...and so the journey continues......Finally finished the top side.
Kinda felt out of place painting such a rare Z-Hood like this , knowing full well just how rare these things are. In the end I remembered that no one else had even touched that car while it was in the bone yard , and most likely this hood along with everything else I was able to salvage - would have simply been crushed to bits.
So once I replace all the hardware back on this, it'll be ready to bolt on the Wagon. I won't have to worry about this hood rusting away on me!!
Waiting in the wings , are the Pontiac pieces Ron hooked me up with. More J fun to be had!!
Wow, I'd really like to find one of those hoods locally for my Wagon, but up here, Cavs of this vintage are LOOOOOOONG GONE!

~ Mike ~
Yep - we are long past the window for these cars. Even finding parts for my 4th gen F-Bodies is getting tough up here in MI