How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism - Page 31 - Politics and War Forum

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Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Tuesday, March 23, 2004 9:04 PM on
have to resurrect this one....something i ran across reminded me of it


Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.

Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Tuesday, March 23, 2004 9:44 PM on
LOL! Cute cartoon.

I say carbon dating and science itself are overrated. Its far from flawless. Stuff like globle warming or that a rock is this a million years old on one test and 500 yrs old on another makes me laugh!

Who knows what the real truth is though?

IMO, its in the bible, to others its in the layers of a rock. I guess unless you were really there, we'll never know fur sure.


"Street Life"
- Tom
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Tuesday, March 23, 2004 9:48 PM on
well when you die you'll find out. either God's there saying whats up cuz or theres no afterlife at all. are you ready for either?
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 1:30 AM on
AnDaZZo wrote:well when you die you'll find out. either God's there saying whats up cuz or theres no afterlife at all. are you ready for either?

My belief is that God will be there to greet me. I really cant fathom the concept of "no afterlife". It just seems there would be no purpose in life if there wasnt a higher power.

But either way, I am not rushing to the grave so I have no problem waiting for the answer. Im sure you'll agree with that one!


"Street Life"
- Tom
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 4:28 AM on
yeah i agree with all of that. being prepared for no afterlife (or believing there is no God) is a tough risk to take, but some people choose it. not me!
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:00 AM on

I say carbon dating and science itself are overrated. Its far from flawless. Stuff like globle warming or that a rock is this a million years old on one test and 500 yrs old on another makes me laugh!

Oh really? Must not be a science major... because it makes plenty of sense to me... the messed up dating in some cases is due to error (i.e. the rock is composed of minerals of many different ages) and what particular isotope you date with. Dating techniques are not perfect but most of the time (especially with C-14) it is the ebst estimate we have for dating.

Keeper: do you know what you did by awakening this post?? hahaha Don't bring up the 6000 year old thing because that is just about disproven by science...


Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 11:19 AM on

it came back from the dead.

actually studied some of the genetic differances between prokariotes and eukariotes a few months ago and sponges as well. interresting stuff really.

but if you look at simple things really deeply like that or look at just eyes and photorecepters you can draw an image over time how these evolved and fossiles suppost the evolution of the simple things too like that. people frequntly focus on humans vs apes and when they do that it's easy to disagree with. but if you look at simpler things and genetic material, there is alot more peices filling in the puzzle.


.... and everytime i look within i recongnize the darkness; familiar to the image of the artist....
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 11:53 AM on
are you kidding, spittie? This was the best thread ever (woohoo and this or that be damned to be crushed when it's sat on by Oprah Winfrey).

Besdies, Sinfest is one of the best strips out there...

Anyhow, yes...this one is back from it's put on your thinking caps and let's hacve some fun--if nothing else, bashing the people that say b.s. like, "It's this way because the bible says so" or "science has proven everything". ya know..the wholly uninformed posts... <br>

Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 12:11 PM on
Hey heres my opinion: It's this way because the bible says so but I also think that science has proven everything.

LoL ok everyone re-ignite!
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 1:05 PM on
the bible dont prove anything. its a book with a bunch of words in it <br>

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 1:54 PM on
You know I'm kidding Keeper... I made this post in the first place

I just hope my worthy adversary Lancer doesnt come back and play or else I'm gonna lose alot of sleep... haha


Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 2:04 PM on
YEAH books are worthless! Let's burn them all!!!!
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 2:09 PM on
SPITfire- No Im not a science major. My cousin has a masters degree in geology. I even recall him discussing the inconsistencies in c-14 testing. That and some info I read in books/ internet. But no, I have never done the tests myself so Im just going by word of mouth.

Dont get me wrong though, science for the most part is great and is very useful in life but there are still some instances where science is comical. I mean look at something like the pyramids for example. They were built how many thousands of years ago and till this day, it is still a mystery how they were built and so perfectly too. Even with modern technology, we cant build pyramids as perfectly as the originals. Why not? We are in the new millennium, we have scientists.......... Its crap!

And look and something like global warming...... BULLSHITT!!!!!!! Even my cousin as a geologist will attest to that. Its a farce! I live in canada. I am surrounded by snow. Why am I not enjoying the benefit of a Hawaiian tropic atmosphere with all this global warming? Cause its crap!!!! Just like alot of science is.

Till the day I die I will state that science is neither fool proof or flawless. But I guess its all about what people choose to believe.


"Street Life"
- Tom
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 3:48 PM on
Yes, C-14 testing is indeed inaccurate... in alot of cases... the halflife of C-14 is 5730 years (or something like that) so it gets very dicey if you try and date something millions of years old with that isotope. There is so little C-14 left that it is hard to impossible to measure... so in these cases C-14 is iffy at best... that is why scientists use other radioactive isotopes (O-18, uranium 234(?)) that have halflives of millions of years.

Although we have alot of things still left to explain in this universe, I think science's explanation is far more plausible than some story in the Bible... that story had scarcely any factual evidence supporting it. Feel free to read this post, I'm sure everything I just said has been siad already...

P.S. We make pretty good pyramids these days... I'm sure we could replicate them with current technology and computers if we really wanted to. Some people say aliens helped the Egyptians... sounds outrageous but can you disprove it? Same goes for evolution and the existence of God, can you prove either exists? No, you can only look at the evidence.


Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 4:50 PM on
Well you're not in the hawaiian tropics because global warming is only heating the Earth by fractions of a degree. Do you know how much heat you would need to increase a whole planet by 1 degree? A whole lot. You feel no difference at all, but when you start heating somewhere like Antarctica a couple degrees, the parts that are usually just below freezing temperature now become above freezing temp, this means a large portion of it will melt and flood the Earth. I'm not an Environmentalist but it does make sense. I'm by no means saying this is truth, or that I even believe it. But it is a growing concern.

Onto the Bible, if you have read it, then you would know that many events in the Old Testament were foreshadowings of the New Testament. There were many parts of it that foreshadowed the coming of Jesus. These two testaments were written thousands of years a part. Funny how things work out. I know man wrote it but others also read it at the time when it was first written. If it were untrue people would rant and change it. Kind of like if a book that came out today that said Kennedy was never assassinated. Well we weren't born, but our parents sure were when it happened. I'm sure they could read that book and point out everything that was false in it. Same goes for the account of Jesus. The books were written after his death but most of the population was still alive that listened to his teachings and personally watched him die on the cross. If Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John came out with books and they weren't truthful every one would call them out on it. The books wouldn't be the basis for a religion if the people who actually witnessed the events didn't believe them.

-That whole rant is not my personal opinion, it was from a lecture of one of my college professor's in my comparative study of religioin class that I added on to. The man is from Syria and has studied and actually believed and practiced various religions in his lifetime. Upon studying and practicing them and obtaining his doctorate doing so he has come to the realization that Christianity is the one he currently believes in. He has taught my religion class unbiasly and given me insight to various religions that he has actually practiced himself. I respect this man very much. Each man has to find what they believe in. I am not forcing an issue on religion I'm just merely stating something that I heard in one of my classes and I thought it was intriguing. If you don't, then dismiss it. I'm not making an argument that anything I've said is truth, I'm just stating something that atleast to me, made logical sense.
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 5:07 PM on
AnDaZZo wrote:Well you're not in the hawaiian tropics because global warming is only heating the Earth by fractions of a degree. Do you know how much heat you would need to increase a whole planet by 1 degree? A whole lot. You feel no difference at all, but when you start heating somewhere like Antarctica a couple degrees, the parts that are usually just below freezing temperature now become above freezing temp, this means a large portion of it will melt and flood the Earth. I'm not an Environmentalist but it does make sense. I'm by no means saying this is truth, or that I even believe it. But it is a growing concern.


But this is a part of the problem... the increase/decrease of global temperatures can be attributed to various other factors. At this time Global warming is only a theory, as it only shows a correlation between the 'green house effect' and the depletion of the ozone layer with rising global temperatures.

Also, it has been proven that the Earth goes through stages where temperatures may increase/decrease over time Naturally... think of the Ice Ages... I read there have been nearly a dozen so far, the majority of which where long before human industrialization. But aside from that, there is also proof that the earth went through opposite periods where it increased in temp. as well.

Moral of the Story: Global Warming is only a theory... just like Evolutionism.

- jinxedZ <br>

Disclaimer: All GM corporate employees, GM dealerships, GM service personnel or employees, family, friends, or acquaintances thereof: This in no way constitutes an admission or acknowledgement of tampering, modification, usage, or alteration of any vehicle in my possession or component thereof in such a fashion as to void, cancel, deny or otherwise refuse service on any service contracts, warrantees, or recall notices covering said vehicles. This and other posts submitted on this, or any Internet forum, under the screen name jinxedZ simply represent an attempt to gain acceptance from a peer group espousing cars of a high performance nature - especially those that have been altered to improve, enhance, or otherwise modify the automobile's natural characteristics. Any statements, claims, or graphical representations made that would constitute a violation of any contractual agreement are to be considered fictitious and not to be accepted in any court of law, or similar environment mediated for the purpose of dispute resolution.
<b>Toronto Street Racing</b> | <b>J-Body club of Ontario</b> | <b>J-Body Tech Library</b>
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 5:18 PM on

Expounding on your post:

The earth's axis also wobbles between 24 degrees and 21.5 degrees. There have been times in history when the earth's axis was near 21.5 degrees and there were no polar ice caps.

Current trends, if i'm not mistaken, also show the earth's axis of orbit is decreasing in angle.

Plus, depending on the side you read, the "mean" sea level since it was struck back in the late 1800's has either risen, or fallen.

Science can't prove eveything, and religion hasn't been proven true...or false.

I will say this, though. Dating techniques put the earth at older than what the bible claims it as. <br>

Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 5:20 PM on
LOL do we actually agree on something Jinx? Cool. Yeah back in the 60s the big scare was global cooling, now it's global warming. Ehh, we'll be dead before anything ever happens.
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 5:24 PM on
AnDaZZo wrote:LOL do we actually agree on something Jinx? Cool. Yeah back in the 60s the big scare was global cooling, now it's global warming. Ehh, we'll be dead before anything ever happens.

Ya, all you have to do is just realize WHAT I AM SAYING

KOTL > I saw that on 'discovery'

- jinxedZ <br>

Disclaimer: All GM corporate employees, GM dealerships, GM service personnel or employees, family, friends, or acquaintances thereof: This in no way constitutes an admission or acknowledgement of tampering, modification, usage, or alteration of any vehicle in my possession or component thereof in such a fashion as to void, cancel, deny or otherwise refuse service on any service contracts, warrantees, or recall notices covering said vehicles. This and other posts submitted on this, or any Internet forum, under the screen name jinxedZ simply represent an attempt to gain acceptance from a peer group espousing cars of a high performance nature - especially those that have been altered to improve, enhance, or otherwise modify the automobile's natural characteristics. Any statements, claims, or graphical representations made that would constitute a violation of any contractual agreement are to be considered fictitious and not to be accepted in any court of law, or similar environment mediated for the purpose of dispute resolution.
<b>Toronto Street Racing</b> | <b>J-Body club of Ontario</b> | <b>J-Body Tech Library</b>
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 5:25 PM on
All I have to say is you believe what you want, I'll believe what I want. Why argue when neither group has dead on proof, let's have a beer instead.
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 5:30 PM on
If you're buying I'll consider it.

- jinxedZ <br>

Disclaimer: All GM corporate employees, GM dealerships, GM service personnel or employees, family, friends, or acquaintances thereof: This in no way constitutes an admission or acknowledgement of tampering, modification, usage, or alteration of any vehicle in my possession or component thereof in such a fashion as to void, cancel, deny or otherwise refuse service on any service contracts, warrantees, or recall notices covering said vehicles. This and other posts submitted on this, or any Internet forum, under the screen name jinxedZ simply represent an attempt to gain acceptance from a peer group espousing cars of a high performance nature - especially those that have been altered to improve, enhance, or otherwise modify the automobile's natural characteristics. Any statements, claims, or graphical representations made that would constitute a violation of any contractual agreement are to be considered fictitious and not to be accepted in any court of law, or similar environment mediated for the purpose of dispute resolution.
<b>Toronto Street Racing</b> | <b>J-Body club of Ontario</b> | <b>J-Body Tech Library</b>

Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 5:48 PM on
man, i never thought this would surface again!
its been awhile!!

i dont have half the knowledge that some of you do on this, so im not going to try to act like i do. but here's my opinion.
i believe in what the bible says... that God created the heavens and the earth in 6 days.
the "problem" with this thread, or the reason that it has been going on FOREVER... is that, like many have stated....neither side has solid proof.
but to me, thats the way its suppose to be.. flame away if you must.. because to in my opinion... if one side could prove that they beliefs were correct and that the other was false... there would be no need for faith. i mean, lets say that i could prove, without a doubt, that God created everything and the bible is true.... then everyone who at first did not believe it would not have to take the leap of faith and totally trust God. and having to trust in Him is a KEY part!!
so i think there will never be any solid evidence to either side... until its too late.
so this will continue to go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on ..etc 2cents <br>

Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 5:49 PM on
As long as it's a good beer, and not Schlitz, Bud, Beast, Natural Ice, Lablatt, Miller, et al.

Gimme a good microbrew. preferably a canadian or pac. NW microbrew <br>

Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 6:03 PM on
Jinx / Keeper I've frusterated you guys enough with my posts. I owe you guys a beer. I don't try to come off as a cock, I just want people treatly fairly and unbias. I stand up for what I believe, same as you guys. If nothing else, we have that in common. Beyond the debates I think if we ever met, we'd get along pretty good.
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 6:30 PM on
Godspeed: While there is no proof for evolution, nor is there for creation... and there is arguments against evolution and evidence against creation... we come to what kind of creation/evolution we believe. We know evolution of some sort occurs in microorganisms, the controversy is in macroevolution.

Do you believe the Earth is 6000 years old? Cuz think about it... human civilization has lasted longer than that... plus you have to add the countless extinct species and geologic events that have happened in Earth's history, which in themselves could have wiped us out... it is common sense. Now a creationist that believes the Earth is billions (or even millions) of years old can make a stronger argument since we don't have a time machine to see what really happened... uncertainties are always subject to theories...


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