god... the 2nd post I've had to start here in 2 months
Yes I was at fault
No I was not hurt
Yes I got a ticket (failure to control the speed of a car to avoid an accident - $137)
No, I didn't do crap to the other guys car (97 Jeep 4 door)
Yes it was
EXACTALLY 2 months to the
DAY that my Cavalier died
No I don't think the car will be totalled, it still runs
Yes, my insurence will probally drop me after this policy is up
Basically I was turning right from an I-17 off ramp. The guy in front of me turned the corner, and I "THOUGHT" he had gone... he didn't. I was looking to my left for a break in traffic, saw one and went... Heard a "BAM!" Looked out my windshield and saw a folded hood.
The dude was cool about it. He tried telling the cop he was at fault because he was to timmid to go when he should have. the only dammage to his jeep is some of my paint on his bumper. Me... I'm figguring about $1500 - $2000 to fix... gonna try to get a CF hood and possabally some fenders out of this though...
damn dude that sucks glad that your not hurt.
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Work Being Done By: creative customs
Stuff for Sell:
too bad and glad your ok. ..........they might not write it off, the air bags didnt deploy might not be any frame damage...toss up. whats the next car going to be if its wrote off.

maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow....... but some day
Well, it's not being totaled. $4500 in damage though
-The Front Bumper Cover
-Front Crush Pannel
-Passenger Side Fender
-Passenger Side Headlight
-Passenger Side Front Turn Signal
-Passenger Side Front Grill
-Hood Latch
-Hood Lock
-Both Hood Hinges
-4 of Right Side Radiator Supports
-Air Bag Control Module
The paint will be blended onto the driver side fender and passenger door.
The subframe will also be straightened out, plus they are also doing an alighment as a "safety concern"
I tried for aftermarket parts like D-1 Fenders, and an invader hood. They said no, only OEM style stuff. Plus they will only pay for 1 fender.
They also will not pay to have the mirrors painted or door handles since they were not dammaged in the accident.
Get the car back eather the 17th or the 20th. unforntunally, because of the ticket I won't have the $$$ to get the exhaust done before the next race night
ouch. glad it's getting fixed. live and learn i guess, at least no one was hurt.
Good job keeping the car... I've seen them totalled for less. I have a part time job building 'salvage title' cars. Pretty much when you wreck it, and they total it, I'll rebuild it
It's a good thing you hit a Jeep... any lower and you would have bent the frame that runs under the motor mount, and that would have probably 'totaled' it. Front clip swaps are easy
If they say they're going to "replace" something, I suggest verifying they are using new parts, with that damage, you could almost bang that fender out and use body filler, and it's cheaper for whoever 'fixes' it to use parts from junk cars (like the ACM), saves them money from odering new parts when they can just pocket the money and use one from a junked car.
Something else I just though of... your AC lines might have been gouged. Small nicks in the line are within tolerance, but anything you can run your fingernail and catch it on is not good (just think of all the pressure going through the AC system, and that weakened part of solid metal line). If it is damaged, it may or may not fail (or it might fail years down the road). Just something else to look at.
I thought one of the AC lines on my project car was still good, after I took the sawzall to my front clip and was able to get a good look at the line, I had a gouge about 1/16" into the line. I like cold air, so it's getting replaced.
I sorta did that same thing

only it was icy out and i couldnt stop in time after i thought the truck was gonna go....my car just had a littel scratch by the fog light....and the guy in the truck didnt even get out to look he just took off....sorry to hear about the accident
