Can anyone recommend some good tires to fit the stock blackies
i want some tires that will grip because i am starting to race
and plan on doing a lot more racing, the stock wheels are
14X6's i want to keep the OEM becasue i want as stock looking
a car as possible. i am putting all my money into performance
and don't want anything flashy exterior wise, it is just trouble.
Good idea...the sleeper way is the only way.
I had Kuhmo 215 70 R14 on my Turbobird...they seemed to do well.
You can get a slick for that size wheel...also Bridgestone Blizzaks are really soft compond and warm up quite well.
Beside that...I don't know. Maybe some BF Goodwich Radial TA's??

1991 3.1L V6 Sunbird LE
Full Interior...3-Speed Automatic.
Satisfied Customer of:
Wynstar phasers, better than my old kumhos and bfgs
"Hey man is that a Cavalier?" "Yeah." What you got in it?" "It's stock." "Oh."
While making pair of tires and
wheels, do not forget to puc high quality
wheels as well. Because cheap
wheels get bent easily.