The future of this place - Page 3 - General Forum

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Re: The future of this place
Friday, June 20, 2008 2:16 AM
Like any other machine, these cars have limited service lives. The cars come and go. And people can only dedicate so much time to projects and have to move on.

I bought a newer Saab 9-3 about 3 yrs ago and gave my '97 Z24 to my dad. He originally intended to use it as a winter car to go with his Camaro, but now drives it most of the year. ,I thought the Z24 would die, but was totally wrong. Instead, the Z24 continues to be the best and most reliable car my family has ever bought. It's been in the family more than 11 yrs, with over 145k mi and has never failed. OK the A/C is dead but that can be fixed.

As much as I love my Saab, if I could go back, I would not have bought it. It's a really fun car, but it's expensive. I would have kept the Z24 and probably threw $1500 into new brakes, suspension and an A/C compressor. It would be a great car to have still. The Z24 has 145k mi on it and likely has much more life to it. The trans still shifts like it was brand new. Still plenty of power. The best parts about the Z24? It's long PAID OFF, has some zip, gets very good gas mileage and runs on any 87-octane without a fuss. My Saab interestingly gets similar gas mileage, but has a hefty monthly payment and requires premium fuel.

The reason I'm back here tonight? I'm borrowing the Z24 while my Saab is in the body shop, being repaired for the THIRD time as people like to randomly back into it and cause heavy damage. The Z24 brings back old memories. Maybe I should take it back Wow the Z24 has so much simplicity to it. Paid off. Easy to repair. Rarely needs repairs.

Re: The future of this place
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 6:03 AM
Jookycola wrote:We just had this exact discussion at the j-bom BBQ. It seems new j-body enthustast these days are on a 2-year life cycle. They get a used j-body, they're really into it and about 2 years later they either get something better or just lose interest.

Excellent points - you've nailed the dynamics of this site, in terms of the typical "life cycle" of an average member.

That stated, I think there's another (smaller) universe here of those who proudly wear an "Cheap American metal changed into something better" badge. Many of us can readily afford an "upgrade" but aren't in any particular rush. So we hang on to our J's much longer (I've had mine for 6 years now) and may end up being the last crowd here when the lights get turned off..
Re: The future of this place
Thursday, June 26, 2008 2:51 AM
^^^^^^^ I just checked... and in 2 days.... I'll have been registered on the org for 5 years.... (assuming my join date is correct)... My J-body anniversary is coming up LOL...

IDK about the 2 year thing.... but I've notice that thats kinda the trial period myself..... if you see the same people showing up at meets after the first 2 years.... they are much more likely to stay....

that does seem common though.... and then you have people like me that have owned nothing buy a J-body for the last 6 years.... ( or longer) for some people it just sticks...

and as for this


Since this site isn't being actively promoted, it's certainly no wonder it is losing members to other boards. People have been asking for stickers like what, 2 or 3 years now? Its amazing how many kids I run into with modified cavs at shows that have never even heard of JBO.

Thats why you get yourself one of these....

btw.... idk what happened to the rest of the G.... because I know your going to ask.

Just because you can't get the org stickers from dave.... doesn't mean you cant promote the site.

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