Slippery bitch he is!
Your Learing!
I feel out of them all "Capitalism "
But enter the ultra greedy human element.......
For instance, the UAW.....
Come one; enter the now closed Chevy Janesville plant.
Back in 2006 the lowest worker was making 75 a year, putting lug nuts on K trucks. this was not including all the other benefits.
ya, noting is perfect, but given the current choices....
What other Nation would you (all) rather live in?
"An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle sir, is not of the strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."
Speech at the Second Virginia Convention at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia (23 March 1775) Patrick Henry
This one. I like it a lot!
With out a doubt, but that is the "human" element.
How do you (we) fix that?
"An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle sir, is not of the strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."
Speech at the Second Virginia Convention at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia (23 March 1775) Patrick Henry
Wealth re distribution isn't a socialist concept?
That is his idea not right wing media. Have you read any of his books or do you just like to sound like you know more than other people on forums? Read his books, he talks in great detail about his respect in Socialist government, wealth redistribution, welfare for all. I'm sure you are assuming i am a right winger or republican bashing him. But i'm not. I'm an American and I have read his books, I did a study on him at school. Those are his words and his ideals. you can try all you like to debunk me or attempt to make me sound like a right wing loon throwing out conspiracies. But if it walks like a duck, and talk like a duck.....well, you know.
"Formerly known as Jammit - JBO member since 1998" JBOM | CSS.net
The redistribution of wealth happens every time your payroll department makes your paycheck. The Bommer's got nothing new for you there. However, you may find a wingnut video on YouTube that purports to show 'Bama advocating same. It's a complete hack job, so if that's your source...DEBUNKED. We call this a Pre-Emptive strike.
Feel free to offer substantive evidence otherwise. I'm always open to real facts.
Um, the real fact is you are talking out your ass now. As I said MY SOURCE is I read Barrack Obamas books The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream & In His Own Words: Barack Obama - The American Promise. Both are brillant reads It's not wingnut hacked up viral video it's his own words in books Barrack Obama wrote. And plenty substantive evidence of my point. If you have not read it you have no leg to stand on telling me I'm wrong.
Obama deserves credit for being able to discuss his values, political ideals and faith in a manner that is more comfortable than many of his political contemporaries. And, in the book, he does a reasonable job of articulating why and how his faith and values cause him to think and act in the way that he does. At times, you may wonder if he is too ambitious - or even naive. One can respect his energy and commitment to change, even as one firmly disagrees with his policies and plans.
And, I certainly do take issue with some of the Presidents actual policies and worldview that he discusses. His health care plans may sound noble, but they would likely lead to significantly decreased quality and choice for most Americans and soaring taxes and budget deficits...big government at its worst. Furthermore, given the overall poor performance of government in other programs, do you really want government managing your health care?
I don't believe that cutting taxes for those who pay taxes (aka "the rich") is unfair; I may go so far as to say that Obama's affinity for radical and government-forced redistribution of wealth reeks of socialism (though it's socialism masked by a warm smile). Another point: I don't believe that a "pro-choice" position offers adequate choice for the unborn child; Obama's rhetoric in the book is moderate, but his voting record on abortion is extreme. Some of his associations are troubling, particularly with some radicals who seem to have shaped a significant portion of his worldview and helped launch his career he touches on this quite a bit in the book.
I do agree with President Obama that America must overcome our addiction to foreign oil, though his opposition to many reasonable remedies is curious. I do agree that more emphasis needs to be placed on strengthening families and upholding traditional values; on reducing teen pregnancy and the root causes of poverty. However, it is difficult to align many of Obama's expressed ideas here with the numerous radical and ridiculous statements of Obama's pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright - a man who preached one sermon that inspired the title of this book.
President Obama's stated efforts to transcend partisanship are laudable, but it would be helpful if he acknowledged that partisanship is not only the province of "right wing Republicans" but also a staple of many of his Democratic brethren.
If you have not read these books then you are not debunking anything. you're just talking just to talk. You've accused me twice of being a Republican or at least following a Right wing agenda and/or propaganda. And twice i've told you my facts come directly from Barrack Obama. Maybe instead of trying make a fool of someone on a subject you should know what you're talking about first.
"Formerly known as Jammit - JBO member since 1998" JBOM | CSS.net
Read it. Don't agree.
Provide quotes, not opinion. We'll take it from there.
I'm not quoting an entire book. If you're going to be lazy then just agree to disagree. But don't continue to try and belittle and berate me without being on the same page.
A list of comparisons could be quite long. There is an unmistakable similarity between Obama's political beliefs and the beliefs of the Socialist Party USA. The tragedy is that Obama's supporters don't care. In fact, many of his supporters are delighted that he promises to usher in a new era of socialism, and push the memory of capitalism further into history.
Socialists, who are in perpetual revolution, who believe that the end justifies the means, have worked through educational institutions, non-government organizations such as ACORN and by electing socialists to public office to silence teaching the virtues of free enterprise, capitalism, private property, individual responsibility and personal achievement. For nearly two generations, students have been fed a steady diet of socialism under a variety of disguises, including Outcome Based Education, No Child Left Behind, School-to-Work and a host of other "feel good" slogans.
Students and young adults no longer know why capitalism is better than socialism. Like Obama, young people really believe that when government redistributes wealth, "it's good for everybody." They do not realize that wealth redistribution is no substitute for wealth creation. They are never taught that the only way to create wealth is for an individual to combine his energy and intellect with resources to produce a product that improves his life, or for which someone else is willing to pay.
Private property, the accumulation of personal prosperity and individual achievement are anathema to socialism. Socialism sees the individual as nothing more than a cog in a government-run machine designed to ensure equity for all.
Capitalism seeks prosperity; socialism seeks equality. Freedom increases as prosperity increases. In a socialist system, there can be neither.
I minored in political science so i'll give you a very basic example. Castro carried out socialist principles to their logical conclusion. The state took ownership of everyone’s property and then redistributed the largess (wealth) to everyone. Cubans who owned large mansions (rough example) had them confiscated, whereupon poor people were permitted to move in to the houses. All businesses, large and small, were nationalized and profit funneled for the interests of the nation and the people.
How is that different from Obama’s dream of taxing the rich in order to equalize people’s economic condition? or owning controlling interest in GM, and many banks? Castro confiscates and redistributes 100 percent. Obama wants to confiscate and redistribute, say, 30 percent. Big deal you say. But the concept is the same, it's leveling the field of society. Everyone will be a clone...sure, we all will have homes, cars, etc. Only in this case it will be the money I worked for will be passed to the ones that do not have these things
nor worked for them!
The difference is one of degree, not one of principle.
Socialism is socialism.
Don't be so blindly Democrat that you can't step back and assess everything because if you did you would see there is not 2 parties with one being more for you and the other is some big evil villain. They are exactly the same and only out for themselves. And it's them Vs. you.
"Formerly known as Jammit - JBO member since 1998" JBOM | CSS.net
Listen. You've been condescending since this began. No one "belittled or berated you"...that is, not until
right now.
You came in here with OBVIOUS trolling of your bait phrase of "Obama's a socialist", then when someone (me) bites, you get out the long, flowery chastisements. You knew damned well all you wanted to do was use that bait as a weak premise to get on your soapbox and start pounding out your paragraphs of how superior you are to us mere Forum Users. I can spot your type a mile away.
I don't like being talked down to, especially not when you feel high and mighty from reading a book and/or and stating your educational history. I read the same book. I don't agree with your point of view regarding the book. My disagreement does not empower you to act like a douche.
I acknowledge your mastery of the language, and commend you for your long, well constructed posts. They don't make you superior in thought or opinion.
If you want to have a real conversation, back it down a few notches, grab that book, and we'll go at it. Until then, how about you save your typing fingers for something more productive. I assure you, you are completely wasting your time if you think acting this way proves anything to me, or anyone else who reads this.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Saturday, January 23, 2010 6:44 PM
I've spoken very educated and i called Obama a Socialist not as bait to fight with, but because his action drive the accusations. If you don't to be talked down to like child then bring a more mature and educated point to the debate outside of....Your wrong. I'm right. You're just a dumb Republican watching videos.
I've simply made a strong and academic point, and backed up my point with information. you saying it's too long and hurts your head is just your way of trying to "debunk" me. So i guess rather than give up and just say fu*k it, whatever. You're going to try and assassinate my character and make me sound like a blowhard douche when really all i'm doing is hammering you with indisputable facts. Since you can't fire back, you're getting mad so you're just going to get petty now.
Ok, it's cool Bill I'm not mad at you, it's a forum and we're here to discuss issues.
If I'm so wrong How is Obama's politics not a form of a socialist lite like concept then?
And do you know the concepts of Socialism?
"Formerly known as Jammit - JBO member since 1998" JBOM | CSS.net
You've spoken like a pompous ass. Apparently your wonderful education did not include any of the finer points of social interaction. And it's not the first time you've heard this, I am quite sure.
Man. I never said it was TOO LONG.
I never said you watched the video I referred to. I said IF you have. Sorry the mere suggestion of that gave you such a raw a55.
I never said fcuk it, whatever.
I never tried to assassinate your character.
Where do you get this sh!t?
Good God, yes, I understand Socialism! *facepalm*
Your "indisputable facts" are presented in the context of an educated blowhard. That is what makes you ineffective. You've blown up your own work here by presenting it in a combative, superior tone that just makes you look desperate and insecure. Besides, as you've stated, your "facts" are
indisputable. That says all I need to know about how much you desire actual conversation or intelligent exchange of ideas. Your mind was closed the moment you began typing.
I love how the insults and accusations are flying but you can't answer me.
If i'm so wrong how so?
How is Obama's politics not a form of a socialist lite like concept then?
And do you know the concepts of Socialism?
You were the
only one being snippy and cocky in ALL your replies to me, I only fired right back at you a taste of your own medicine. ...anyone that reads our conversation can see that. You asked me to provide facts, now that i hit back with solid points that you clearly can't "debunk" with a snarky remark all you can do is insult me You've changed up your game, rather than being cocky you're just getting juvenile and mad. Don't be mad and petty, either back up your point that what I'm saying is just my opinion and I'm wrong, or do the mature thing and stop talking. It doesn't make me less wrong, and you more right, continuing to try and paint me as a jerk when clearly you were working the cocky "high and mighty" act long before i even started dropping facts.
Better yet I'll be the bigger man and stop i guess, because when facts are laid out and the topic isn't going your way, and you can't be a snarky, cocky sounding know-it-all you obviously collapse and can't handle a debate. It's not that i think i'm smarter than anyone, I'm not. I just know more about this subject than you do.
"Formerly known as Jammit - JBO member since 1998" JBOM | CSS.net
Moderato Electo Victorio! wrote:Good God, yes, I understand Socialism! *facepalm*
Ok then what is it? what are the principals of Socialist government?
and.....still waiting for an answer to this one:
How is Obama's politics not a form of a socialist lite like concept then?
Moderato Electo Victorio! wrote:Your "indisputable facts" are presented in the context of an educated blowhard. That is what makes you ineffective. You've blown up your own work here by presenting it in a combative, superior tone that just makes you look desperate and insecure. Besides, as you've stated, your "facts" are indisputable. That says all I need to know about how much you desire actual conversation or intelligent exchange of ideas. Your mind was closed the moment you began typing.
This entire paragraph is a cop-out Bill.
You call it opinion and tell me i'm wrong. I've clearly asked you to tell what I'm wrong about. So i'm VERY open an intelligent exchange of ideas. Don't project your insecurities on me Bill. This entire paragraph is you misdirecting the conversation to make it sound like i don't want to hear your points. You assume too much. Fact is out side of your condescending, witty biting quips from earlier you have not provided any intelligent exchange of ideas....only insults.
"Formerly known as Jammit - JBO member since 1998" JBOM | CSS.net
Again he asks me if I know Socialism. It's as if he doesn't even read my replies.
Jook...I'd address your questions IF you stopped acting like a spoiled brat. You didn't. It does not appear you will. As such, go find someone else to lamely antagonize. You're not very good at it, and I don't really wish to see you keep demonstrating this unsavory aspect of your personality. Fail.
Jookycola wrote:I've spoken very educated and i called Obama a Socialist
You spoken very educated indeed. lol.
Antagonist. Good luck finding someone to play with. I'm sure the other kids on your block avoid you like the plague.
Moderato Electo Victorio! wrote:The redistribution of wealth happens every time your payroll department makes your paycheck. The Bommer's got nothing new for you there. However, you may find a wingnut video on YouTube that purports to show 'Bama advocating same. It's a complete hack job, so if that's your source...DEBUNKED. We call this a Pre-Emptive strike.
Feel free to offer substantive evidence otherwise. I'm always open to real facts.
Isn't it funny you ask for "facts" and "substantive evidence". And when i do exactly that you are so shut down that now all you can do is sling insults, and act like a child?
Stop avoiding the question with stupidity, and empty insults Bill.
If I'm wrong then how is Obama's politics not a form of a socialist lite like concept then?
If you can't answer then don't, but stop dodging the question with the childish remarks, either be a man and prove me wrong or shut up already. I'm waiting for your intelligent exchange of ideas. Or are insults and spin all you have?
"Formerly known as Jammit - JBO member since 1998" JBOM | CSS.net
Moderato Electo Victorio! wrote:Again he asks me if I know Socialism. It's as if he doesn't even read my replies.
Jook...I'd address your questions IF you stopped acting like a spoiled brat. You didn't. It does not appear you will. As such, go find someone else to lamely antagonize. You're not very good at it, and I don't really wish to see you keep demonstrating this unsavory aspect of your personality. Fail.
So explain what is Socialism then? I see nowhere in the last 3 pages where you clearly defined what it is. And then from there explain how Obama's politics are not a form of a socialist lite like concept then?
The fail is you avoiding to prove my remarks wrong and refusing to answer the questions once the tables have been turned.
Flinging insults doesn't make you right or prove my facts wrong it just makes you look more desperate.
"Formerly known as Jammit - JBO member since 1998" JBOM | CSS.net
Wow, haven't looked in on this thread in a few days, interesting read for sure.
Mr. Goodwrench I am not a fascist, not sure where you found this but um, no. I believe in the constitution and small government. The closest i come to fascist is 8 years serving for your right to make general statements, as so many do on this site. If I seemed glib in my start to this thread it was not because I had an uninformed rant to go on, I just did not give a full dissertation on the subject.
Jooky and everyone else in debate on the topics Capitalism is the ideal form of economic thought for many reasons. first it allows people to achieve at their own ability, it provides teh ability to live free and independent based on your work ethic and intelligence. secondly it allows for an environment of open dialog and sharing of thoughts, never mind the fact that there is less repression etc.
I just think the government is too involved, and it is hard to be in the land of the free when you expect daddy to bail you out or help you every time you slip. You learn more from failure than success, companies and individuals need to fail, it is part of the life cycle.
BTW if you want to bring low intellect and or manual labor jobs back to the US, you need to do a few things: Less regulation on business to allow them to compete better, get rid of unions to allow them to do the previously posted competition, and buy a huuuge crack rock if you think that socialist obama will allow any of this to happen.
end thread
Socialism is the common ownership by society of property. Most commonly, it is held in trust by some group, usually the government. It's also sharing the wealth, which can be described as the transition stage between democracy and communism by Karl Marx. The right are taxed a lot more and more money goes to the poor. Pay gaps are shorted, but not by the will of the employer. Private ownership starts to become non existent.
You either live under a rock or are in serious denile if you can honestly say that doesn't sound exactly like what's happing right now in this country. Do I think Obama is a socialist? he might be a lite socialist. but I think the real trouble is Nanacy Pelosi and Barney Frank, they are far more of a threat to this country than Obama is.
Taetsch Z-24 wrote:With out a doubt, but that is the "human" element.
How do you (we) fix that?
You can start by education and show the consequences when you use that element. History would be at the fore front in the key of education, and after that, you can only hope that history does not repeat itself.
Jookycola wrote:Wealth re distribution isn't a socialist concept?
That is his idea not right wing media. Have you read any of his books or do you just like to sound like you know more than other people on forums? Read his books, he talks in great detail about his respect in Socialist government, wealth redistribution, welfare for all. I'm sure you are assuming i am a right winger or republican bashing him. But i'm not. I'm an American and I have read his books, I did a study on him at school. Those are his words and his ideals. you can try all you like to debunk me or attempt to make me sound like a right wing loon throwing out conspiracies. But if it walks like a duck, and talk like a duck.....well, you know.
If you knew what socialism was/is, you would not be making that argument as a insult to Obama. I will give you a hint... Socialism is practiced on every country that collects some form of tax; it is stronger felt on first world and second world nations.
Looks to me you've read sound bites from other people's reading and/or interpretations. But if you have, or have not, that's your prerogative. When you outright blast off that he is socialist, with what look to be, you not even remotely remembering or understanding that; % you pay extra when you purchase something, or that % that gets deducted from your payroll, or that X amount of property bill that you pay as you "literally rent from the government" every year, only just reinforces my strong belief that you sir do not know what is socialism and their aspects is.
The real question is what bothers you more, that "welfare" goes, for the wealthy or the poor? Oh and you have yet to answer my question.
Because if you are going to claim "Im American" and it is "un-American" BS, then you will have to bitch when politicians gives back to the wealthy as well. This is a two way street here.
BTW here is the question that you avoided:
Mr.Goodwrench-G.T. wrote:And if you consider Obama a "Socialist" (because I would guess) he gives back tax dollars to the public. What would you consider a politician who gives to the high-end business entities in the form of corporate welfare? I am curious because nobody has a title for them?
Mike Demo (Civic Eater) wrote:
Mr. Goodwrench I am not a fascist, not sure where you found this but um, no. I believe in the constitution and small government. The closest i come to fascist is 8 years serving for your right to make general statements, as so many do on this site. If I seemed glib in my start to this thread it was not because I had an uninformed rant to go on, I just did not give a full dissertation on the subject.
Where I found this? Don't you remember what you wrote on your very own thread? Here you are being bothered on what gets advertised. You want to forbid and suppress openness and opposition and only want what you want, just because what is being advertised is not inline to what you believe. That sir, is part of fascism. And the kicker here, it is not even your site.
And if you contracted your self in to the military, good/bad for you... I really don't care. But you, nor any military personal protect jack $hit of any of my rights. If your recruiter, or the military brainwashed you into thinking that so you can preach it on to others, so you can feel better, or justify on what you did, so be it. But don't run crap to me about "serving for your right." Our rights have been protected because of our fore-fathers, how we interpret the laws, and courts system reinforcing it. If this country was invaded, and the US military actually toppled the invasion, then I can see your patriotic BS, but even the only time when this country was invaded by the British on this land, the military needed its civilians to win. Remember that next time you chant your patriotic rhetoric.
RedFive wrote:Socialism is the common ownership by society of property. Most commonly, it is held in trust by some group, usually the government. It's also sharing the wealth, which can be described as the transition stage between democracy and communism by Karl Marx. The right are taxed a lot more and more money goes to the poor. Pay gaps are shorted, but not by the will of the employer. Private ownership starts to become non existent.
You either live under a rock or are in serious denile if you can honestly say that doesn't sound exactly like what's happing right now in this country. Do I think Obama is a socialist? he might be a lite socialist. but I think the real trouble is Nanacy Pelosi and Barney Frank, they are far more of a threat to this country than Obama is.
Examples. This should be good.