I am in the same boat as well I ordered them the same day he put the post up they were avaliable for purchace and still nuthing here as well.
Dustnyou wrote:I am in the same boat as well I ordered them the same day he put the post up they were avaliable for purchace and still nuthing here as well. 
Same here, Im not too worried though as they are just stickers.
"Straight roads are for fast cars, turns are for fast drivers"-Colin McRae
i got a spot 4 one! just waiting on their arrival! ordered them 1/13
WiGM-Tuners member.
I'm real surprised on the wait time. I always think when customers order from me "They sent their half now i must send mine as fast"
spoke to dave last night he hurt his back so the order went out tuesday for the last batch so give the guy a break hes tryin to do his best with his back the way it is
z yaaaa wrote:wow...
these stickers have been UNAVAILABLE for years.
give dave a break, were lucky we got them at all. @!#$.

M62, 42's, ZZP 3", ZZP S3 H/E
214whp 190wtq
Guess its time for a shipping update... so please put away the pitchforks...
- Large quantity orders (you know who you are)... your orders are set to go out tomorrow.
- ALL USA *sticker only* orders... have all gone out. Some of you have already gotten them, most of the rest should have them by Friday. If you live in the boondocks, maybe it'll take an extra day or two? I have no idea. If you don't get it by Monday, please let me know.
- CANADA orders... from January, your orders went out today. From February, your orders are all set to go out tomorrow.
All other orders, this is only a small handful, I believe USA only, that ordered multiple products... a few orders have already gone out, some will be going out tomorrow, the rest by Friday. I should be fully caught up by the end of this week.
I'll do my best to get the order history/status page that I talked about in a previous post done in the next couple days. That way there will be fewer questions as to if an order was received or shipped.
I've gotten a few questions regarding whether items are in stock. The store has inventory tracking, so if it lets you place an order, that means the item is in stock (unless it specifically states in the description that it is a presale, as was the case with the stickers for the first couple of weeks). So don't worry about placing an order for something I don't have, that can't happen.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about
the former." - Albert Einstein
thanks for the updates Dave.. how is the server fund coming? I could really care less about the stickers, I dont even know where to put them. I'm more curious on the server info?
dave told me that we're looking at around May for launching the new server!!
Gonna be checkin my mailbox soon!
thanks for the update dave...........

"If you have no clue what's going on... STFU!"
Yay! I haz stickers! Thanks Dave!!
No stickers for me. Probb\ably because I fall under the "boon docks" category.
Hopin to get mine tomorrow so I can have it on for Friday Fest, thanks for the update
Got mine today. Thanks Dave. Now my car runs again!
i got mine today as well! they were happy to see me!
WiGM-Tuners member.
I got mine today!
PRND321 Till I DIE
Old Motor: 160whp & 152ft/lbs, 1/4 Mile 15.4 @88.2
M45 + LD9 + 4T40-E, GO GO GO
Got mine today as well
Thanks dave! I cant wait for the new server!
"Hondas are like tampons, every pussy has one!!!"
Got mine today! Thanks Dave

Edited 2 time(s). Last edited Friday, March 05, 2010 3:55 PM
Got mine today as well. Thanks Dave
MY four JBO stickers...
I has them :-)

Buildin' n' Boostin for 08' - Alex Richards