My horn stopped working. There is one wire, and it is powered when the horn button on the steering wheel is pushed. OK. It looks like I need a new horn (I didn't check for ground issue).
1) There is only one horn on these cars?
2) Any aftermarket suggestions? I saw the AC Delco OE part, but might go with a Standard Motor Products or other.
I used a "Blazer" horn I picked up at AutoZone a few years ago, sounds like all the other for import crap down here that everyone drives.
So far it's held up well, I guess the factory location gets alot of water in the rain while driving, which led to the original horns demise.
Doug in P.R.
92 Pontiac Sunbird LE, 2.0, AT, Red / Black with Grey 155K miles. Hurricane Maria Survivor ! ( It takes a licking and keeps on ticking ! ) Salinas, Puerto Rico!
92Sunbird PuertoRico wrote:So far it's held up well, I guess the factory location gets alot of water in the rain while driving, which led to the original horns demise.
Doug in P.R. 
Belated thanks for your reply. I bought a Standard Motor Products horn and installed it. It did not solve the problem. When I press the horn button on the steering wheel, the horn many times sounds balky, like there is a bad connection. I had disassembled the horn pad on the steering wheel and it looks OK. I had checked/cleaned the connection and ground at the horn. I assumed the horn was going bad because of its location and age.
I see that there is a horn relay. Is it possible that it is sticking? Can someone tell me where it is? Thanks.
As far as I found , its next to the 4 way flasher under the dash , which is on the right of the steering column if I remember. Turn on your 4 way and listen to be sure...
It's a 3 prong square horn relay .
Doug in P.R.
92 Pontiac Sunbird LE, 2.0, AT, Red / Black with Grey 155K miles. Hurricane Maria Survivor ! ( It takes a licking and keeps on ticking ! ) Salinas, Puerto Rico!
92Sunbird PuertoRico wrote:As far as I found , its next to the 4 way flasher under the dash , which is on the right of the steering column if I remember. Turn on your 4 way and listen to be sure...
It's a 3 prong square horn relay .
Doug in P.R.
Thanks, I will drop the cluster "under panel" and look. I wasn't sure if it was buried out on the engine compartment or perhaps over by the computer. I saw that the replacements were 3-prongs boxes.
My alldata subscription is expired and the leads on my multimeter are trashed. Aaaaargh!
baron5867 wrote:I see that there is a horn relay. Is it possible that it is sticking?
I replaced the relay and that solved it. I put the stock horn back on.
The kick to the teeth with this issue is that I set up a circuit tester light to the horn lead up front, so that I could see it from inside the car when I pressed the horn. When I pressed the horn, the light came on and stayed on, solidly. When I reconnected the horn and pressed the horn pad, the horn was balky or intermittent. This is why I replaced the horn first (and also because of the environment that the horn has been in for 30 years).
Of course, the circuit tester light doesn't draw the current that the horn does, which made me think of a relay after it was apparent that it wasn't the horn.
My fear was that there was just some bad connection somewhere that I would have to hunt down and deal with.
92Sunbird PuertoRico wrote:As far as I found , its next to the 4 way flasher under the dash , which is on the right of the steering column if I remember. Turn on your 4 way and listen to be sure...
After I removed the panel underneath the cluster, I saw it installed in a block right behind the fuse block.
2 horns are better than one in this case, twice as loud!
Doug in P.R.
92 Pontiac Sunbird LE, 2.0, AT, Red / Black with Grey 155K miles. Hurricane Maria Survivor ! ( It takes a licking and keeps on ticking ! ) Salinas, Puerto Rico!
baron5867 wrote:I replaced the relay and that solved it. I put the stock horn back on.
92Sunbird PuertoRico wrote:2 horns are better than one in this case, twice as loud!
Let me clarify. I took the new horn off, and put the stock horn back on. I don't need two horns, one is plenty!