the really odd part of all of this is that were being told that talking on the cell phone is distracting to drive. so they outlaw talking on the cell phone right? well no. they outlaw talking on the cell phone unless your using a hands free device (in most states) so now is talking on the phone too distracting to drive or is just holding the phone to your ear the problem. because if talking on the phone is the true issue distracting people from seeing something occuring in front of them allowing hands free be allowed doesnt make a single change. well except causing people to go out by the millions and buy hands free devices for there car.
i just think instead of lowering the bar per say (not allowing something to occur because of the idiots) why not try and raise the bar. and just punish the idiots harder until they learn there lesson. oh you were on the phone when you wrecked, your an idiot, fines doubled. run a stop sign while on the phone. ticket price trippled.!/Square1Photography
Yep. Exactly another reason why the laws are becoming more stringent...a natural side effect is that in instances where property damage or physical injury is caused by someone using a cell while driving, the penalties will be even rougher. So it goes with performing illegal acts while driving.
As to the difference between hands-free use and cell phone pastered to the face, it is true that the level of mind distraction is the same. However, no logical person would argue that the hands-free isn't better on many levels. It allows use of both arms, both ears, and also improves head mobility. As it's nigh impossible to rule out cell phone use altogther (unenforceable), this is an acceptable interim method. My prediction is that as the carnage continues to pile up, all cell phone use while driving will be outlawed someday.
Take Back the Republican Party wrote:Yep. Exactly another reason why the laws are becoming more stringent...a natural side effect is that in instances where property damage or physical injury is caused by someone using a cell while driving, the penalties will be even rougher. So it goes with performing illegal acts while driving.
As to the difference between hands-free use and cell phone pastered to the face, it is true that the level of mind distraction is the same. However, no logical person would argue that the hands-free isn't better on many levels. It allows use of both arms, both ears, and also improves head mobility. As it's nigh impossible to rule out cell phone use altogther (unenforceable), this is an acceptable interim method. My prediction is that as the carnage continues to pile up, all cell phone use while driving will be outlawed someday.
well they said that about seatbelt laws as well but last i hear the average useage is up to like 85-95% now.
if you want to outlaw them in the car then at least don't use talking to the person as being the main distraction, and then say its legal to talk to someone while your hands free lol.!/Square1Photography
I can understand banning texting while driving, that takes up alot of attention and is hazardous, but the talking on a phone is complete BS. Sure there should be increased fines for doing something idiotic if you're on it, but seriously, you might as well outlaw talking to the passengers in your car too then because it is no different than that.
94 Cavalier - Red Bullet - 198k An Goin Strong
82 Cutlass - Gutlass - The PITA Project
You would be surprised how much attention you take off the road and put into your conversation. Sorry, but I agree with cell phone/texting laws while driving.
On the other have other fingers.

"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.
Ace140 wrote:On the cell phone thing...
Serious, even driving one handed is NOT a big deal. I never have both hands on the wheel unless I need to. When I turn or something I use the shoulder trick. Its all about your ability to multi-task. I can talk on a cell, eat a burger, shift a manual, and smoke a cigarette at the same time. Now, subtract the burger and cig, and add an auto tranny, and what do you have? Easy-ness.
Example of me talking on a cell phone properly. Some jackass ran a red light in front of me... I had my other hand back on the wheel so fast I launched my phone out the window. One swerve and several curses later, I had a smashed cell phone. *shrug* It took the hit for me I guess.
it isn't just the fact your only using one hand it is more the fact that your attention is towards what your talking about and not on the road
JLAudioCavalier wrote:You would be surprised how much attention you take off the road and put into your conversation. Sorry, but I agree with cell phone/texting laws while driving.
Do you believe therefore that there should be a law prohibiting you from talking to passengers in the car? The distraction of the conversation when using a cell phone would not really be any greater than any other conversation after all. Just food for thought.
bk3k wrote:JLAudioCavalier wrote:You would be surprised how much attention you take off the road and put into your conversation. Sorry, but I agree with cell phone/texting laws while driving.
Do you believe therefore that there should be a law prohibiting you from talking to passengers in the car? The distraction of the conversation when using a cell phone would not really be any greater than any other conversation after all. Just food for thought.
but passengers in the care are diffrent, with them you can actually take your eyes off the road to talk to them. that can't be neare as dangerous.!/Square1Photography