Testing OBD1 with testlight - Second Generation Forum
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CEL Bulb is burned out or missing, can you get the codes with a test light off the Test port?
Someone on the web said E + F But D is the CEL port on all the pics on the web.
Car is dead as I write this, no fuel or spark, changed out the ignition switch cause it has done it before but was no help this time.
Drove it on the highway for 1 hour , Parked it and came out in 5 minutes............no start.
Thanks, Doug in P.R.
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92 Pontiac Sunbird LE, 2.0, AT, Red / Black with Grey 155K miles. Hurricane Maria Survivor ! ( It takes a licking and keeps on ticking ! ).....in Salinas, Puerto Rico!
Use a wire with CLEAN end's on the terminal A and B.This will prompt the ecm to show any codes in the system if any kick up.I need to say I AM VERY tired and keeping this short.Please walk thru the simple stuff for all of us.When you go to crank the car what doe's it do? Doe's it just turn over for ever or not even attempt to turn over.I have idea's but,before I bite my tongue on those,please share a detail of what the car is or is not doing step by step.I could probably list several items off the start but I am done for now.I am sooooo tired.Just a longgggg day.
92 sunbird 2.0 OHC at
I tested for the CEL and got nothing, tested the brown and white wire which triggers the CEL ............Nothing ( at either end dash -computor)
I took the tank off today and the Fuel pump is working fine.
Smell slight exhaust fumes out the tail pipe.
No spark, Could be the Module or Computor or CPS ( reman computor in there from previous owner)
I dont understand the check engine light not working or the computor not sending a signal to it.
Yes I've done this before. I'm no rookie at this, just never came up with no CEL before.
Doug in P.R.
92 Pontiac Sunbird LE, 2.0, AT, Red / Black with Grey 155K miles. Hurricane Maria Survivor ! ( It takes a licking and keeps on ticking ! ).....in Salinas, Puerto Rico!
Ok the CEL should light up,and if you jumped that and it still did nothing it could be a bad prom in the ecm.If it was the cps it would just crank over and over and not fire up.I am def tired as I worked out in the yard all afternoon and tired.
Thanks Ron , I'll get one and give it a try.
Working on the farm in the sun and then on the car = tired also.
Just never had a computor quit on me before......first time for everything I guess.
Thanks for the Help...........Doug in P.R.
92 Pontiac Sunbird LE, 2.0, AT, Red / Black with Grey 155K miles. Hurricane Maria Survivor ! ( It takes a licking and keeps on ticking ! ).....in Salinas, Puerto Rico!
Ok quick summory.It could be a fusible link failed,fuse for the ecm same deal.I know if the oil pressure sensor goes bad it will not crank,or rather crank over and over but not fire.On my 85 shop manual it details things relevant or similar to your problem.However I have a shop manual for the 92 and up to 94 and need to read up to see if it mirrors my version of idea's.If you had no oil pressure (bad sending unit) it would crank over and over and not fire and not send fuel.But the NON cel ,could be a fuseable link or ecm fuse.Let me double check the other manual before you go and buy the wrong fix.
Just a quick share.I have a factory shop 1992 manual.YEAH I got this handed too me like 2 years ago and set it aside.Before you go and throw parts at the issue let me read up and scan or take pics of the step's to take to save your $ and time if I can.Unless Rob dotter steps in and share's some insight.I am getting tired after some adult beverages and a busy day.
I am getting power to the ECM ( both red wires and the pink and black striped one)
Fuel pump is kicking on but the engine spins like no fuel is getting sent in as the engine would slow down a little if fuel is being injected. ( MPFI)
Timing belt is good, new about a year ago. and its spinning the cam.
I'm going to see if Autozone can test the the Coil/Module to eliminate that part of the problem.
I can get a used computor of Ebay for $20, but some have a 4 letter code( Ex. bbsz ) and I dont know what that is for Maybe 4 different ones? ( V6 AT, V6 MT , I4 AT, I4 MT?) Mine is an autopart store replacement ,just the GM # on it "16159282"
Thanks, for taking the time Ron..............Doug in P.R.
92 Pontiac Sunbird LE, 2.0, AT, Red / Black with Grey 155K miles. Hurricane Maria Survivor ! ( It takes a licking and keeps on ticking ! ).....in Salinas, Puerto Rico!
Doug, if you have a distributor, you might consider checking the ignition control module under the rotor button. Tends to be a common failure component. Failed on my '84 Bird at speed on the highway and had to tow home. If it has died also replace the coil as an old coil will precipitate ICM failure as well. Also when I was doing preliminary testing before finding a bad ICM I had placed a piece of paper under the throttle body injector and cranked the engine but didn't see any fuel either.
Hope this helps.
Sorry Orlen, I couldnt be that lucky as in 1992 the coil and module is a one piece deal under the intake triggered by the CPS .
Found one bad plug wire ( rusted on the sparkplug end), will fix that tomorrow.
Plugs are dry so no fuel is being shot through the injectors, no spark either .
Pump cycles when key is on. Has good pressure .
Doug in P.R.
92 Pontiac Sunbird LE, 2.0, AT, Red / Black with Grey 155K miles. Hurricane Maria Survivor ! ( It takes a licking and keeps on ticking ! ).....in Salinas, Puerto Rico!
Autozone here can't test the Coil/Module either.
Doug in P.R.
92 Pontiac Sunbird LE, 2.0, AT, Red / Black with Grey 155K miles. Hurricane Maria Survivor ! ( It takes a licking and keeps on ticking ! ).....in Salinas, Puerto Rico!
I have had to read some pages to get a just of things.Being you have a HEI system basically the CPS indicates to the ECM relevant specs to make the car well run.In short I think your on the right path as straight out of this shop manual state's the DIS igniton module processe's this signal and create's the reference pulse's needed by the electronic control module (ecm) to trigger the correct coil at the the correct time.If you had a true scan tool it would show you what is going on in short.Granted my manual shows the 2.2 but,I dug a lot and read ton's to finally get what I was hunting for.And just for tips I know if the oil pressure switch goes bad it also can duplicate the cranking but a NON run issue.I think your coilpack maybe toast.I bet frank would throw a immediate answer up as he has a collection of 2nd gens!!!!
New plugs and wires today , found that someone before messed with the CPS wires and broke the connector.
Unfortunely , the wires pulled out of what was left of 1/2 of the connector. There are 3.. white , lt green. and bare.
And out of the CPS there are 3 also, but black, yellow and bare.
I hooked the yellow to the white and the lt green to the black....dont know if its right or not?
Tried to take out the oil pressure switch but it was too hard to get to.
Tried with vice grips since no wrench or socket fits. Do I have to jack up the motor to take it out?
Gave up, plugged everything back in and the car almost fired on the first crank.
Still stumped..........
Doug in P.R.
92 Pontiac Sunbird LE, 2.0, AT, Red / Black with Grey 155K miles. Hurricane Maria Survivor ! ( It takes a licking and keeps on ticking ! ).....in Salinas, Puerto Rico!
Found the Test procedures for the 92 DIS 2.0 OHC In the Haynes JBody book ( section 5 - pages 7+8 )
Will get after it later in the week, ( house construction to work on tomorrow)
Doug in P.R.
92 Pontiac Sunbird LE, 2.0, AT, Red / Black with Grey 155K miles. Hurricane Maria Survivor ! ( It takes a licking and keeps on ticking ! ).....in Salinas, Puerto Rico!
I Got it Running Today!
Started putting the dash cluster and trim back in after fixing all the bulbs earlier in the week, noticed the dome light wasnt working, It happened a few times this week when in the nostart mode since I adapted the older door jam switches for the nonworking automatic ones 3 years ago. The power for it comes from the battery terminal in the fuse box.
Didnt pay much attention to it and continued putting the dash trim and center console back in, noticed the dome light back on so I tried to start it and it fired right up!
Looks like I have to trace the main fusebox wire all the way to the end.................
Thanks for all the help and suggestions...........Doug in P.R.
92 Pontiac Sunbird LE, 2.0, AT, Red / Black with Grey 155K miles. Hurricane Maria Survivor ! ( It takes a licking and keeps on ticking ! ).....in Salinas, Puerto Rico!
That is good.But on a side note you gained knowledge that you may or may have not known prior to your issue.I have learned of a issue the other way around too,and this only helped me understand more about what ever I was working on as well.Great.
Finally I figured out the problem yesterday, the engine harness that comes out the drivers side cowl has 2 sections , one for lights (closest to the fender ) and other is the engine managment . Its held in with a long bolt the tightens the male side to the stationary ( bolted to cowl) female side.
Found that 2 of the male side prongs were partly pulled out and only making slight contact. I pulled them in with needlenose pliers , cleaned up the tar crap they have all over the contacts , and she fired up again.
Had been about a week again of not starting , finally got lucky wiggling the wires with the key on and could hear the fuel pump relay click and the primer on the fuel rail do the same.
Someone had been in there before to repair the cowl with fiberglass, the bolt mentioned above was loose also. There were non factory bolts holding the female end to the cowl also.
Found my 2 year motor mount from Autozone was broken and got a free replacement. Inner CV boot is broke so ordering one from Rock Auto since the Dorman ones they sell are no good as per reviews. Had to take the Right shaft out anyways to change the oil pressure sender I bought. ( just no room) Axle seal will get done also ( leaking) with new sway bar links and bushings since all are shot.
Doug in P.R.
92 Pontiac Sunbird LE, 2.0, AT, Red / Black with Grey 155K miles. Hurricane Maria Survivor ! ( It takes a licking and keeps on ticking ! ).....in Salinas, Puerto Rico!
Sounds like your Hot Tamale is getting some nice TLC!
You never know what you might find once you get digging back in time through a previous owners repairs. Luckily you were able to find your trouble spot of woe. Electrical issues are the worst to uncover, the newer the J the more of it there is to unravel too!
Just curious if the fiberglass patch has been water tight? It is a shame to discover that kind of repair in a car you've been so attached to. Maybe one day when you hit the lottery you can get it patched up proper like they show on the restorer videos - make it look like a piece of cake , don't they! Tear the car completely down and restore, repaint, and reassemble in just 60 minutes flat! Never seem to have found one of those videos restore a J-Body....Hahaa!!
Yes it is on the drivers side but when I did the famous "Orlen's Advice To Take Apart The Air Door " passenger side drain to clean it proper, found alot more cracks they didnt fix. Was getting alot of water on that side but now still some on heavy rain falls , ( yes, I said rain.... finally) but not too bad as it was. I used GE 100% silicone to seal the rest.
I know some water is getting through the A pillars.
The main problem is when they did the repair around the vent foam seal , it wasnt sealed good.
Probally be another week and a half when the" Tamale" is back on all fours. ( right now its pulling a wheelie ...sitting still)
Doug in P.R.
92 Pontiac Sunbird LE, 2.0, AT, Red / Black with Grey 155K miles. Hurricane Maria Survivor ! ( It takes a licking and keeps on ticking ! ).....in Salinas, Puerto Rico!
Your pictures don't do justice to all the headaches you've been through! That could be a good thing as these sure do look a ton better - than all the rust and holes staring back at me under the "02! My.....I bet that dirt pad your Hot Tomalie is parked on turns into some kind of mud when the clouds open up.
So how has the Pontiac been these days Doug? Excitement or Aggravation.......
Not bothering me too much , worked on it Sunday morning, Put in the new sway bar bushings and links and skinned a knuckle in the process. Still waiting for the Moog boot from Rock Auto. ( susposed to be here today but stuck in Cincinnati )
Nice A/C in the Silverado makes me forget about it on the way home .

( been in the 90's last 2 weeks).
Doug in P.R.
92 Pontiac Sunbird LE, 2.0, AT, Red / Black with Grey 155K miles. Hurricane Maria Survivor ! ( It takes a licking and keeps on ticking ! ).....in Salinas, Puerto Rico!
Pics: Bushings are 22mm Moog, Links are universal GM ones , one had blue bushings , the other black so I put the blue on both tops and black on both bottoms. A little long threaded part on top, so I cut the tops off with a sawzall so not to hit the brake hoses.
Doug in P.R.
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92 Pontiac Sunbird LE, 2.0, AT, Red / Black with Grey 155K miles. Hurricane Maria Survivor ! ( It takes a licking and keeps on ticking ! ).....in Salinas, Puerto Rico!
Dirt is clay from up the hill we live on, had a guy dig some up and spread it 3 years ago . Good for no weeds growing , not too bad when it rains ,just flows down out of the yard. (doesnt soak in)
Sorta like in AZ but our 2 acres were flat there and the water would hang around till is finally soaked in or the sun would dry it up.
If its heavy duty car work I need to do , I just lay downthe 4 X 8 sheets of plywood stacked in the back , left over from the concrete roof pour.
I have a stump to dig up before I can pour a slab for the Combo workshop / carport in the plans someday.
For now its dirt with a comforter on top to lay on.
Doug in P.R.
92 Pontiac Sunbird LE, 2.0, AT, Red / Black with Grey 155K miles. Hurricane Maria Survivor ! ( It takes a licking and keeps on ticking ! ).....in Salinas, Puerto Rico!
Wonderful job on your sway bar!
The outer links are common about going bad since they get so much road muck. If I remember it really helped to jack up the lower control arm when starting the nuts on the threads of the outers. Those inner bushings on yours were really toasted! Never been into the inner bushings myself - how difficult was the replacement?
Concrete roof? Sounds like you are working on either a super garage or a great bunker to hunker down in!!
The 4 x 8 Plywood sounds great. I have a few sheets under the tarp the Pontiac is parked on and I really like it. Also, you have some spare plywood to use - should the winds blow something nasty in your direction too.... Speaking of nasties, it looks like the winds are blowing in a very favorable direction off the Virginia coast, so it looks like we will dodge the bullet this time around. I and my J-Body family are VERY happy about that!!
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