lol nice. love the big brother
well, i saw around 8-10 psi with the 2.5 snout pulley/os crank pulley. im hoping to be around 10-12 with the 2.4 snout now.

It's nice to be injected but I love being blown.
Nice. Just for you, I'll do a test in series with the big one to see what happens, but if boost spikes up over 10 psi, I'm shuttin' it down.
Not a fan of what looks like non weatherpack RCA connectors at the electric turbo... but the vibrant couplers aren't cheap and it looks like this individual is trying their best to make something that's of good quality.
With that said I don't think that the 24 volt battery is going to push it hard enough to get a significant gain but I'm curious to see your results.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
Well... just looking at the stuff, without having actually fired anything up yet... I've got no issues at all with the apparent quality. It all looks solid.
If you look at the other half of those connectors coming out of the control box, you can see that they should be well covered once connected together. So long as they fit snug and aren't made of something that might corrode, I expect they'll work just fine.
You've given me something to do! This weekend I'll plug them together and get some pics and my opinion of what they're like.
Checked them out, got more info, and put it on my page.
Bottom line is that they're gold plated connectors rated for 200 amps. No RCA connectors here.
Incidentally, Chris, if you're interested when the time comes, I'd love to have you come by to check out the testing. It seems like something you'd get a kick out of.
this weather sucks. i want results!

M45/OS crank/2.4 snout. It's nice to be injected but I love being blown!
heh. Seriously. I know your pain!
This was started to sort of build up excitement leading to the test... but not it's just sort of swinging in the wind a bit.
Not to worry though. We know the car works. I'm working on test fitting the components and running the wiring. I've got the batteries in place. Things will start moving along again soon!!
Check the update. It was only a brief run, but I saw over 10 psi with the small one in line with the M45.
Don't read too much into it yet. I put plenty of disclaimers in my post, as it was just a run to see if it was hooked up properly and would even turn on.
So, I am wondering if this thing is actually making enough psi to overpower the supercharger, or just kind of per charging the supercharger if that makes any sense? I wonder if you could put a boost gauge in between the electric charger and the tb and read that as well as what the car sees?
Have a nice day.
That's just not possible. The e-blower is installed right snug against the TB with no room for anything else in there.
If you're wondering whether the e-blower might make 10 psi on it's own and the supercharger is just blowing in the wind in between, then no. Absolutely not. The M45 is definitely doing the bulk of the work in compressing the air so the e-blower is just providing more air and adding a bit of compression to what the M45 has to work with. Remember that the magnusson supercharger isn't really a "compressor" per se. It's not taking air and squishing it the way an impeller does. It's more just moving a big chunk of air into a smaller space without allowing any to escape, so we end up with compression as a result. With the e-blower in line, it's getting "squished" air to begin with and then moving that along.
So I guess your idea of "pre charging" the supercharger is a good way to look at it. I'm kinda looking at it as the engine consuming air as though it were a V6 and that the e-blower is providing enough boost to be able to boost a V6 at nearly 2 psi, but I have no idea whether that's a proper way to interpret it. I've sent that question to Rob to get his opinion on it.
Ultimately it's irrelevant though. What I've done so far is just a bit of hooning for some fun but as I mention on the page, we shouldn't really be trying to draw conclusions from it. The real testing will come when I've disabled the M45 to see what the e-blower can do on its own.
IT WORKS!! See my site for the update. I'll post the data tomorrow. Now it's time to drink beer and watch playoff hockey.
You know BMW uses electric turbos on their new cars. Some of the cars have tri turbos and the 1 electric spools the two larger turbos. They are ridiculously expensive though.
On the inside my car looks like a fighter jet.
I know they're working on something, but I don't think they're selling it in any cars yet. I talk about this a bit on my website. It's my understanding that their system has a turbo with an electric motor between the turbine and compressor to spin it up before the exhaust velocity gets the turbine going. I'd expect it to be hella expensive. They need the electric motor engineered to deal with turbine temperatures! I think Audi is also working on a system that's more in line with what this thing is, but again, I don't think it's for sale yet.
The technology is coming along. This is just the first one I'm aware of that's coming to the aftermarket that actually works!
Diesel locomotives use a clutch to drive the turbo off the geartrain until it spins off the exhaust gases... you can hear the turbo rev up and take off when it does! Kind of neat... but a bitch when the clutch packs it in.
Nice to see you playing with this project Kevin!
Hey John... nice to see you're still reading threads here!!
Let's be honest. We're lifers. There's no getting away from it.
Also... if anyone in the Toronto area wants to see this in action, I'm having a little meet in the east end on Wednesday night. See my page for the details.
Very interesting results... I suppose the boost tapers off because the electric motor can't keep up with the CFM's the engine starts to pull at higher RPM's eh?
Would be interesting if he could come up with a unit that makes 7 psi at 2000 rpm and tapers to 5psi. That would be an interesting way to add some power to the car rather inexpensively.
Do the batteries have a hard time keeping up with the juice required?
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
Chris, if you want to see it I can certainly meet up with you tomorrow or Saturday!! Then it's back off the road.
Yeah... that's exactly why it tapers off. I have the bigger one to try still. I'll probably post numbers for that one tomorrow. If he made one that did that though, you'd never be able to install it on any normal car without a bunch of fuel mods and what not. No normal NA car is going to be able to fuel 5 psi at high rpm's. It'll lean out and blow up.
This boost curve is actually rather accidentally ideal for being easy to install.
Oh... as for the Leafs game... I SWEAR TO FREAKIN' GOD I looked at the schedule and saw that they were playing TOMORROW when I picked tonight for this meet.
My bad on that one. I'll catch the end of it, and maybe my watching has been bad luck. heh.
Ok... I've just done my final round of testing. The small blower is probably the one you want, since it's starts off with a bit more kick but shouldn't lean out a regular engine at higher RPM's. But the big one pushed NEARLY THREE POUNDS of boost at redline!! See my site for all the numbers.
I'm sold. Of course, now I've gotta figure out how to rewrite my scam page to ensure people understand the difference between something like this and, so far as I know, EVERYTHING ELSE out there.

It was way easier when everything was a scam.
I told Rob it would be good to sign up and start posting so he can answer questions about price and availability and more technical questions that I know nothing about. Rather than signing up to forums all over the place though, he said to post up that he's still working on his website but you can contact him by sending a PM or commenting on his Robftss YouTube account.
So that's about it for now!! I've got the car on the road until Saturday so hopefully someone can see it in person. I'm going to put more effort into trying to run down the battery over the next couple days... but as far as "DOES IT BOOST??" goes... well... it sure as hell does!
this is awesome, great job going through it all and sticking with it.
im curious on pricing though lol