i gotta disagree with your last statement weebel. that how you see it and im sure there are those out there that are that way. but there are also allot of people that just feel that the more security they have the better off they are. that is the problem is that everyone has a diffrent viewpoint and thinks diffrently then each other and people tend to forget that,. so instead of a person with an opposite veiewpoint you that @!#$ faggot that is stupid and dumb. people allot of people can't wrap their heads around realising everyone is diffrent.
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Misinformation Peddler wrote:I did not say every polititian just wants power, nor did I imply it. What I said was the the ones trying to sell us on the ideas of the big government programs, telling us that keeping their hands off things won't work, etc., are the ones who are really about power and control, not actually helping the people they claim to care so much about. The ones frantically trying to get the massive health care bill through before they lose their overwhelming majority, and before some of the very leaders of the movement lose their chairs, are the ones leading this lie. If they wanted to really help people, they would be looking at the whole picture, and fixing one thing at a time, including tort reform, and adding real competition, not government takeover. But the agenda is not that of helping people get affordable healthcare, it's the pretty package their trying to put it in.
it may be hard to believe but some people likely actually believe it would be better to just bring in this big health care bill to fix everythihng versus fixing it piece by piece, just because you (and i) believe that the best way to fix it is piece by piece doesn't mean that anyone who doesnt thing that way is a liar just trying to pull the wool over your eyes.
kind of like there are people when a car breaks down will choose to fix it and there are those out there that will look at the broken car and say time to replace the car.
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But just because we are all different and different viewpoints......It doesnt mean we are all right. Not all roads lead to heaven.
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart