That is definitely part of the plan eventually. For right now tho, I would like to see what kind of power this motor can make and more importantly WHERE it will make that power.
Problem with the 2.4LE5 bottom end is the rod ratio is worse than a 2.2L61, which isn't ideal itself.
Reving a 2.4LE5 bottom end north of 7500rpm would be like playing russian roulette, as far as I know no one has rev'd a 2.4 bottom end this high, the piston speeds are getting into the warning/danger zone at even 7500rpm.
I'm hoping I can get away with shifting around 7500 and still being able to make the best use of my power band, I will only know where that is tho once I get this thing on the dyno. Hopefully the stage 2 cams will keep the power lower in the rev band yet still make decent power.
Once I get that figured out I might upgrade my cams later in the season or perhaps for next year.
YAY photos....
GMR Oil Pump Gears
LSJ Valve Cover (Fresh out of the parts cleaner, needs paint tho)
LZM Balance Shaft Delete
Golden Eagle Head Studs
this is kickass. Good luck man. Your current times are rediculous for the power your making.
ur running stage 2's right now right?
y not look into a completely custom cam's setup?
Yes I am, see the post at the top if the page
LOL @ worrying about rod ratio. f*ck it man. run er' til she blows!!!!!! n/a=reliability what? hahahaha
love the parts. whats so special about the gm racing oil gears?
If it takes forever.... I will die trying. Underdog Racing
If it blew and junked my head I'm getting from Mike I would probably hang myself....haha
I'll push it if I have to, but I really don't want to lol
The GMR gears are the hardened steel ones, the stock ones like to explode if you have a 2-step.
so why not have the stock ones hardened?
If it takes forever.... I will die trying. Underdog Racing
I thought about it, but I trust these more than getting the stock ones hardened, at least I know these won't break.
How much does your car weight? Have you taking any interior out to save?
Nice update
Wish i knew someone cool to Parts wash my stuff
Car weights 2390lb without me in it, missing the interior among other things lol
Thanks D-Mac for letting me use the parts washer at your work! Lol
looks like i started a trend with the lsj valve cover. looks good newt. make sure you have a good seal around the open cam half moon on the valve cover. mine seaped for months. finally got it stopped and all is well now.
I'm using an LSJ head in my build, so no worries

ah thats right. i forgot about that.
Ya, didn't really wanna roll the dice and take the chance.
Ps. Anyone looking for these gears, call Bates Engineering, they are the guys that make them for GMR and you will be pleasntly surprised with the price.
Just got back from picking up my LE5 and to my disappointment they labeled the motor wrong and it did have an oil cooler.
After driving 5 hours to the scrap yard to pick it up I wasn't about to turn around and go home with no motor, so I bought it anyways.
Gonna see if I can just block off the ports and remove it, if I even can do that.
Othe than that the motor is mint, very clean, post pics after.
Talk to PJ. He had a solution worked up in the skwirl. I don't recall it being any kind of block off though; i think it was a universal kit that lets us utilize the cooler.
I can make block off plates no problem, I just have to find out if oil flow through there is nessacary.
I'll check his build thread to see what he came up with.
Here she is, is out of a 2006 G6 with 41k on it.
same as mine, CA emissions motor, it has the 2.2 manifold on it like mine did. and FWIW My motor has been north of 7000 a bunch of times
I am excited for this build
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
Spoke with PJ and will be using the same adaptor as he has used for the oil cooler. Turns out oil flow from the one hole to the other is nessacary as thats the only way for oil to get out of the filer housing. Thanks for the help PJ!
Finalizing my clutch choice, probably end up going with a 4 puck unsprung Clutchnet one. For $260 bucks you can't go wrong, reviews seem mostly positive as well.
Just ordered a set of 9.0/22.0-13 M&H full slicks, very excited about these!
Hopefully getting the motor on the stand this weekend and tear into it a little bit, I'll grab some pics for everyone.
Thats all for now!