yet agin most of the links don't work I get this if its on "the link"
The message you requested could not be retrieved. The message may have been deleted, or the forums may be experiencing technical difficulties. We apologize for the inconvenience.
what browser are you using...
in firefox all the links are working...
Dear Mods:
This thread is an updated version of the current sticky and has removed the dead links and added more content... please make this a sticky and unstick the current outdated sticky.
NOTE: I went from a '98 Cavi front end to a '02. The fenders are generally the same, but mine seemed off a lil bit. One spot being the pinchweld on the inside lip where you bolt it to the bumper.. the holes were off by about 1/8 to 1/4 inch. I ended up actually tin-snippin the whole inner lip out of the way and using the structure of the fender to hold it in place. And the corner of the fender where it turns up and runs along the corner light didnt meet up with the end of the bumper where it turns to go under the headlights. I should be posting pics of what I'm rambling about, but its dark outside and wrestling starts in 10 minutes
And for my question.. I didnt see it posted anywhere in here that I saw... can you take the doors from a convertible and use them on a coupe? The idea would be to eliminate the door window framework, like the Dodge Neon or Toyota Celica.. that way, when the window's down and the door's open, there nothing there. I know it entails some awesome weatherstripping, but I'm lookin for specifics... HELP!!

R.I.P. JessE Gerard 7.11.87 - 1.25.08
The Radiation Nation Facebook Twitter Twisted Metal Alliance
234_SAVE_US..evan.9822.jpg wrote:NOTE: I went from a '98 Cavi front end to a '02. The fenders are generally the same, but mine seemed off a lil bit. One spot being the pinchweld on the inside lip where you bolt it to the bumper.. the holes were off by about 1/8 to 1/4 inch. I ended up actually tin-snippin the whole inner lip out of the way and using the structure of the fender to hold it in place. And the corner of the fender where it turns up and runs along the corner light didnt meet up with the end of the bumper where it turns to go under the headlights. I should be posting pics of what I'm rambling about, but its dark outside and wrestling starts in 10 minutes 
And for my question.. I didnt see it posted anywhere in here that I saw... can you take the doors from a convertible and use them on a coupe? The idea would be to eliminate the door window framework, like the Dodge Neon or Toyota Celica.. that way, when the window's down and the door's open, there nothing there. I know it entails some awesome weatherstripping, but I'm lookin for specifics... HELP!!
it bolt rite up. but as far as working correctly on first try no. and it envolve way more then just weather stripping. you would need to weld in the top frame from the doner door. and somehow find a way to open the door while your window is still rolled up. i dont know how to explain this.. its been covered manytimes.
no you would need the upper part of the coupes door welded to to the rest of the car .. or you will have a void..i cant explain someone back me up here
i assume it would be in the top
the top should have rubber for the window to slide up against... and seal --- (as there is only need to seal when the top is up)
so you need to cut the piece off the donor door that attaches to the window... and weld it in the proper spot on the chassis and then shave off the front of the rails so that the door can open with the windows up...
its not an beginners task in to body work...
I may have missed it but I didn't see anything ,mainly part numbers for the verts.Many have asked about part numbers such as the main vert. seal and other top related parts.Thanks

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
5) Trunk lid for sunfires changed in 03
A clarification... the metal part of the trunk lid is the same from 95+ for coupes, the filler panel changed in 00 (reverse lights moved to bumper, filler panel reverse lights now blacked out), then again in 03.
For sedans, they are the same from 95+ and share the same shape as a Cavalier (coupe or sedan) trunk lid. The Fire sedan and Cav trunk lids are interchangeable (as are tail lights). The holes for the filler panels are virtually in the same location between the Fire sedans and 03+ Cavs.
Fire coupe does not interchange with sedan trunk lids (nor do the tails)
TY to whoever posted the original with links to the MF'ers websites. HUGE help, haven't been able to find body kits or performance parts to fit the ld9 until today, reading thru this and visiting the links. LOVE IT, TY TY TY
So with aftermarket tails, the cavalier ones will fit a sunfire sedan as long as its the same generation right?
Meaning 03-05 cav will fit a 03-05 sunfire sedan correct? Just wanna get this right before the spring debating a bunch of things to do and just wanna gain some knowledge
trevor osmond wrote:So with aftermarket tails, the cavalier ones will fit a sunfire sedan as long as its the same generation right?
Meaning 03-05 cav will fit a 03-05 sunfire sedan correct? Just wanna get this right before the spring debating a bunch of things to do and just wanna gain some knowledge 
you got your generations a bit off... 3rd generations start at 1995 and run all the way to 2005. just happens that there were 3 different phases to it. any cavalier tails lights will fit any year sunfire sedan.
Does anyone here kno if the outer taillights from a 99 cav coupe would fit on a 04 cav coupe?
ReD RaiN
Good stuff. Thanks
ReD RaiN
So what I am seeing body wise, all 95-2005 third gen cars are the same up to the nose and hood, fenders back on the 2 door coupes?
95-05 all cavalier coupe stuff is interchangeable. Front Fenders are basically same 95-05 (just bracketry for corner markers changed). Hoods are same 95-02. 03+ changed due to headlights. Bumper covers are also different 95-99, 00-02, and 03+. Rear bumpers changed between 95-99, 00-02, and 03-05. Trunklid had additional holes in 03+ for the bar style tail lights.
That being said, as long as it's cav to cav, all can be bolted on.