I was on here yesterday to find out why my son 03 cav was having electrical issue. It was my son who put that on there and with that being said,I personally dont give a damn about gays or the rights they think they need. lol next time I will log off
"I don't give a damn about gays or the rights they think they need" is almost as bad as what "your son" wrote. Please log off. But don't bother logging back on, scum bag.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.
That's why I dont care little pussy like you ! Who the hell cares about homos like you are other homos. Thanks for the compliment I'd rather be a scum bag than a aid infected sob that would suck something that been in somebody anus. Don't worry Linda I don't need to say anything more. You and your boyfriend take care.
admit it...you ARE twelve, arent you? troll, troll, go away.
I don't think he actually is 12. He's from Kentucky after all. Stereotypes don't just come from nowhere. He posted that up, went off to @!#$ his sister and hasn't been back since. Let's just be happy his ignorant ass is gone.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.
nah, i dont think hes actually 12 either....but he certainly types like it.
"That's why I dont care little pussy like you !" ??? i mean does that make sense in his own head?
If he really has the views he expresses in these posts, I'm willing to bet he doesn't know a lot about grammar or society to begin with. Not often do I wish death or anything major on someone.... but if he truly feels and thinks those things, I wouldn't feel bad at all if he dropped dead. Beaten to death by a bunch of gays would be a glorious news story to stumble upon too!
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.
david christy wrote:kick the queers out of the country to say somewhere else. For the ones who wanta say that homophobic who cares. I am a man you little limpwristed leftys might learn how to be one someday. Homo are nasty simple as that. The only thing that get close to my poo shooter is t.p.
I'd put $100 on someone finding you with a cock in your mouth within 10 years. I wouldn't doubt that you might have had a few already - only when drunk etc. Then you can blame it on the alcohol. Typically people like you end up being self hating homosexuals. The ultra hatred of them in speech and actions is your way of covering it up and not admitting it to anyone - least of all yourself. But let me guess(you won't admit it I know) - you are secretly watching gay porn online on occasion. Maybe you aren't into full blown gay porn yet. Maybe for now you just watch "traps" and pretend that still means you are a heterosexual.
Maybe you have even had girlfriends - it helps you pretend and fit in as "normal". But you probably aren't even picky just so long as they don't appear to have a penis. Your friends don't really understand why you don't go after a hotter girl. But in truth they are all the same to you - any fat cow will do. Its not about how she looks - its about how you are @!#$ing a female and ABSOLUTELY are not one of those "damn @!#$ing faggots". Keep telling yourself that.
If I sound a little closer to home than you'd like, its because I have a few gay friends. You fit the sterotype to a T. You ARE the stereotype. I expect the response from you is "No YOU are the FAGGOT YOU FAGGOT GO DIE" or something like that. I am 100% straight but I don't care if you or anyone thinks I'm gay or whatever. Even if I was - there isn't a damn thing wrong with being gay if you are gay. No one in my real life friends or family would give a @!#$ if I was and I think there isn't anything wrong with it - so I would have exactly zero reason to hide something like that or pretend I was something I really am not.
Can you HONESTLY say the same? I'm gonna guess you heard all that nonsense you speak from someone growing up - family probably maybe friends too. You might have some self-hating gays in those circles too. If you came out tomorrow... would your family still love you or disown you? If they did disown you, do they really love YOU - as in the real YOU? In that case, what do you really lose? But you're scared(and projecting your weakness on others). So I give it maybe 10 years in your case.
P.S. Lesbians rock!
(tabs) wrote:bk3k wrote:P.S. Lesbians rock!
i disagree......bi girls are pretty cool.
but every lesbian i have ever met was a man hating b1tch...
you havent met the right ones
wow I cant believe there are people out there who still think its wrong being gay. The fact that those people concentrate on it so much only means they at one point thought they were gay, or is in fact gay, and want no one to know. Its 2011, not 1811, get over this whole gay topic, if someone's gay it doesn't change how good/bad of person they are.
Brian Groza wrote:wow I cant believe there are people out there who still think its wrong being gay.
maybe we have a religion ?????
or maybe we dont like it simply cus its un natural???? i mean whats next? you gonna tell me that Humping your dog doesnt make you a bad person ??? and maybe it doesnt, but that doesnt make it any less gross to the rest of us.