Contrary to initial reports, she is currently in surgery, but it is still unclear as to her prognosis. The shooter tried to flee the scene, but was tackled by some bystanders. They should have killed him on the spot.
I do realize, however, that Goodwrench and Co. are salivating, as they wait for the details on the personal info on this criminal who just attempted murder.... Just hoping against all hope, that he is a member of some gun club, a Baptist preacher, SOMETHING that they can sink their teeth into.
If he once was seen at a restaurant that serves TEA, he will be linked to the tea party and the subsequent allegations of hatemongering, and it will be all we'll read/hear about on most news channels.
However, if he has brownish skin color or drives a Prius, well, it'll be day old news by the time I go to bed.
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
Not sure yet, but I think you just wrote this entire thread yourself.
I'm not quite sure what you mean, but my guess, is that he will be portrayed in one of two ways:
A) A gun loving, government hating, flannel wearing racist, who punches babies.
B) a mentally disabled man or someone who was suffering from some sort of severe mental illness or post traumatic syndrome.
Choice B, will be the status if it is entirely impossible to link him to any conservative groups, blogs, etc.
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
Yep, you nailed it. Once again Right Wing Extremists deal your team another black eye.
Giffords no stranger to right wing targeting and violence
Some pull quotes from the article follow. I find the ones about Sarah Palin showing Giffords on her website in gun crosshairs especially awkward.
But it's worth noting that Giffords -- who in 2006 became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress, at 36 -- has, for more than a year, been the target of violence-tinged rhetoric from political opponents and of threats that appear to have come from right-wing activists.
Asked by the New York Post whether his daughter had any enemies, Giffords's father replied: "The whole tea party."
In August 2009, an attendee at a Giffords town-hall meeting dropped a handgun, leading Giffords's staff to call the police. "We have never felt the need before to notify law enforcement when we hold these events," her spokesman said at the time.
After Giffords voted in favor of the health-care overhaul in March, she said that vandals had broken the glass door of her Tucson office. "The rhetoric is incredibly heated, not just the calls but the emails, the slurs," she told MSNBC at the time. "Things have really gotten spun up."
That same month, Sarah Palin's political action committee posted a map of the US, showing the locations of the 20 Democratic members of Congress, including Giffords, it was targeting for defeat. Each location was marked by an image of a gun crosshairs.
Palin's camp dismissed charges that she was encouraging acts of violence, saying she had spoken out against violence. But Giffords herself was one of many who spoke out against the image, telling MSNBC: "When people do that, they've gotta realize there's consequences to that action."
Since Giffords' shooting, SarahPAC appears to have removed Giffords' name from the list. And Palin herself today posted the following on Facebook: "My sincere condolences are offered to the family of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the other victims of today's tragic shooting in Arizona. On behalf of Todd and my family, we all pray for the victims and their families, and for peace and justice."
In June, the campaign of Giffords' Republican opponent in this year's midterms, Jesse Kelly, placed an ad that read: "Get on target for victory in November/ Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office/ Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly."
The website for Kelly, a former US Marine, depicted him with holding an automatic weapon.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Saturday, January 08, 2011 4:47 PM
Hey Scott is he your new hero for the new year?
You can thank Limbaugh, Palin, FOX news and friends because this is exactly what these Right Wing Extremists media outlets breed: nothing but anti-government resentment, anti-democracy as they take matters to their own hands by pulling trigger. This is an example when you take the second amendment to extremist levels, just like their political views. All to end as a terrorist. This is exactly what the FBI was warning from my other thread.
It is a sad when a first world nation is no better than a third world nation found in the Mid-East.
So Scott how are you going downplay and sweep it under the rug this time, or are you going to continue to make lame & useless excuses like you're doing now?

Excuses that i'm doing now? No excuses being made about this murderer. And, btw, nice jab and trying to sneak in the terrorist label too. So now, anybody that shoots people in public is a terrorist? lol. One does have to wonder, how at 4 ft away, with a head shot, he didn't finish the job.
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
OMG! This is so absurd. I've read nearly every report I can get my hands on, and from what I can tell so far, he has no connection to any group. However, as I mentioned right off, he is being described as a mentally deranged individual. Take this quote for instance:
"Sometimes religion was brought up or drugs. He smoked pot, I don't know how regularly. And he wasn't too keen on religion, from what I could tell," Wiens said.
Lynda Sorenson said she took a math class with Loughner last summer at Pima Community College's Northwest campus and told the Arizona Daily Star he was "obviously very disturbed." "He disrupted class frequently with nonsensical outbursts," she said.
In October 2007, Loughner was cited in Pima County for possession of drug paraphernalia, which was dismissed after he completed a diversion program, according to online records.
"He has kind of a troubled past, I can tell you that," Dupnik said.
An anti-religion pothead, yessireebob, sounds like your typical conservative rightwinger. lol.
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
Kevin Trudeau wrote:OMG! This is so absurd. I've read nearly every report I can get my hands on, and from what I can tell so far, he has no connection to any group. However, as I mentioned right off, he is being described as a mentally deranged individual. Take this quote for instance:
"Sometimes religion was brought up or drugs. He smoked pot, I don't know how regularly. And he wasn't too keen on religion, from what I could tell," Wiens said.
Lynda Sorenson said she took a math class with Loughner last summer at Pima Community College's Northwest campus and told the Arizona Daily Star he was "obviously very disturbed." "He disrupted class frequently with nonsensical outbursts," she said.
In October 2007, Loughner was cited in Pima County for possession of drug paraphernalia, which was dismissed after he completed a diversion program, according to online records.
"He has kind of a troubled past, I can tell you that," Dupnik said.
An anti-religion pothead, yessireebob, sounds like your typical conservative rightwinger. lol.
It hardly matters what
you are willing to uncover and/or believe. Giffords had been targeted by the right wing, and now she's been shot. Anecdotal information you can or cannot find from the comfort of your computer chair falls far short of an expert perspective on the shooter.
Now, what I'VE uncovered (and it took me all of a few minutes) is that Laughner was against the current administration, the current federal currency system, and espouses the beliefs of "constitionalism", in that he accuses the current government of not following the Constitution.
Sorry to say, his apparent madness aside, that sure does begin to align him with your team, "Kevin". Add the fact that he then also chose to act out ultra-violently towards these same perceived government enemies and well...I don't know what else to say. He may not be a card-carrying militia tea-partier, but his modus operandi seems pretty clear, as does his choice of victims.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, January 09, 2011 8:51 AM
Kevin Trudeau wrote:Excuses that i'm doing now? No excuses being made about this murderer. And, btw, nice jab and trying to sneak in the terrorist label too. So now, anybody that shoots people in public is a terrorist? lol. One does have to wonder, how at 4 ft away, with a head shot, he didn't finish the job.
As to his body count not being up to your standards, no one said he was a
good terrorist.
But rest assured...premeditated mass execution in a crowded public area, a mass murder that follows up a publically stated disgruntlement with the government...this fits the definition of Terrorism to a 'T'.
That's her channel .
That's his and if you go to her channel and look at her subscriptions she is subscribed to his . I am sure her account was made by one of her assistants or manager and they subscribed to him but why ?
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved Acts 16:31
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
" Mark Twain "
Kevin Trudeau wrote:......and here we go with the knee-jerk battlecry of tougher gun control laws:
Forgive me for not feeling any sympathy for you or the pro-gun movement here. What else would you folks expect after an incident such as this? Everyone's got to strike when their particular iron is hot, and it doesn't get much hotter than this, so the anti-gun movement naturally has both barrels blazing (pardon poor pun).
Disclaimer to all: I am fairly neutral on the gun debate. Pragmatic even!
You know Scott you could've left it like this
Kevin Trudeau wrote:
Contrary to initial reports, she is currently in surgery, but it is still unclear as to her prognosis. The shooter tried to flee the scene, but was tackled by some bystanders. They should have killed him on the spot.
and it would've been a perfectly good post. but no you had to really class it up with a political bitchfest
Kevin Trudeau wrote:
I do realize, however, that Goodwrench and Co. are salivating, as they wait for the details on the personal info on this criminal who just attempted murder.... Just hoping against all hope, that he is a member of some gun club, a Baptist preacher, SOMETHING that they can sink their teeth into.
If he once was seen at a restaurant that serves TEA, he will be linked to the tea party and the subsequent allegations of hatemongering, and it will be all we'll read/hear about on most news channels.
However, if he has brownish skin color or drives a Prius, well, it'll be day old news by the time I go to bed..
Goodwrench, I think we have a candidate for douchbag of the year 2011 here
oh and Loughner is a terrorist:
From Wikipedia
By distinguishing terrorists from other types of criminals and terrorism from other forms of crime, we come to appreciate that terrorism is
ineluctably political in aims and motives
violent – or, equally important, threatens violence
designed to have far-reaching psychological repercussions beyond the immediate victim or target
It shouldn't matter if he thought himself to be a conservative or liberal because he was an extremist nutjob who had nothing better to do than kill innocent people and in my book that doesn't make him either a right or left nutswinger.
Sure, there is cause for a debate about tougher gun control laws when Psycho's like this can get their hands on guns legally but then again what would be the point since anybody can get a gun from most street gangs as long as the price is right.
So if Frank and Jamaal do a drive by in the neighborhood, shoot up some house to send a message that they don't tolerate snitches on their drug business....are they terrorists too?
As it becomes increasingly apparent that this shooter has no ties whatsoever to the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, Republicans, Fox News, etc etc....the story will shift to gun control, inadequete affordable health care for the mentally unstable, criminalizing "hate speech". There will be no on-air retractions or apologies from the liberal talking heads. As Paul Krugman has said, "While there is no proof yet, that connects him to the Tea Party".... Yeah, its gonna shift to an assault on free speech.
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
Does anyone else find it supremely sickening to see this shooting turned into a political skirmish? Instead of using this tragedy as a soapbox for politics, we should be extending love and caring to the dead, injured and their families.
As a nation, if we can't get past the rhetoric the "parties" impose on us, and instead choose what's REALLY important, we are all lost - no matter what side one prefers.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, January 11, 2011 4:46 AM
sndsgood wrote:you guys yourself have turned this into a political soapbox...
Not THIS guy. I merely responded to the OP. Careful with the blame-game there, kneejerky!
Yep, you nailed it. Once again Right Wing Extremists deal your team another black eye.
Now, what I'VE uncovered (and it took me all of a few minutes) is that Laughner was against the current administration, the current federal currency system, and espouses the beliefs of "constitionalism", in that he accuses the current government of not following the Constitution.
Sorry to say, his apparent madness aside, that sure does begin to align him with your team, "Kevin". Add the fact that he then also chose to act out ultra-violently towards these same perceived government enemies and well...I don't know what else to say. He may not be a card-carrying militia tea-partier, but his modus operandi seems pretty clear, as does his choice of victims.
sndsgood wrote:
you guys yourself have turned this into a political soapbox...
Not THIS guy. I merely responded to the OP. Careful with the blame-game there, kneejerky!
Ok, should just stop now, ok?
This morning's news:
Loughner has not made a statement to authorities since his arrest. As a result, news stories have been abuzz with thoughts on possible motives, and the political blame game has already begun. According to Dr. Park Dietz, a forensics psychiatrist, the shooting has nothing to do with a heated political debate and has everything to do with the distorted thinking that accompanies mental illness.
"The real issue here has to do with the fact that serious mental illness can transform any political or religious thought into a justification for murder, assassination, mass murder and genocide," Dietz, president of Park Dietz & Associates, told AOL News.
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
Kevin Trudeau wrote:Quote:
Yep, you nailed it. Once again Right Wing Extremists deal your team another black eye.
Now, what I'VE uncovered (and it took me all of a few minutes) is that Laughner was against the current administration, the current federal currency system, and espouses the beliefs of "constitionalism", in that he accuses the current government of not following the Constitution.
Sorry to say, his apparent madness aside, that sure does begin to align him with your team, "Kevin". Add the fact that he then also chose to act out ultra-violently towards these same perceived government enemies and well...I don't know what else to say. He may not be a card-carrying militia tea-partier, but his modus operandi seems pretty clear, as does his choice of victims.
sndsgood wrote:
you guys yourself have turned this into a political soapbox...
Not THIS guy. I merely responded to the OP. Careful with the blame-game there, kneejerky!
Ok, should just stop now, ok?
First quote: Reminding you that you should expect abuse because the Right WIng's been brutally targeting Giffords for some time is merely a statement of fact, and actually just backs up your attempt to write the entire thread in your first post.
Second quote: Responding to your weak attempt to uncover info on this guy is simply another non-biased straightening of the facts. You left out critical aspects which I added. Again, that does not place me politically opposed to you or your teams perspectives, or making some political statement... like the first wuote, it was also a simple statement of facts.
Moral of story: If my presentaion of information further abraded your apparent wounds over this debacle, I'm sorry that you're that so sensitive about it all. What my doing so did NOT do is get me on a "political soapbox."
So, you can back up your assertion that he is a 'right wing extremist"? Lets start there shall we?
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
Spike J wrote:
Goodwrench, I think we have a candidate for douchbag of the year 2011 here
I will nominate him for the century award. lol
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck... guess what... it's a duck.
Since when do we ever have Right Wing Extremists, teabaggers that ARE actually sane to begin with? Do you think these world terrorist acts through out the world are perfectly fine in their minds? No, they and this guy are all lunatics, but what drives them to this is the part that is in question, and being the target(s) that he chose, it is clear as day it was political. If it hurts you camp, because it smears your people, then so be it, but in the end, it is what it is.
This guy just just took it to the level that all these nutjobs always play it off in their minds. Even on this site you have idiots posting I voted with a gun as a picture, what civilized action are you trying to say with that?
This guy had anti government rants before he did his mass killings, and even defended his stance to not call him terrorist, this guy sounds oddly like Scotty.
But if Rush Limbaugh says no it is not our fault, believe it the sheeple will sleep better at night.
Yes, he was politically incorrect, but truth hurts and he basically nailed it.

Kevin Trudeau wrote:So, you can back up your assertion that he is a 'right wing extremist"? Lets start there shall we?
Dude...You are losing at reading. I never said Loughner was a RWE. Let me help...
This time, actually CLICK and READ the link that was provided after that comment. So that you don't have to waste precious (and apparently limited) brain power scrolling back up, I've reproduced it here for your convenience:
Take Back the Republican Party wrote:Yep, you nailed it. Once again Right Wing Extremists deal your team another black eye.
Giffords no stranger to right wing targeting and violence
some reports have said that he had asked her a question at some rally or function a few years ago but she didnt respond to him. friends of his have stated that, that has bothered him allot. chances are it could have been some republican that didnt respond and the same thing would have happened. or some teacher. this guy thinks goverment was brainwashing us and chances are he probalby disliked all goverment. kids he went to school with in college before he was thrown out said they thought he was crazy and thought he would shoot up the place one day. a lunatic is a lunatic. you shouldn't base one groups views based off of a lunatic.
they are now blaming palin because she had a crosshairs over tucson. like its something no one else has done or no one else has every used millitary jargon or lingo. heck if you want to blame her why not blame obama because in a speach he said if they bring knives to a fight we will bring guns. to many people are trying to find all these minute reasons for why this phsyco did what he did. and reality is he was a phsyco and he really doesnt need any reason.!/Square1Photography