushed into it.

Before you come up with another Republicanist line, answer me this: why is it that the US economy hasn't gained back 100% of the jobs that were lost in the aftermath of 9/11/01?

While you're at that and explaining idiocy at its finest, explain to me the rationale behind dropping taxes at a time of WAR? The US has been through a few wars, and in none of them has the president, congress and senate been given to the foible of cutting out the ability to FINANCE the operations. You need money to make war in another place. This is a simple, unalterable, and immutable truth. If you start depleting your reserves of cash, you're going to ultimately limit your ability to win that war. At this point the US Government is hemorrhaging cash and red ink at rates unseen EVER.

At least under Clinton, you had a balanced budget... you know... they made it a LAW.


Give me George W. as president any day of the week, he is one of the last true politicians who cares about the US, the rest might as well be considered terrorists or communist.

You keep thinking that if that what gets you through the day.

When you're ready to face the reality of things you'll notice:
- Bush only cares about Americans... and Saudis... That have a LOT of money.
- Bush and the republican party at large (either willingly or not) has created a new realm of class warfare
- You are no safer from terrorists today than you were on Sept 10, 2001.
- You are sacrificing long-term economic stability for short term patches in the economy that are NOT WORKING.
- You are going to be saddled with paying off the War in Iraq for at least another 40 years at the present rate of pay back
- Your children have a greater chance of being left behind because of "No Child Left Behind" targets not being met because of lack of funding.
- Your long-term safety is in greater jeopardy because of Iraq.
- You do not have the same freedoms or protections that you had before Sept 11, 2001 because Republican controlled Executive and Legislative branches have legislated them into obscurity.

When you're ready to digest these little factoids, you'll understand how "great" Bush was.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edited Saturday, October 28, 2006 10:24 PM

Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.

Re: america attacked check it out
Sunday, October 29, 2006 11:25 AM on
Gam... I dont even know where to start on your extremely opinionated quite un-factual remarks.

Now dont get me wrong, you are one of the very few people that actually do some research before arguing, but you forget the remember that it is just that... and arguement. So you go on and on with non-factual informantion and some factual information. And then when someone posts factual information you make up some excuse for why you dont believe the link I posted above. Want to know how true it is, well there has been TV programs on the History and Discovery channels describing exactly how Saddam is a direct political desendant from the Nazi Germany. And yes I know my @!#$ about WWII.

So your question about why we havnt got back 100% of the jobs, we were in an economic recession. Now we are in a time of prosperity and jobs are coming back, whether your going to admit it or not.

There is no solid basis whatsoever to say that we are not safer after going to Iraq. And yes I agree there is no way to say that we are. But this is a matter of opionion and can never be proven. But I can sure tell you that with absolutely ludacris Liberal democrats in office, your are going to be much more vulnerable to terrorist attack. If you can't understand that then I know you are basing nothing off of fact. The current day republican party is by no means perfect, but is by far better for the current world politics than a Democrat who obviously has little care for the safety of the country and would rather worry about "personal liberties" which in themselves are obsolutely minimalistic to the need for national safety.

You even deny the truth about the echelon program.... Wow... thats all I have to say. wow.

No child left behind is a failure, you are correct on that one; however, since Bush make a very good political move by cutting taxes for the portion of americans that spend the most money on goods, wages, and anything they desire, I now make more money and can send my children to private schools where they will recieve a good education. And yes, imediatly after Bush passed the tax cuts I recieved a wage increase along with all of the employees I worked with. Calculate it all you want those tax cuts that give the rich more money will be spent and circulated back to where you origionally are trying to say they should go.

You beat completely around the point about the unions possing the greatest threat to US companies. Just after WWII we were still in an industrialized society rebuilding from a pretty rough period in the country. Unions in an industrialized society are very necessary. Back in those days the middle class person made a far less percentage of wages when compaired to todays world. In this fairly new technological society there is no need for factory workers that make more money that the average income. Lets face it, they didnt have to go to college or train hard at all and yet they recieve full benifits... stupid. Cut their wages by 10% even, and have them pay $50 more a pay period for thier benifits. Thats billions of $ more a year that allows companies in the US to remain competitive instead of going bankrupt and having to move out of the country to continue profiting. The people in the US these days frown heavily upon companies which move over shore, which obviously creates a bad public relations situation. Simply put, unions make up almost all of those employed by the largest of corporations and factories and they get paid to much. So those corporations and factories much raise prices of goods produced to even remain competative. So you drop wages to sane levels, require that employees pay more for benifits, and the general public, the factory or corp, and the whole US economy benifit from a company that stays in the US and offers competitive pricing compared to goods produced out of country.

London and Madrid... wow one year ago, great find, hahah. A lot happens in one year to and organization like al quida. Osama doesnt have nearly as much power as he did 5 years ago. And there is no way for you do even begin disputing that. Are there still some powerful groups out there that can carry out attacks like that, sure. They are just much fewer now.

So basically Its almost pointless to type anything to you because you say that you are one of the few that will admit when they are wrong, but your lying when you say that. Point in hand, the editorial that you say is so false because its an editorial, was also on TV episodes on the most factual and un-sugar coated channels available. So really, sorry GAM I got you on that one. I have proved to you that Saddam was a direct leftover of the Nazi party ideology and your still going to try to refute that. Either follow your word or dont tell me I am wrong when I give you the truth.

Here is a link to the History Channel showing.

After seeing that episode is when I began researching farther into the direct relation between the Nazi extremists and Saddam. Now we will see just how honest you really are about admitting when wrong on a factual issue.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edited Sunday, October 29, 2006 11:43 AM
Re: america attacked check it out
Sunday, October 29, 2006 1:39 PM on
Rollinredcavi wrote:Gam... I dont even know where to start on your extremely opinionated, well stupididy.

I didn't insult you, don't insult me.

Some of your ideas are way off base, but I did you the courtesy of not pandering to insults. Lets keep the discussion civil, shall we?


Now dont get me wrong, you are one of the very few people that actually do some research before arguing, but you forget the remember that it is just that... and arguement. So you go on and on with non-factual informantion and some factual information. And then when someone posts factual information you make up some excuse for why you dont believe the link I posted above. Want to know how true it is, well there has been TV programs on the History and Discovery channels describing exactly how Saddam is a direct political desendant from the Nazi Germany. And yes I know my @!#$ about WWII.

You know, had you actually read what I had posted, you'd have realised that no matter what the roots of his ideaology were, Hussein was not a Nazi sympathizer. He killed his own people, and was anti-semitic from the beginning anyhow. You'll also kindly notice that one can be anti-Zionist (as many extremist Muslims are) and not per se, anti-semitic...

If you want to point at the Discovery Channel network, or other television works, at least get the name of the series/production and copyright date.

I'll get to why I don't believe one person's opinion, but in a nutshell, opinions are like ass-holes, everyone has one. The facts are a little less tainted by someone else's ideas and beliefs. Your source (which is the only one that is stating this might I add) is one person, and I'm not going to buy a book from him in order to ascertain the veracity of what he said. If it were credible, there would have been independent verification through the publishing house. Self-published historical books are notoriously untrustworthy because of a lack of oversight and editing, there are books by Holocaust denyer Ernst Zundel which were published and have an ISBN but are not credited by any other than those that have an agenda that is anti-semitic or pro-Aryan.


So your question about why we havnt got back 100% of the jobs, we were in an economic recession. Now we are in a time of prosperity and jobs are coming back, whether your going to admit it or not.

You've been in a recession for the last 5 years. There hasn't been 4 straight quarters of upward trading, at best, there's been 3 quarters of flat trading. You're not going to get 100% of those jobs back because of the current administrations fiscal policies that make it more lucrative to sell to Americans that cannot afford their product (and thus buy on credit) than it is to employ them and sell them a product they can afford. More buying on credit, more financing of the future, less savings... you're being handed a golden shovel to dig your own economic grave. Balanced budgets helps because that way, the government can leverage it's tax-base to influence spending on civil and re-construction projects, as well as stop pork-barrell spending

Something you might not understand: There is prosperity, but, the top 4% of earners and the top 40% of corporations are the ones who are enjoying that prosperity. Trickle-down economics is a myth of Reaganomics. Those 4% of earners are not cycling their money into the economy, they're building money on it by inflating prices on stocks, bonds, goods, futures and land. They're paying the same amount for things as other people would but they're earning enough for 60-70 middle income earners. Corporations pay about $0.14 of every tax dollar, yet they make about 400,000 times collectively what the individual American makes. You get a tax break, great, but it might be nice to see taxation parity, a dollar taxed the same as if it were earned by the individual, or a corporation.


There is no solid basis whatsoever to say that we are not safer after going to Iraq. And yes I agree there is no way to say that we are. But this is a matter of opionion and can never be proven. But I can sure tell you that with absolutely ludacris Liberal democrats in office, your are going to be much more vulnerable to terrorist attack. If you can't understand that then I know you are basing nothing off of fact. The current day republican party is by no means perfect, but is by far better for the current world politics than a Democrat who obviously has little care for the safety of the country and would rather worry about "personal liberties" which in themselves are obsolutely minimalistic to the need for national safety.

Actually, I have rather solid ground to stand on.

- Before the invasion in 2003, there were precisely ZERO al-queda training camps in Iraq.
- Since the invasion, and collapse of border security, there have been a minimum of 20 found in Iraq (Not the Fedayeen Hussein camps, the difference is that they were there on overhead surveillance photos in 1991-2002) from overhead surveillance. On top of that, Iraqis in Iraq (of all denominations) were not prime targets for recruitment, because the Hussein Gov't kept recruiters out of the country.


You even deny the truth about the echelon program.... Wow... thats all I have to say. wow.

Hey, you show me a federal requisition for the Echelon coded project, and I'll believe it. Here is where you are quite simply wrong, if there was such a thing that could openly monitor EVERY ELECTRONIC TRANSACTION in the USA, first off, you could NOT hide it. Consolidating that much computer power would require several Pentagon sized buildings, and the connecting the infrastructure to build that kind of apparatus would require disruption of major power, wired and radio telecommunications installations. You don't make something like that overnight, and, you don't finance that kind of an operation under clandestine ways and means.

The actual "Echelon" program requires a FISA warrant (which must be ascented to by a majority of 11 FISA court Judges) in order to tap transmissions. In order to get that warrant, there must be proof given, as well as a clear and present danger posed by the individuals or groups named. Only then can their transmissions be intercepted, monitored and acted upon.

As for the myth of Echelon, put it this way: try and crack a PGP email without either of the sender/recipient keys. If it's 128 bit encryption, you'd better take a few months, your average 60 node beowulf cluster isn't going to break it for 60 days to brute force crack it, if that's the only thing it has on it's plate (think server farms... they're huge). That's ONE MESSAGE. Figure that the average corporation that uses PGP or stronger encryption sends 8000-10000 emails a day, and you're going to get a bit of a hint as to why the Echelon myth is just a myth. Who am I to say though, I've only got a Computer Engineering degree.

If you want the reality check: 192 bit encryption is standard on most 1X capable phones, and there are about 15-20 individual packets sent per second of voice transmission. Figure that there about 200 million Cellular phones in the USA, and to be conservative 20% in use at any one time, and you'll see that you'll need a LOT of processing power to just wade through those.

The Echelon Program is part of the NSA, and it requires SPECIFIC INTELLIGENCE and due diligence to comply with FISA. Patriot act roaming wire taps do not, and neither do the Delayed notification warrants. [Referenced sources]


No child left behind is a failure, you are correct on that one; however, since Bush make a very good political move by cutting taxes for the portion of americans that spend the most money on goods, wages, and anything they desire, I now make more money and can send my children to private schools where they will recieve a good education. And yes, imediatly after Bush passed the tax cuts I recieved a wage increase along with all of the employees I worked with. Calculate it all you want those tax cuts that give the rich more money will be spent and circulated back to where you origionally are trying to say they should go.

How kind of you to notice I actually made a salient point. And tuition costs going up year to year out-pace the tax reduction.... isn't that marvellous?

You see, you have the inflation rate, which in the USA is hovering at around 6% annually for 2004-2005. Your economy only grew a total of 3.8%... So, in theory, you're losing 2.2% of the ground you picked up with a 4% tax deduction. Now, your wage increase is may cover that difference, but, you are also paying more for the necessities of life as well (google PPI, CPI and Inflation) .

HAD the War in Iraq not been going on, and fiscal debts been payed, you'd see that you had more money anyhow because inflation would have been kept low. You may or may not have had a tax decrease, but because inflation would have been kept at a lower rate (which in 1998-2000 was less than 3, you would have been keeping the money you're now spending on higher costs for goods.


You beat completely around the point about the unions possing the greatest threat to US companies.

No the greatest threat to companies is inept business practices, loss of consumer faith, and releasing of inferior products at premium prices.


Just after WWII we were still in an industrialized society rebuilding from a pretty rough period in the country. Unions in an industrialized society are very necessary.

Before I go farther, are you saying that US is no longer an industrialised society? Do I have to point at the GAO's estimates that about 65% of corporate revenues in the US are from Manufacturing?


Back in those days the middle class person made a far less percentage of wages when compaired to todays world.

I'm not following this. In order to have a percentage, you need to know what you're taking that percent from. If you mean wage vs cost of living, right now, it's about the same as early 1950's.


In this fairly new technological society there is no need for factory workers that make more money that the average income.

Really? Why is it then that there is no possibility yet of having manufacturing without people? Quality control, major component fitment... it has to be done by humans.


Lets face it, they didnt have to go to college or train hard at all and yet they recieve full benifits... stupid.

This is an attitude that is pervasive in the US (and to an extent in Canada) because factory workers get paid a living wage, and get benefits enough to survive them through retirement as well as medical coverage. Europeans actually have a bit healthier an attitude about skilled labour, as they realise that there is a lot that they would have to do without if not for unionised and trade guilded workers.

Skilled labour is skilled. Either with apprenticeships, or by OTJ training, you can't take your average idiot off the street and slap them into a manufacturing job (say for cars) without giving them some idea of what to do. Welding CAN be done by a machine, no doubt, but if all it took was a machine, why bother with having any more apprenticeship programs? Why is it that in this day and age, where machines are so good at doing that one task, that Korean ship builder Hyundai Heavy Industries needs more welders than ever? Why is it that GM, Hyundai, Toyota, Nissan Renault and Ford and pretty much every other manufacturer still uses individual laborers in their engine assembly lines?

I'll give you a hint: there isn't a computer QA apparatus that is as quick, efficient, adaptable or as cheap to train as the human brain.


Cut their wages by 10% even, and have them pay $50 more a pay period for thier benifits. Thats billions of $ more a year that allows companies in the US to remain competitive instead of going bankrupt and having to move out of the country to continue profiting.

I understand this line of reasoning, but, why make it more attractive for those major corporations to move shop to a foreign country (don't forget: they have to pay severance to all the workers here, pay out closing costs, and pay all due taxes before they can even consider opening up shop which also entails usually building the buildings, electrical, water supply, roads, and other infrastructure, hiring other employees, training them to do the same jobs as well as fixing their employee turn-over costs) and dump all that money?
As for cutting wages tomorrow and incurring those extra costs: put yourself in their shoes. They have to pay union dues, and usually (if you're working in a Union right now, please correct me if I'm wrong, I've been out of a unionised shop for about 5 years) they pay group medical separately, just like everyone else.

It's all a nice idea until you try and put it into practise. This is a foible of a lot of Republican romanticists, it's not just you. It's the "walk a mile in the other guy's moccasins" factor.


The people in the US these days frown heavily upon companies which move over shore, which obviously creates a bad public relations situation. Simply put, unions make up almost all of those employed by the largest of corporations and factories and they get paid to much. So those corporations and factories much raise prices of goods produced to even remain competative. So you drop wages to sane levels, require that employees pay more for benifits, and the general public, the factory or corp, and the whole US economy benifit from a company that stays in the US and offers competitive pricing compared to goods produced out of country.

Not true. GM, Ford and Chrysler were competative all through the 50's, 60's, 70's and early 80's because of sound business practices. In the mid-80's, thanks to unbridled inflation and unfair competition from Japanese manufacturers, market share slipped, but profits stayed high until the early 90's (under GHW Bush, Remember "READ MY LIPS, NO NEW TAXES"?), and thats when things really went awry. Combine a lot of bad business decisions by GM, Chrysler only marginally hanging on, and Ford focusing more on foreign brands, you get major slippages in the auto industry, and the manufacturing sector that supported it as a whole. Also figure that there was the fall out from Reganomics, Bushonomics 1, and you had that recession that lasted for 5 years until about 1997/8, when 5 years of fiscal prudence pulled the US into good economic favor.


London and Madrid... wow one year ago, great find, hahah. A lot happens in one year to and organization like al quida. Osama doesnt have nearly as much power as he did 5 years ago. And there is no way for you do even begin disputing that. Are there still some powerful groups out there that can carry out attacks like that, sure. They are just much fewer now.

Prove this to me.
Where I work, there is a list of ~400 organisations that have ties to terrorism. They are all under financial and operational surveillance. When I started, the list was 138. You tell me how it is that Al-queda doesn't have as much power as they did before. Are you totally forgetting that they are recruiting and training in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir and former soviet republics as well as in UAE, Sudan, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia?

Do you honestly think that Al-qaeda is just Bin Laden? I seriously want to know this because it will go a long way to explaining why you're not getting why terrorism is such a hard nut to crack. Think of it as a large criminal group where people work with others on a casual basis, no hard heirarchy is formed, and plans are executed on more or less an ad-hoc basis after approval.

Look, you want to believe they're on the run and all will be well, great, whatever gets you through the night. I would rather see them denied financial, human and material resources in order to destroy their ideological base. You want to make things safer in the mid-east, and the west? Make life better for the average Iraqi, Afghani and all those in the other countries I listed above. Its still no picnic in Saudi Arabia, the average person lives in non-air conditioned apartments that are akin to batchelor apartments while the Saudi Elite live on multi-million dollar stipends. It really fuels the fire when they can barely find good paying work, much less provide for their families.


So basically Its almost pointless to type anything to you because you say that you are one of the few that will admit when they are wrong, but your lying when you say that. Point in hand, the editorial that you say is so false because its an editorial, was also on TV episodes on the most factual and un-sugar coated channels available.

SHOW ME THE PROOF. If you can dig it up, and produce it, I'll have no problem. Until then, it's just your word. Name of production or series, and copyright date.

Here's a bit of information: If you want to say something is the way it is, you generally don't pull from ONE person. You need multiple sources for proof if you're talking about editorial because its one person's take on things. If, however, you have objective journalistic reporting (there is a difference between editorialising and reporting), you are the one that gets to decide what it is that you think.

Here, I'll make it REALLY REALLY simple:
ed‧i‧to‧ri‧al  /ˌɛdɪˈtɔriəl, -ˈtoʊr-/ Pronunciation[ed-i-tawr-ee-uhl, -tohr-]
- Noun
1. an article in a newspaper or other periodical presenting the opinion of the publisher, editor, or editors.
2. a statement broadcast on radio or television that presents the opinion of the owner, manager, or the like, of the station or channel.
3. something regarded as resembling such an article or statement, as a lengthy, dogmatic utterance.
jour·nal·ism (jūrn-lzm) Pronunciation Key Audio pronunciation of "journalism" [P]
1. The collecting, writing, editing, and presenting of news or news articles in newspapers and magazines and in radio and television broadcasts.
2. Material written for publication in a newspaper or magazine or for broadcast.
3. The style of writing characteristic of material in newspapers and magazines, consisting of direct presentation of facts or occurrences with little attempt at analysis or interpretation.
4. Newspapers and magazines.
5. An academic course training students in journalism.
6. Written material of current interest or wide popular appeal.

Editorial - opinion
Journalism - facts, no opinion.


So really, sorry GAM I got you on that one. I have proved to you that Saddam was a direct leftover of the Nazi party ideology and your still going to try to refute that. Either follow your word or dont tell me I am wrong when I give you the truth.

I reiterate my remarks on anti-semitism. Hezbollah is anti-semitic, they're not Nazis by simple fact that they're not Aryans. (There is a speech, which one I'm not exactly sure, but the running joke Hitler trots out is that the Jews deserve Israel as much as the Arabs deserve Palestine)

Ideology of the Nazis is that the Aryan/Caucasians are the supreme race and that all should serve them.
Ideology of Saddam Hussein is that he was the supreme ruler of Iraq, and that all should serve him.
Similar but not the same, again, Hussein was a Sunni Persian, not a Catholic Aryan.

You also patently did NOT read the links on the Ba'ath party. You'll realise upon reading them, that the Ba'ath party not only started about 10 years after Nazis pulled out of North Africa, but, that the Nazis really had no great presence in the Mid-east with the exception of Egypt, and this was of little consequence because there was no Suez Canal. Further, the Ba'ath party had little ideologically to do with the Nazis, except for a vague socialism.

One thing that you also fail to realise, Saddam's uncle might have been through all this, but he was not a major player in the Ba'ath party in Syria, nor Iraq nor Jordan. The other thing: the Ba'ath party had no political toe-hold in Iraq until about 1963. All through the late 40's and 50's Iraq was one of the most westernized countries in the middle east. Hardly an extremist nation.

Here's a tip. Before you insult me again. Do me a favor and actually READ what I wrote, think about it, then read what I have referenced. I did NOT reference opinion, I referenced fact. You have yet to reference anything that is not one person's opinion. Until you're ready to actually do that, don't bother wasting my time or Dave's server space.

Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.

Re: america attacked check it out
Sunday, October 29, 2006 4:01 PM on
GAM- go back up to my last post. I edited it before you posted your last post.

Notice that at the top I took out the stupidity part because after reading it I did realize it sounded a little harsh.

The go to the bottom of the page to the link. And there is the proof. Take the little blurb about the program and then read the facts about how Saddam actually moved in with his uncle shortly after WWII and how the Nazi leaders who escaped persecution were some of the main players in funding and pushing Saddams rise to power. I think even you will admit that this is obviously a last ploy by the Nazi's to keep the reich alive.

After you read that then I will respond to some of the other stuff.
Re: america attacked check it out
Sunday, October 29, 2006 4:38 PM on
So you mean after grandpa Bush stopped selling the Nazis weapons and before the CIA made Saddam their puppet in the conflict againt Iran and also before Osama was recruited to fight the Soviets in Afganastan.. Right?

Re: america attacked check it out
Sunday, October 29, 2006 4:54 PM on
I hadn't heard of a connection, and from what I've read here and in related articles, I don't see any causative link between Arab anti-semitism (which predates Nazism if you read Yasser Arafat's Biography) and Nazism.

I will admit that's the first I've seen of it, but the Ba'ath party's rise in Syria, Iraq and Jordan are all independent of the Nazi Regime. Even if Talfah was that influential a leader over Hussein, it doesn't explain the sociopathic (ie the murder of individuals, even direct family) rise that Hussein had. The other thing that I find curious is that I have not found anything relating to Talfah politically, other than his monumental corruption as the Mayor of Baghdad. I haven't done much research, I admit, but if he was more than just a Nazi-sympathiser and anti-semitist (like the writer and influence of Ba'athist doctrine) I have yet to see it. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I am saying it's not readily apparent.

As for keeping the 3rd riech alive, there are enough brain-washed twats to do that in neo-nazi, skinhead, and Christian Identity movements. I don't think they'd stoop to passing on their legacy to a bunch of Persians and Bedouin. Talfah wrote a pamphlet at the time that went "Three things that should never have been created, Jews, Persians and flies." Considering that about 1/3 of Iraqis are Persian, that might have been a bad title. If the Ba'aths are the inheiritors of the reich, I seriously question the stability of whichever Nazi party official thought of that. It's an interesting idea, but I don't personally think it's anything more than a co-incidence, both stood for absolute power, and both wanted to eliminate all those not of their blood line (which happens to exclude Jews in both cases, but in the case of Ba'ath includes Turkmen, Kurds, Chrisitians, and Persians). Again, similar ideals, but I don't see the causative link other than similar ideology. You could say that the Chinese have a similar link due their purging of Buddhism after the annexation of Tibet as well...

Something that I think may also shed a bit of light on Ba'ath party ideology:
If you pardon some of the Grammatical errata and spelling errors, its interesting if nothing else. It doesn't openly state anything anti-semitic, there is some ideology that could be interpreted as such (Article 7 & 11 just as a for instance).

Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.

Re: america attacked check it out
Sunday, October 29, 2006 5:03 PM on
RaiLS wrote:You guys can be real pricks, you know that? Take it for just face value, as a tribute to all those people. Would you talk @!#$ about a tribute for Pearl Harbor? Jesus Christ, America makes me sick sometimes.

You know, it took the third time looking at it to pull out any bit of political bull@!#$. I was too intranced at the images of the atrocities that took place that day.

Say what you want about all the crap with the war out here and what not. Hell, I am over in Iraq right now and, well I'll reserve my feeling about us being over here. I will say that I am not re enlisting, but to say that we shouldn't have take any action in response to 9/11 is ludacris at best.

I can't wait to read the back pedaling after this too.

Shame, cause I'm personally looking forward to going back next year.

Re: america attacked check it out
Sunday, October 29, 2006 5:40 PM on
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:I hadn't heard of a connection, and from what I've read here and in related articles, I don't see any causative link between Arab anti-semitism (which predates Nazism if you read Yasser Arafat's Biography) and Nazism.

I will admit that's the first I've seen of it, but the Ba'ath party's rise in Syria, Iraq and Jordan are all independent of the Nazi Regime. Even if Talfah was that influential a leader over Hussein, it doesn't explain the sociopathic (ie the murder of individuals, even direct family) rise that Hussein had. The other thing that I find curious is that I have not found anything relating to Talfah politically, other than his monumental corruption as the Mayor of Baghdad. I haven't done much research, I admit, but if he was more than just a Nazi-sympathiser and anti-semitist (like the writer and influence of Ba'athist doctrine) I have yet to see it. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I am saying it's not readily apparent.

As for keeping the 3rd riech alive, there are enough brain-washed twats to do that in neo-nazi, skinhead, and Christian Identity movements. I don't think they'd stoop to passing on their legacy to a bunch of Persians and Bedouin. Talfah wrote a pamphlet at the time that went "Three things that should never have been created, Jews, Persians and flies." Considering that about 1/3 of Iraqis are Persian, that might have been a bad title. If the Ba'aths are the inheiritors of the reich, I seriously question the stability of whichever Nazi party official thought of that. It's an interesting idea, but I don't personally think it's anything more than a co-incidence, both stood for absolute power, and both wanted to eliminate all those not of their blood line (which happens to exclude Jews in both cases, but in the case of Ba'ath includes Turkmen, Kurds, Chrisitians, and Persians). Again, similar ideals, but I don't see the causative link other than similar ideology. You could say that the Chinese have a similar link due their purging of Buddhism after the annexation of Tibet as well...

Something that I think may also shed a bit of light on Ba'ath party ideology:
If you pardon some of the Grammatical errata and spelling errors, its interesting if nothing else. It doesn't openly state anything anti-semitic, there is some ideology that could be interpreted as such (Article 7 & 11 just as a for instance).

I think you are still missing the critical link that literaly proves the point I am making.

The grand mufti, Amin al-Husseini, who (was the islamic leader, or basically the pope of Islam if you want to look at it that way) was in direct contact with Hitler, even to the point where he would travel to Germany seceretly to meet with him and ask for money and weapons to attempt raids on the British bases throughout Iraq. But the grand mufti also had a hatred for the same groups of people as the Nazi's. Hitler funded the killing of Jews and such in Iraq at the same time of the Nazi genocide's. The group that carried out the Iraqi genocide were the Hanzar's, the Nazi SS group in the middle east. One of the Mufti's main men in the attacks on the british bases was Saddam's uncle, Talfah. So Talfah adopted the Nazi party ideology. In 1947, when Saddam was around 10, he moved in with his Uncle Talfah, who began involving Saddam in the politics he was taught by the Grand Mufti. At one time, as you probably already know, Saddam began his baath party experiences by recieving support from the chased out Nazi generals and such. Several years later he is the new totalitarian dictator in Iraq with direct Nazi upbringing and support. The History channel video described all this and even the little details obviously. But it seems a little bit more than coincidence that his uncle, we could say, was a Nazi, and now Saddam commiting genocide for decades.

It is what it is, lots of people on here wont want to believe the truth because it gives us plenty of reason to be in Iraq, whether Iraq harbored terrorists is has nothing to do with what I am talking about. So leave that one for another convo. Or actually I will say it right here so you dont have to. We know that Saddam supported terrorist with weapons and monetary funds but there were no terror camps in Iraq. I have no doubt about that so we dont even need to go there. But I am saying that as a matter of my opinion, I am disagreeing with your opinion on whether or not we should be in Iraq. Saddam and his agenda is a direct Nazi stepchild and was just as important to take out of the world as a terrorist.
Re: america attacked check it out
Sunday, October 29, 2006 6:01 PM on
This fills in a few more details about Arafats direct relation to Nazi's

There is actually a lot of stuff out there about this. But it appears through reading about it more that because these people are still in power that the US's need for "political correctness" is actually senseoring this from us.

Re: america attacked check it out
Monday, October 30, 2006 8:31 AM on
I still stand by what I said before, if there is an ideological link, I think it's coincidental and based around anti-semitism, and not specifically true Idealist congruency.

Upper-echelon Nazis basically had contempt for all non-aryans with few exceptions (I refer back to Hitler's Palestine jab, I'll look for a link to it when I get home, can't search @ work) so I can't really see a merging of ideals, rather an acceptance of that particular group's power over the region and when the job is accomplished, wholesale slaughter of their former ally.

Remember, Nazism was based around the ideal of Aryan supremacy, not about anti-semitic/anti-Zionist cabals.

I see what you're saying, but I don't necessarily agree with it.

Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.

Re: america attacked check it out
Monday, October 30, 2006 9:04 AM on
If there is Satan, i would have to concede Bush to him in the contest of Serious bastardry. Even my sick and twisted mind could not have came up with not just Nero Revisited, but nepotism thrown into that...

I will, however, take credit for the mindless zombies that think politicians are out there to protect our intrests. I will also take credit for the person that pulls an Ash Williams and wades through them with a fist full of boomstick.

Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Re: america attacked check it out
Monday, October 30, 2006 2:57 PM on
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:I still stand by what I said before, if there is an ideological link, I think it's coincidental and based around anti-semitism, and not specifically true Idealist congruency.

Upper-echelon Nazis basically had contempt for all non-aryans with few exceptions (I refer back to Hitler's Palestine jab, I'll look for a link to it when I get home, can't search @ work) so I can't really see a merging of ideals, rather an acceptance of that particular group's power over the region and when the job is accomplished, wholesale slaughter of their former ally.

Remember, Nazism was based around the ideal of Aryan supremacy, not about anti-semitic/anti-Zionist cabals.

I see what you're saying, but I don't necessarily agree with it.

But exactly what your saying can also be taken in the way that I have brought up. There may be no link on paper because the link is in Saddam's head. And those who supported his political campaign (the nazis who were not caught). Obviously the Nazi's wanted the pure Aryan race. But I think that is going around the point. Hitler knew that he could not do it by German's alone, so he enlisted the Axis powers, which includes the Hanzar SS group in the middle east and the Grand Mufti's follower's, including Talfah. After defeat in the main portion of WWII the Nazi's obviously did not want to give up the dream of that Aryan race, So who do you turn to? Germany is obviously out, Italy-out, Japan-obliterated, it sounds like there is really only one way to turn. Which the once allies in the middle east. Obviously Talfah already had his name in the Nazi list of allies so-to-speak, and his nephew, Saddam was obviously being tought and highly influenced by this. His political aid is even traced back to those Nazi's who were not captured as you read in the link I posted.

There is just to much info linking it back to the Nazi's for me to turn my head and say "no he isnt a Nazi" or at the very least infatuated with the idea of the "pure race". He really even proved it with the genocides he commited, obviously going after certain groups which were notorious for oposing his political agenda. At the very least I think we can say that he was using Nazi philosophy to attempt creation of a new super power where all of his country memebers supported his will, or at least mass support like Hitler had with intent to impose his will upon those outside of the country.
Re: america attacked check it out
Monday, October 30, 2006 4:18 PM on
Umm, let's not forget that before Hitler the Nazi party was simply a National Social party and really had nothing inheritly bad about it (although some would say socialism is bad and these days nationalism is looked down upon, not then). They had great sucess because they were feeding a starving nation. Hitler changed all the rules and made the word "Nazi" a bad word. In reality, Hitler was the bad word.

That said, simply entertaining Nazis and liking their policies is not inhertly evil. They new how to take control of resource, feed the people and rebuild an economy. They were very good at that. In post WWII times, there were many destroyed economies and hungry people.

A little context may be in order.

Re: america attacked check it out
Tuesday, October 31, 2006 6:33 AM on
By that same tentative link, Bolsheviks had the same agenda.

Despots don't need an ideological link to commit Genocide. Stalin purged 2/3-3/4 of the Soviet Party after WWII because they could consolidate and strike down his power... Hitler outlawed the SJ (ie brownshirts or civillian political Nazis) after 1938, and Hussein overtook the Iraqi Parliament in 1963 and had political leaders executed just outside the doors of the Caucus, and then started with a purging campaign.

Again, I don't see anything really Nazi-esque, but something common to Despots.

Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.

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