this was very helpful to me. ive installed decks before, but i aint no professional, and i always need to research before i do a specific car. im going to take plenty of pictures, possibly a movie clip or two and write up a complete, detailed guide, all in one page for everyone to use. hope to start on it today.
this useless post brought to you by the alcoholic known as LUNDiS
Can someone give me some help on adapting the Sterring wheel radio controls to a Monsoon system (2002 m/y)
I know it can be done, because the Grand-Am has the same radio and button controls as the controls in the 96-99 S/F unit.
Dealers are also giving me a hard time finding cables too for this.
Can any one shed some light on this?
>>>For Sale? Clicky!<<<
-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----

Ok... reading though, I saw common questions asked, but no adequate answers.
On a 2000-2002 Cavalier, will a standard GM wiring harness obtainable from any car electronics place work to power the deck too, or is there a different harness for the 95-99 and the 2000+? And what about on the 2003/4?
I don't wanna know anything about any damn t-harnesses.

Suck, squish, bang, blow... muahahahaha!!
as far as i know the metra harness should work for all of those years. i dont think the factory radio changes. i know my grandmothers 03 base model has the same exact player as my 02 LS.
upate- my step-by-step guide is nearing completion, i should have it up anywhere from tonight to a day or two. just doing some revisions, fixing, etc. speedfreak2k1, you might wanna wait for me to post that, it should help you.
this useless post brought to you by the alcoholic known as LUNDiS
Thank you John for all the info. I've put in many head units before, but this class 2 wiring scared me a little bit. I went to best buy (before I read this) the guy filled my with the crap about the airbags and everything, he said that they were on the same circuit and that an after market deck would mess up the whole car. I went to the parking lot got out the manual took it in and showed him that the airbags were on a different circuit but he was still being a jerk. After I read this post I went and bought a head unit and install kit else where but best buy was the only one with the harness so I went back and argued until he got me one. Again thank you.
For anyone if you can tell me were to buy a fuse tap it would be appreciated I haven't seen them any where lately.
pep boys carrys them, and so does aid auto, the one both mine around here carried was a brand called "littlefuse" or something along that lines, just make sure you get the right size fuse, i know my car had MINI not the ATO size fuse. it was 10 bucks for me in aid auto, pep boys didnt have the MINI's in stock.
this useless post brought to you by the alcoholic known as LUNDiS
thanks. I went out to my garage and dug through my wiring harnesses and other assorted car electrical items and found a brass clip that slides over the metal leg of the fuse bends over it and gives me some where to wire to. It fits the cavy fuse perfect.
those work too, but be careful about blowing it, keep a spare fuse for the one you attach it to.
SIDE NOTE- i havent posted the guide in its own thread cuz its not completely finished, a few more pictures gotta be photshopped/uploaded/added and a few other minor touchups, but here is the URL to my guide:
feel free to email me comments/suggesttions-
this useless post brought to you by the alcoholic known as LUNDiS
looks like its stickied back, they need to sticky my how-to!! <br>
this useless post brought to you by the alcoholic known as LUNDiS
or you could just buy the GM-RC01 adapt. which has a self amplified speaker so all you have to do do is plug into the factory harness and wire up your radio harness keeps the door chime and makes life sleazy cheezy!!! Metra 40-GM10 is the best antenna adapt. I have been doing this for many years now, been in mags and everything I know what I am talking about <br>
Can you keep up?
I hate chimes. 70-2003 for me please!
...j <br>
<br><br><a href=""><img src=""></a>
and how much does the RC-01 cost? <br>

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
John Lenko wrote:
3. If you don't give a crap about factory chimes.. you can buy a $15 harness and hook it up using that! You don't have to spend $100 or more on a T-harness and relocate the factory deck. Your airbags WILL still work.
Why is it that most install places want me to buy a $75 harness and then relocate the deck, but tell me I'll lose chimes anyway? I can live without chimes, but for the sacrifice, it IS possible to completely toss the old radio if I get this 15buck harness right? I just really don't want to have that big 'ole thing hanging from my trunk... <br>
Dave Dunsmoor wrote:John Lenko wrote:
3. If you don't give a crap about factory chimes.. you can buy a $15 harness and hook it up using that! You don't have to spend $100 or more on a T-harness and relocate the factory deck. Your airbags WILL still work.
Why is it that most install places want me to buy a $75 harness and then relocate the deck, but tell me I'll lose chimes anyway? I can live without chimes, but for the sacrifice, it IS possible to completely toss the old radio if I get this 15buck harness right? I just really don't want to have that big 'ole thing hanging from my trunk...
Yes, you can completely toss the old radio. The only thing you lose are the chimes. If you relocate the deck (using the $75 harness) and don't get the separate chime speaker (another $25? or so) then you still lose the chimes, that's right.
I say $15 and goodbye chimes. Just don't leave your lights on
...j <br>
<br><br><a href=""><img src=""></a>
Why is it that most install places want me to buy a $75 harness and then relocate the deck?
Because they want your 75 bucks. It's as simple as that.... <br>
<img src=" ">
AMERICONIUM wrote:Quote:
Why is it that most install places want me to buy a $75 harness and then relocate the deck?
Because they want your 75 bucks. It's as simple as that....
Hah figures.
Thanks for the info Lenko

because they also dont want to be held liable either if something happens. <br>

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
yeah i bought a deck from future shop and i was going to get this other place ( custom car concepts) to install my deck and i asked about the whole relocating the stock deck thing and he said nope unless u want ur annoying chimes but they wanted 80$ and my really good friend that works at the futureshop was going to hook me up with a free install. so then i talked to the installer and he said that legally he had to relocate the stock deck because the airbags are wired into it so i showed him the owners manual like on the 1st page of this post and he still wouldnt install my deck unless he could relocate the stock one i was like man are u stupid it say's right here in the manual that it doest matter so i just said @!#$ it and went to custom car. but honestly what a dumbass eh???
"Legally" eh?
Future Shop.. well, that pretty much sums it up!
Do it yourself... it's so easy.
...j <br>
<br><br><a href=""><img src=""></a>
how do i go about doing it my self??? how do i get the stock deck out and stuff???
cody, look for my thread. search for "guide" and go to the last page, because the original link is out of bandwidth. it explains how to take your dash off, how to install new one step by step. <br>
this useless post brought to you by the alcoholic known as LUNDiS
Well I'm getting a local shop to install my deck and amps tomorrow. Every single place I've gone to has insisted to do it with the relocation, same with this place... but I'm gonna tell them what I want and hopefully they'll co-operate. My parents are all paranoid about airbags now because they did some of their "own" researching (meaning the install places... they can't believe me...), so me installing it is out of the question. They will pay for the install if they do this relocation way (grrrrrrrrrrrrr) i hate that focken stock radio. I'll probably end up *accidentally* ramming a spike into it after its installed...

Oh well, we'll see how it goes, I'm axious to get everything working. <br>
print out and show them my guide. ive never heard anyone blowing their airbags from installing a radio. either way you go, good luck! <br>
this useless post brought to you by the alcoholic known as LUNDiS
Well they're using the $115 (Canadian) harness that keeps the chimes and I can get rid of the stock deck. Expensive, but oh well, better than 70bucks and having to keep the stock one. <br>