anddddd no eco cavs at the KGM meet.

hope you get it worked out soon man! was good seeing you again
No running eco cavs.
I did get the ECU swapped and front bumper back on it. Since i already had the front off of it i couldnt help but toss my *other* front bumper on for a minute.
The LSS front is back on it and the Tuner is back in storage waiting for it's turn(which might come sooner than expected).
Looks so good in orange

Sorry to hear about the issues. Hope you get it squared away.
Found a broken vac line that connects my intake manifold to my FPR and boost gauge. Replaced it and back to normal. I feel like an idiot. Also Oldskool was playing with the tune today and the tune isnt 100%. It wont damage anything, but we can get more power out of it.
Lol 50 minute write calibration is fail.
Also, how's this for the pure joy that is our operating system - a calibration dialed in at 11.5:1 air to fuel in 70-80* weather goes to damn near 13:1 in 45-50* weather. Also, with the 2.5 bar fake, timing advance likes to do it's own thing, I believe it's because the baro reading at key on is never higher than 45kpa. The car thinks it's being tuned in the stratosphere. We got it into the 10.5-11 range but that 50 minute write time is a real mood killer lmao.
^^Curious how you work around that difference in temp in the tune.
Our summers get to be in the 80-90's in the summer but we are already in the 40-50's right now and it only gets colder through the winter.
Philly D wrote:^^Curious how you work around that difference in temp in the tune.
Our summers get to be in the 80-90's in the summer but we are already in the 40-50's right now and it only gets colder through the winter.
main reason im waiting til spring for a tune... Basically find a good middle ground weather to hit it in.
Glad you got SOME issues figured out. Now to just get the rest!
I think it's not as bad on a turbo car because the IATs do not stray as far from ambient. And the 2.5bar fake probably contributes a little bit to the issue as well. But basically you could run a "winter" tune for about 9 months if you're ok with it being a bit richer in spring/fall, and dial it back in for the warm summer months where it would be much richer if you didn't.
The only issues that are left are:
1st. Dieing battery. This past weeks cold snap killed it. We got it charged back up enough to where it will start without a jump, but i dont know how long it will hold the charge. I am not too concerned because it is looking like i'll put it in storage after this upcoming weekend.
2nd. No power to radio in run. It come on in ACC, but not run and it doesnt act up all of the time. I figure it is something simple, maybe a loose ground.
50 minute write? Never seen that. Most I have seen is 12 minute if you do not have the high speed write checked.
FU Tuning
Yeah - communication was very glitchy. We got one 7 minute write in with the high speed box unchecked - otherwise it was ~50 minutes per write. Every couple seconds it would have to reconnect. It may or may not have been because of the poor state of the battery, but hopefully it was. I despise the thought of electrical gremlins, as I'm sure Tinkles does.
Glad to hear things are on their way to fixed Kyle, keep it up! I'm anxious to see her on the rollers this weekend!
Oh, and you don't need a working have a TVS to sing to you
If mine gets rich, turn boost knob up

too lean, turn boost knob down