That yellow item off to the side.... is that your new forced induction system? :>

I based this on the engine tie down strap, bolted to the front of engine, to keep everything in place !
Good luck with the swap and transplant. You'll find it was worth every drop of sweat...........
Thats the Flux Capacitor to bring me and the Cav back to the eighties!
That engine is a touch dirty.And that tbi needs some attention with all the gummed goo on it.I need to show u my pics of my intake,tbi and block all painted and yeah did it will in the car,lots of time to get it done.At least your making progress.
oh hell man...drop the GM 3.4 V6 into it. 170-190 HP depending on how you arrange the piping. You're half way there!
That forced intake / flux capacitor stuff wasa riot....
(Quoting a past member)-"Never underestimate a First Gen"
John.... at my age, I really do qualify for being a First Gen, anything !
My "fux capacitor" stopped working several eons ago...... :>(
Alan, All it takes is 1.21 GigaWatts of power to get your Flux Capacitor to work.
"It Works! Ha ha, IT WORKS! I FINALLY invent something that works!"
-Doc Brown
john--gigawatts would've certainly been easier, but it's jigawatts