It's had a bad clutch since the beginning of the year, and quite frankly, I'm not sure if I want to bother getting a new slave cylander for it. (I've already got the Clutch itself, just need the slave to put it back together) I've put a good chunk of time into getting the car closer to where I want it, but it's still far from being done. how it currently sits, judging by what's done to it and current prices going on Kijiji, I could get about $2000 for it, if not more if I do a quick part-out before hand, but, I know I'll miss her after she's gone. . . . what should I do JBO?
p.s. I know this is brave/dumb of me asking you guys, but I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place at this point.
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if you have the main part which is the clutch, why not just get it together keep running it til it wont go no more and bank the extra $ for something else all while youre driving it??????????
LAFNGAS wrote:if you have the main part which is the clutch, why not just get it together keep running it til it wont go no more and bank the extra $ for something else all while youre driving it??????????
I'm not banking any money with it currently, at least, not while it's drivable. it has an unknown problem that keeps throwing random codes. I I fix the main recurring problem (TPS) but it keeps coming back worse causing fuel mileage to drop significantly. it was costing me a full tank every week, worst part, I was only driving it 2-3 days for about 30-40 KM.
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sell it! You will miss it but then you can get something that you can drive and don't have to toss a whole sh*tload of money into all the time...
i thought i would never sell my sunfire and then i took a few other cars for a test drive and then got back into my sunfire and hated it lol.... by the time i sold my sunfire i had about 8000 into it and sold it for 3000 so i thought whats the point in keeping it when i could have a way more reliable car and a more professional looking car.
SO I would say sell it but DON'T buy another sunfire or cavy
that's just it though, I would still want a project car. I'll be getting a 03 Saturn Vue from my parents (which would be getting a GMPP SC pretty much right away on it) as a DD, leaving me wide open on the project portion. I hate to say it, but the sunfire is a bit too much fun to mod as it pisses so many people off when I pull better track times than them.
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you want a sunflower I have one for

, but $2000 doubt you will get to be honest I was in automotive industry for a while maybe $1500 at the most sadly, not knocking the car, just stating facts
"As I lay rubber down the street, I pray for traction I can keep, but if I spin and begin to slide, please dear God protect my ride." -Amen