why would you have to sign an NDA? if you say you were never deployed, then you couldn't be violating any *SEC situations. and if you were under fire, but you are the only one who knows what really happened that night...then nobody knows the truth...maybe not even you.
oh i get it. you're crawfishing since you've been called on shenannigans.
You know damn well im not a troll lanman.
Kevin, I just dont want to talk about it umong other things. If I knew this was going to go on a tangent like this I would have never started the thread.
I should have just ignored Lowfire when he said that.
Im not "crawfishing", I've just decided not to discuss it anymore because its gone on long enough and is getting into the realm of @!#$ I cant nor care to talk about.
If it cant go back on topic im going to let it die.
God damn. I knew someone would probably comment on the "ex-marine" thing, never expected it to devolve into this.
Weebel, there is no use trying to argue this. Just accept it that marines who have been out of the service for 20+ years will still say they are a marine. They might be 60 years old, terribly out of shape, and unable to perform any of the actions they did while in the service. But you know what? I still respect the hell out of what they did. It is what it is, and you just need to live with it.
There is no reason to ramble on about how they are a civilian now and are no longer in active duty. Are they harming someone by saying this? What's the real injustice they are causing by saying there is no such thing as an ex-marine? There is none.
ThatGuy, I just hate the saying.
I honestly dont give a @!#$ what anyone thinks about anything anymore. Most the people giving me @!#$ are F-ing retards anyway. It would be like a fully able person being pissed off at a retarded child for talking funny if I where to take anything going on here too serious, so im not.
I go 4 days without the internet and lowfire thinks he wins the internet LOL
Had a wire fray in half, was f-ing hard to find.
I was a Marine... 7242 air support operations, I was on the USS Bataan in 2002. I did my 5 yr contract ( 1 yr added due to length of comm school). I got out and continued on as civilian. Once a Marine always a Marine....so why re-enlist?
I am glad I got to serve, see parts of the world I wouldn't have seen an I am fortunate enough to not have any injuries.... would I do it again if I was back in HS, yes, it was a great experience and I am thankful for it. I now have other priorities in life such as my wife and kids and wouldn't want to put them through the stress of being a military family.
I sorta agree with the Weebel as I see a few @!#$birds that got out after 4 yrs and think they are still the @!#$.... thats what makes me upset. They are not in anymore and seem think they are still all high and mighty when they were only a L cpl while in and expect everyone to bow to them..... fellow Marines included.
Right, because there is a very low standard that allows many that shouldn't get in, like cry baby wobble
^^^ look theres another one.
I have a friend who was medically discharged from the marines. Don't know full details but i think while he was still in boot camp. He's got like 3 marine tats and all this Oo-rah this and that acting bad ass. He's tried to get back in recently with no luck i believe. Silly if you ask me and i'm sure this is a good example what teh Weeb speaks.
On topic - It is sad what ignorant and closed minded people are doing nowadays and this is just ONE example.
Convert 00+ headlights to 95-99
cavGTP (1dersk8) wrote:I have a friend who was medically discharged from the marines. Don't know full details but i think while he was still in boot camp. He's got like 3 marine tats and all this Oo-rah this and that acting bad ass. He's tried to get back in recently with no luck i believe. Silly if you ask me and i'm sure this is a good example what teh Weeb speaks.
On topic - It is sad what ignorant and closed minded people are doing nowadays and this is just ONE example.
yeah that doesn't really count since he was never really in per se. You have to graduate to start calling yourself a Marine.He sounds more like someone living on welfare thinking their stuff don't stink.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, April 21, 2011 8:02 AM
I see people like that all the time, I ask what their duty station was and they say, well I was at Paris Island or Pendleton, this raises a flag so I ask if they were attached to headquarters or something seeing how its a training camp.... they usually have a look of confusion because they dont know im a former Marine and no one calls them on there BS story because they washed out of BC. They may pass their @!#$ty story off to non military people but I see right through it.
I love busting people who talk about how they were in the service and come to find out they where in ROTC or something similar and seem to think they are the same as active duty personnel.
As soon as I heard Pendleton I was wondering wtf was going on... I recognize that as the training base for the Marine corps from both being in the service and hearing my dad talk about it from when he was in basic. I would have wondered also.
But yes Im talking about the type of people that last few post where about for the most part. That, and the people that still act all gun hoe military and talk about it all the damn time although they could have reenlisted but didnt. I have a lot of stories about when I was in that come up some times, but its not like I use military jargon at work for no reason either. I did get crap for saying "papa bravo two niner" instead of PB29 reading something over the radio not long ago though, but I still consider that an understandable slip LOL. I have long hair now and dont do anything to let people know I was ever in, other then the fact I have my career badge from my service dress on my denim cutoff. (denim MC vest)
I've learned something in this thread. First off I'll admit that a bit of it was my doing because I underestimated how mush some people here can be total useless dick bags and i should have been more careful not to go off on an OT rant but...
The fact you would go off on someone that served thier country and got hurt doing so makes you a total piece of @!#$. The military changed who I am forever and I will never forget a lot of things, so I understand where the nay sayers are coming from to a point, but I dont consider myself a soldier anymore because I am not. Even if all i did was get hurt putting a wheel on a damn 5 ton (wich is not the case), that shouldn't matter. The fact I served my country while truly putting my service above myself (if I didnt I wouldn't be injured) should be all that matters. The fact that some of you people even care how it happened and actually go as far to say my sacrifices dont mean anything makes you such a sorry accuse of a human being that I pray for your souls. I could care less what some POS like that has to say about anything let alone talk about traumatizing things just to justify myself to them. Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.
I'de at least like the thank the last few people that posted for at least being topical and typing something useful.
Oh look, more passive aggressive dribble from Wooble, you should stay off the internets while drinking
Safety Standdown, Operational risk management, et al are part of service before self.
then Service Before Self.
That is where Excellence in all WE do comes from.
1 + 2 = 3.
Your numbers are wrong; you're missing number 1, and you're lying about number 2--hence excluded from number 3.
You know what... your just a bunch of retarded F-holes and not even worth trying.. I take it back... just F-off and die instead... make the world a better place.
I kind of hope the world does come to an end in a year, it would be worth it to get rid of f-ing retards like you people. I mean, your so unbelievably f-ing retarded that it makes my head hurt.. I just cant fathom how someone could be that f-ing retarded.
This thread is full of WIN!

Disclaimer: I will probally offend you with what is written in this post.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.