Maintenance and Repair Forum - Page 5

Discussion about general maintenance, maintenance issues, repair and other normal and not-so-normal j-body issues.
  Topics Author Replies Latest Reply
FYI: Transmission failure symptoms & repair (1996 2.4L).  RazzMaTazz 3 05/30/2019 11:09 PM
by RazzMaTazz 
Was it 2.5 it 3 gallons?  Kamui Storm 1 05/26/2019 6:25 AM
by butch nackley 
smashed into a median  Dean Johnson 1 05/16/2019 4:59 PM
by Steve B. 
ECU(obd2)Port non responsive  Kamui Storm 4 05/08/2019 3:50 AM
by Kamui Storm 
more issues  Dean Johnson 6 05/03/2019 10:07 PM
by RazzMaTazz 
caliper boots  Dean Johnson 3 04/30/2019 1:00 AM
by Donald Cotterman 
compressor control valve  Dean Johnson 1 04/15/2019 5:33 PM
by RazzMaTazz 
oil filter hell  Dean Johnson 2 04/07/2019 1:30 PM
by Dean Johnson 
Air filter cover screw  James Russell 1 04/01/2019 4:35 AM
by T!M8!T 
Water in floor on passenger side front and rear  ben2go ben2go 0 03/06/2019 10:00 PM
by ben2go ben2go 
Oil Sandwich for gauges  Trevor Shand 0 03/05/2019 9:24 PM
by Trevor Shand 
4.75 rally wheels  darrell caldwell 0 03/01/2019 12:44 PM
by darrell caldwell 
oil pressure switch  Dean Johnson 1 02/09/2019 4:12 PM
by butch nackley 
Camshaft needed  Richard Boswell 0 01/20/2019 10:09 AM
by Richard Boswell 
CV joint failure - how long have I got?  Dean Johnson 4 01/13/2019 5:49 AM
by ed hess 
2000 Sunfire Revs at 30 MPH  Buster 1 01/10/2019 2:04 PM
by Buster 
by Ben992200 
01 Sunfire trans 20 pin connector wiring gauge  Jarett Gilbert 0 12/06/2018 4:24 AM
by Jarett Gilbert 
1996 cavalier 3 speed stalls when put in gear  Jeff Law 1 12/04/2018 3:03 AM
by Option D 
overnight rain = runs rough in morning  Dean Johnson 5 12/04/2018 3:00 AM
by Option D 
Head or new engine?  Trevor Shand 3 12/04/2018 2:48 AM
by Option D 
1988-94 quarter and wheelhouse  John Stough 3 10/29/2018 1:33 PM
by John Stough 
2005 cavalier p0507  Kyle Sober 0 09/30/2018 6:19 PM
by Kyle Sober 
Where are good floor jack lift points at the front of a V6 `1987 Cimarron?  Joseph Gillick 2 09/30/2018 12:56 AM
by butch nackley 
2 totally unrelated questions / problems  Dean Johnson 0 09/21/2018 2:14 PM
by Dean Johnson 
05 cavalier Random misfires cylinder 3  Scott Quarnstrom 1 09/18/2018 6:50 PM
by Ben992200 
Oil leak caused from plugged crankcase ventilation?  Mike S 3 09/18/2018 5:42 PM
by Ben992200 
interchangeable parts and where to find  Michael Carroll 2 09/13/2018 3:40 PM
by Michael Carroll 
Transmission Mount  Ryan Grabowski 0 09/08/2018 7:40 PM
by Ryan Grabowski 
2004 Chevy cavalier brake question  Derek Weeks 2 09/08/2018 10:27 AM
by butch nackley 
Transmission problem  David Peek 1 09/02/2018 6:02 PM
by 92Sunbird PuertoRico 
Discover how to bat in MLB The Show 19  Cs Zcy 0 08/31/2018 3:39 AM
by Cs Zcy 
Maplestory M Mesos Introduces Archetypes  Cs Zcy 0 08/31/2018 3:17 AM
by Cs Zcy 
Fortnite Is Far Better Than Overwatch  Cs Zcy 0 08/31/2018 2:47 AM
by Cs Zcy 
95 sunfire dash wiring diagram?  Nat Hexes 1 08/29/2018 4:53 AM
by Titus K 

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