Much like the thread below mine, I've been a member here for around 15 years, and owned my Sunfire the same length of time. Lots of good memories, some best friends made and a whole lot of learning. But after the car became too much to handle a few years back, I began to lose interest. After I bought my house and acquiring some different cars and hobbies, it really started to collect dust. I passively tried to sell it for the past year or so, and finally traded it off for a new "toy" last night. It was a little bit heart-wrenching seeing it get towed away, but I feel like it was a chapter of my life that needed to be closed. A lot of the oldies (here) are long since moved on, any maybe you guys will remember me, or maybe not. Either way, it's been a lot of fun, guys--best of luck with the J's moving forward!
Is there a car behind the raptor or is it a transformer?
That was a nice sunfire, sorry to see it go too.
Did some buy to revive it or part it out sad to say?
Anyway good luck with everything.
Lol...there's a '13 GLI behind the Raptor, and my Silverado is off to the side. I was really sorry to see it go, too, man. But priorities changed over the years, and right now I'm looking towards our next (and hopefully last) house purchase next year. The guy who bought it is going to (try and) work the bugs out and give it to his wife, which I guess is a good thing.
Always loved your Sunfire! Sorry to see it go. Best of luck with your new toy and everything else

was always a fan of your car. I remember seeing it down at carlisle years back and talking with you and cody a bit.
best of luck to you!
Chris, I know you have been trying to sell it for a while now.
Hope it went to a good home.
PRND321 Till I DIE
Old Motor: 160whp & 152ft/lbs, 1/4 Mile 15.4 @88.2
M45 + LD9 + 4T40-E, GO GO GO