Rated z- I agree totally, there is nothing wrong with besy buy. Like i said my friend works there so its cheap. If i had a million dollars i might go to a pricier place just so i can myself cooler, otherwise theres nothing wrong with BB.
Ya the language filter is dumb...
Das computer ist ein Scheisskerl. Erzähle mir nicht so einen Mist! Ich habe ein Arsch. Sie hat Bruesten und ein Scheide.
Ya... censor that sh|t, you c0ck sucking god damnd peice of t|tty fukking sh|t. And suck my dogs left n|pple while your at it, you h0rny slutt. <br>
<BR><B>If you're racist, you hate everyone. Me; I'm ricist, I only hate ricers.</B>
<IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/neo32843/personal_pic.jpg">
<B>Pictures and stuff: <A HREF="http://www.cardomain.com/id/neo32843" TARGET="_blank">http://www.cardomain.com/id/neo32843</A></B>
dave your friends works there and you only got 25% off!!!
people that work there get a discount of 5% above cost...which turns out to be around 50% off retail in the car audio area..
you shoulda got it cheaper
no i'm kidding you still got a good deal...come find me after school on monday
yea i used to have a cahep snowborad, but sking is more fun, i would love to learn how to maybee one of you could teach me.
i live across from a samll hill, and one block from a giant hill, i would love to buy a snowboard and pratice. <br>
1984 Cavalier convert, brown, brown, brown!
I am drunk. Margearitas are good. order with an extra shat of sauzua its gooood.!
Omg!! Lurch you are too funny!! get on Yahoo!!

"why was it me who happenes to open her big ol' mouth when managment is here?"
hey just an idea, sometime whenever, would anyone be up for a paintball get together somewhere?
lurch have a drink for me since im broke lol <br>
04 sunfire auto 16.3@82.5.................for now
hey is there anymore meets me and nick got are cars almost done with rebuild and mine panited and all the other goodies <br>
i guess paint ball would be alright but im not so sure about doing it in the winter..although it would be kewl to dress up in snow camo
afton better only cost $5 if theres no runs open..oh and it looks like it will be in the mid 40's saturday so should be nice up there...
yeah...ill post a meet up for us i guess

"Take that, rewind it back"................. "Just wing it!"
even if not winter paintball. idea though frozen paintballs sucks a$$ lol
whenever though just a thought haha <br>
04 sunfire auto 16.3@82.5.................for now
arlo.....check your yahoo mail

sorry forgot to add that last time...
L8rZ <br>
"Take that, rewind it back"................. "Just wing it!"
NM.........I bought a board, bindings and boots today pick it up in the morning, waxed and ready to go........so don't leave me out of Afton!!!!!!
Ylime.....I can show you the few things I can do, then.....................the best ways to fall without getting hurt. lol
Jason <br>

USACi =>146.9db
14.88 @ 90.73MPH =>GM Charger, Motor Mounts, Catback exhaust
^ ^ F*CKEN SWEET!!!!!!!
Thats 3 of us already... and thats on a $H|TTY day with barely any runs... this year is gonna RULE...
Mike... are you goin for sure on saturday??... that will make 4


"What will he do next?... Whatever the f*ck I want"
Paintball places are usualy close by december (adventure zone) closed last year mid november if i remember right. now that im 18 i can by myself a new paintball gun and ive been looking for others who play.
God. I am so @!#$ hungover.
yea,... i would love to go to afton but i would probley be stuck on bunny hills! cause im a dork, i also like the one in bloomington, forgot the name... <br>
1984 Cavalier convert, brown, brown, brown!
theres a indoor paintball place up in blaine.. never played there but some people at school say its cool
Arlo - I might be working, just waiting for my boss to call me and let me know what's up. Other than that, you might want to call Afton and make sure they have a run or two open. When I was working I drove past Buck Hill yesterday and they had like maybe 1/4inch of fake snow on the hill. If Afton is like that, then there def. won't be any boarding. If anything is up give me a call on my cell, I'll be fixing my car
Question... My car lives outside, so when it gets to be about this time of the year it really sucky.
The snow is one thing, it simply brushes off... but the ice and frost...
Anyways, heres my question... Is there anything i can do to prevent (or reduce) frost forming? Can i leave a window cracked or anything? <br>
<BR><B>If you're racist, you hate everyone. Me; I'm ricist, I only hate ricers.</B>
<IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/neo32843/personal_pic.jpg">
<B>Pictures and stuff: <A HREF="http://www.cardomain.com/id/neo32843" TARGET="_blank">http://www.cardomain.com/id/neo32843</A></B>
^ ^ about all you can do is park it in a garage over night... that way you dont have ANY one the windows... other than that i think your pretty much stuck with the frost... it sux man...
and MIKE!!!... lol... i have a day head start on all yall... i couldnt help it... i got there and there was the bunny hill and the run next to it open... i HAD to take it... wasnt all that great but it was SOOOOO nice to be back on a board again... lol... and MAN do you guys have some rust to get out... takes a good 2 or 3 runs but than its all good... and another thing... WE SUCK!!!... lmao... there are SO many more good boarders this year... but f*ck that man... i'm learnin ALL that $h|t this year... i saw LOTS of stuff i'm gonna pick up...
anyway... i gotta work till 3 tomorrow... OT... and than i'll just come here and either read what you guys posted and meet you out there or i'll just see you here at 3:30...
OH yeah... and last of all i think... its $12 for after 4... and i'm not sure about before 4 or anything... and DYL... get a hold of chris if you can about boots... i forgot to ask afton how much they are to rent for now... ok... i think thats it... <br>

"What will he do next?... Whatever the f*ck I want"
TOnight around 11:30 I was on umm 494 maybe i dont remember what highway I went in so many circles driving around with this girl I was with..
but anyways I seen a black cav with exhaust it was a Z and still had side moldings so I couldnt think of who it was. (I havnt meet a lot of you newer folks so maybe one of you) but anyways, they had some decals in the windows the one on the rear pass side looked like a spider or something lol. But yea we raced for a bit I wasnt concentrating to much on racing/driving at that moment though so I didnt see who you were.
My car looks like my sig lol <br>
I took a Grey Hound bus to the 2005 GMSC Bash
man you guys are a bunch of whores...j/p but damn this gets annoying everytime i gotta log in even when i check the box.....im like wtf.. <br>
^^ huh ?

A cav with a nitrous button is like a hot chick with and STD.... you wanna hit it ,...but your afraid of the consequences...
He isnt being kept loged into the website.
if you delete your cookies the password and stuff will dissapear so if you do that, that is why it logs you out. Also sometimes the cookies that load are the ones that are when you arnt loged on so if this is your problem delete your cookies and log in again and see what happens. <br>
I took a Grey Hound bus to the 2005 GMSC Bash