pics tomorrow, but[
boost gauge, oil pressure gauge, and wide band (not hooked up) are all installed and working properly giving proper readings. max boost i say today was 8.7 peak. seems a bit low, maybe my motor just flows better then normal. hope there isnt a leak.
also took apart cleaned and reinstalled my rear strut mounts. SUPER LOOSE. surprised the bolts didnt rattle out. no effort to remove them.
Looks good Chris! Keep enjoying that boost buddy!
So i need one big photoshoot sometime soon.
Yesterday my pops and I installed the heat exchanger. went smooth. reworked the stock bracket from a cobra, and added a bit of our own bracketry. it worked great. I haven't had a chance to log it or anything, and never did before the heat exchanger so i can't tell you a numbers diff in IAT's or anything. It does seem to me however that the boost comes on a bit quicker, and packs more of a punch. numbers (boost) are lower by 1 or 2 psi or so, but that is to be expected.
also my pulley puller showed up today so the 3.0 should be on in a week or so.
Well, I have purchased a few parts the past month or so. I have the prototype sprint caps to the B&G front strut mounts that never happened. Might be getting the entire set of mounts soon. I bought a new reservoir to make my own "option b" but mine will be flow through, and not just a bleeder/overflow tank. I also ordered a new over sized pulley from ZZP for my tensioner. I aquired HPT with 4 credits , and will be putting my 3 inch pulley on this weekend.
Well, left work early today and when I got home my tensioner pulley was waiting for me. And since its an oversized pulley, I don't need a smaller belt for the 3.0 pulley that I also installed...Thats right, the 3.0 is on. I turned the car on, and it was idleing steady at 14.9, so I bumped up fuel pressure until it was back down to 14.6-14.7. No WOT pulls or anything yet. I am gonna drive it a few days and compare some logs to what I have from prior. The pressure at idle with the AFPR hooked up is 56, and 66 with the line off. Bumped up 4 PSI from what it was prior. Things should be ok. I have the 60's to put in, but I am waiting on HPT to show up to do those.
Look at that cute little battery, lol. Nice.
whered you get the battery, looking for something like that for my Omni.
Whats the point of the pcv line??
I guess I worded it incorrectly....
What is the benefit of going with the lsj pcv line? What does it do over the jbody setup?
Im curious since im looking for stuff to do to make my setup more efficient.
cuz i wanna...purely for looks for me.
well, its been a fun few weeks. I got kicked off the local track last weekend for running a 13.93. yup wasnt expecting it. was hoping for maybe 14.2. but ran a 13.93 with no helmet. So they booted me.
I also bought a battery today. I still had funds in my PAYPAL from a few other transactions. so only 19 bucks came outta my bank!
Here is the tray. The reason I wanted this one is because it bolts down, and will be easy to ground.
Its so cute in there. The intake pipe is almost bigger, lol. Good stuff chris.
Bumped fuel pressure to about 68 static this weekend. with the gm reflash, and the rest of the "stock" GMPP kit, except a 3 inch pulley I think this is about perfect. afrs at WOT are 11.2 - 11.5
I feel ya on that brad. but i have other plans for the area created by the smaller battery. updates should be this weekend if all works well. jsut gotta take a few measurements, and play with a few things.
I am trying to get a prefabbed tank that will fit where the fuse panel is, and kinda hide the intake tube anyways.
-Z Yaaaa- wrote:im a fan of name brands and novelty but if i were you i would ditch the AEM intake, turn the battery sideways and run a straight shot down into the fender well for an intake...
You beat me to it, I was gonna say that exact same thing. Your killin potential HP with that intake.
are u guys thinking this because of size, or because of the bends and restriction or both?
you will be hard pressed to convince me that it will run any better WITH THE GM REFLASH with a bigger intake/TB
well yeah because its got all the bends etc. its not necessarily a bigger intake we are proposing, it just wouldnt take as many bends for the air to go around to get into the tb. it would make the engine more efficent and wouldnt have to work so hard to breathe, basically.
would it actually help? in theory. would it look better while trying to help? LOL hell yea that too!
the aem looks boss with the stock battery in there, dont get me wrong. i love it cuz ur limited with space in there and aem made it work but once the battery has been changed like you have done you no longer need to save space so you could make a more efficient breather for that beast!
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