I'm in Nevada, MO on the oposite side of the state lol.
In the planning stage for an all American TRD Cavalier.
Check out the haeartland J's in KC they have a meet in Jan on the thirteenth at the Independence Hooters!!!
hope you find em!!
im in rolla mo, about 1 hour and 30 mins from stl area but would like to hang with j tuners
2003 cav. red intake, and full exhaust, and stereo
2003 cavalier red, k&n cold air, pacesetter header and cat back exhaust.
how do i get hooked up with the heartland j's
heartland j's arent real active anymore, i've met up with them before but its somewhat of a rarity.. btw im from k.c. too

All show, coming soon ---> GO
I'm in the Lees Summit area! Just moved back from Illinois and looking for fellow j-body people!
lincoln nebraska!!!!!!! lol
1999 2.4L w/ nitrous