RedCavyRS99 wrote:just leave it in drive and thats all since you got a auto
correction...around town leave it in 3....that way your overdrive band doesn't get worn out and you won't have mileage issues later on down the interstate cause th OD isn't working properly
RedCavyRS99 wrote:just about all liquids get more density at lower temps the same as a gas would
dan j wrote: Water + cold = ice
uhh... not exactly. Ice floats - it has to be less dense than water. Water is its most densest when it's at 39°F. There's probably a specific temperature at which gasoline is its most dense as well...

Interior FAQ -
J-Body of Michigan -
Out of morbid curiosity is there any way to find that tempature?
One other thing, if you fill up while gas is the densest and then the tempurature changes and the density decreases isn't it possible to put too much pressure on you gas take and have it explode due to the pressure of the gas expanding?
One other thing, if you fill up while gas is the densest and then the tempurature changes and the density decreases isn't it possible to put too much pressure on you gas take and have it explode due to the pressure of the gas expanding?
keep your car clean on the outside with a good wax job to help reduce coefficient of drag
a slippery car greatly helps with gas economy <br>
Policeman taps his shades
“Is that a Chevy 69?”
How bizarre
Run high octane gas, it helped me, like premium 91. but i also have to question some of this because last night i filled up with exactly 401miles on my trip, 401!!! yeah thats good, and i have a v6 cav. and at least 50mi of that was at speeds in excess of 100 constantly, fast accelerating, in town driving, over easter weekend i drove 750mi. just the weekend, im tired of driving now, but yeah, just thought i'd say that...
I don't know about where you guys live, but isn't gas corrected to 15 degrees celsius, so you pay the same in the winter as the summer let alone smaller temp differences?
My real question though, what effect will a lighter flywheel have on fuel economy, I initially thought good effect, but a friend insists with less inertia due to less mass on the flywheel the car will have to work harder to maintain a cruising speed, say on the highway. Any thoughts? <br>
15.3 @ 89.97mph, 14's on the way?
'03+ sunfire dash
3 guage A-pillar pod
over 100...100 mph... man, nice roads to allow for that kind of speed.
Water isn't like other liquids. Gas gets more dense as it gets colder. <br>
lol ice isnt less dense than water
... ice usually has air pockets in it.. which makes it... a) white in appearance and b) float
ice expands when it solidifies creating gaps in its molecular structure allowing air molecules to get trapped inside but for all intense purposes studying ice, there are various forms.. ever hear of black ice? its o2 content is a lot less and its not any denser than other forms of ice. otherwise we could stick our hand through ice like its water. <br>
No, ice is definitely less dense than water.
As water cools it gets more dense, and then less dense as it turns into ice. It has something to do with all those crazy little water molecules. It's real simple, though. If ice weren't less dense, it'd sink. <br>
Generally, solids are denser than liquids of the same substance. Solid lead, for instance, is denser than liquid lead. Because it is denser, it sinks.
This is not the case for water, however. Ice is less dense than water, therefore it floats.
Ice is less dense than water because of a special type of chemical bonding called hydrogen bonding. A hydrogen bond is a weak bond between a hydrogen atom and an unbonded pair of electrons from another atom.
We can think of a water molecule as being in the shape of an "X" twisted so that the top half is perpendicular to the botton half. In the center of the "X" is an oxygen atom, at the bottom tips of the "X" are two hydrogen atoms, and at the top tips of the "X" are two unbonded electron pairs from oxygen.
As you can see, water molecules are prime candidates for hydrogen bonding between each other.
At warm temperatures, water molecules have a lot of energy and are able to move past and mix with each other despite the attractions between the hydrogen atoms and unbonded electron pairs.
As water is cooled down, however, the molecules have less energy and hydrogen bonding takes over. The molecules form a ordered crystal through hydrogen bonding that spaces the molecules farther apart than when they were in a liquid. This makes ice less dense than water allowing it to float.
So basically rather than being a big soup of hydrogen bonds like water is, ice crystalizes and the crystal structure hardens and takes up more volume, making it less dense.
Wow so according to this post if I was the worst-case situation I could save $1.66 per gallon of gas. So in the worst case with a 14-gallon tank I might as well have bought only 2.38 gallons. That would be pretty scary to think you are wasting that much fuel while driving. But I do have to agree. When I had changed my driving style from rapid and erratic to slow and smooth my wallet has never been able to hold onto gas money for so long. I almost doubled the life of my tank. BTW all my driving is city driving.
Wow so according to this post if I was the worst-case situation I could save $1.66 per gallon of gas. So in the worst case with a 14-gallon tank I might as well have bought only 2.38 gallons. That would be pretty scary to think you are wasting that much fuel while driving. But I do have to agree. When I had changed my driving style from rapid and erratic to slow and smooth my wallet has never been able to hold onto gas money for so long. I almost doubled the life of my tank. BTW all my driving is city driving.
Man did this get off topic! Forget about water and ice for a moment, and refer back to the topic of this thread, , oh ya, fuel economy that's what we were talking about! Does anyone have any theories on the effects that a lighter flywheel will have on fuel economy? <br>
15.3 @ 89.97mph, 14's on the way?
'03+ sunfire dash
3 guage A-pillar pod
Don't get off topic guys^^
Here is a article I found:
Summer Gas Prices Head Higher
Evansville Courier & Press - April 12, 2004
Gasoline prices will rise another nickel a gallon nationwide before the end of June but return to current levels before fall, the government said Thursday, warning of possible price spikes especially in the Northeast and West Coast markets. The Energy Department estimated that the average price at the pump - $1.78 a gallon in the latest survey this week - would continue to rise in the coming months, averaging about $1.81 a gallon for the three months ending in June.
Prices over the April-September period were expected to average $1.76 a gallon nationwide, a record high for the summer driving season and 20 cents a gallon more than last year, according to the Energy Information Administration summer fuels report released Thursday.
Agency administrator Guy Caruso warned prices were likely to be significantly higher in some regions, such as California, where gasoline has been averaging $2.12 a gallon with little sign of relief anytime soon.
The agency estimated that demand for gasoline this summer will average 9.32 million barrels a day, a record high. Both the number of drivers and the miles they travel will continue to increase as they have year after year. Average motor vehicle fuel economy will be "virtually unchanged" from last year, the agency said.
Caruso expressed concern over the effect that new environmental regulations and the ban on the use of the MTBE additive in New York and Connecticut would have on Northeast gasoline prices. The requirement this year for gasoline with lower sulfur content as well as increased use of corn-based ethanol as a substitute for MTBE may restrict imports of gasoline into the Northeast and force up prices as refiners try to meet what is expected to be growing demand.
"We're looking at that very carefully," Caruso told a conference of state energy officials.
Gasoline imports play a significant role in meeting demand in the Northeast, but many foreign refiners have not made the changes to meet the new U.S. specifications and might choose to ship gasoline elsewhere.
The Evansville Courier Company
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-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----

Ian - I don't know this for a fact, but I've heard that also. One of the reasons flywheels are pretty heavy is because they use inertia to keep moving and conserve energy. I can imagine it'd use up a little more gas than normal, but it shouldn't make a significant difference --- the engine also has to work less hard to rev it up.
-- Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
actually the hiways out here are pretty crappy, but...meh...
sorry more off topic here, i hear that water doesn't freaze if it is pure (ie, no dirt paricals in the the water) and distilled water doesn't boil till you stick an unpure spoon in the water the SPLASH scolding hot water every where :| lol that'll be cool to do lol <br>
Policeman taps his shades
“Is that a Chevy 69?”
How bizarre
I think a heavier flywheel will save gas at cruising speeds. it makes sense when you think about it. At the same time, if you are always shifting gears and accelerating, then i would think a lighter flywheel would save gas. I guess it all depends on how you drive. <br>
hp is's all about the g's
Back to the first page!!! ^TTT^
Somebody sticky this please.

>>>For Sale? Clicky!<<<
-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----

Ok, here's a crazy idea I got in a chain e-mail. SOme person suggested that one way to bring down gas prices is to boycott one of the big gas companies, namely exxon mobil, by getting gas from its rival companies and not from them. This starts a ripple effect. When exxon mobil starts losing customers, they will drop prices in order to stay competitive, making people come to them for gas. Then the other gas companies drop their prices to stay competitve, and people go to them for gas. The process is supposed to go on and on until prices drop down to the point where gas is affordable once again. I don't know about everyone else, but it sounds crazy enough to work.
woudn't work for the boycott quite right. see we need gas and people will go where ever is cheaper even if it's only a penny. so basicly once they drop it a penny then we are stuck agian.
sorry more off topic here, i hear that water doesn't freaze if it is pure (ie, no dirt paricals in the the water) and distilled water doesn't boil till you stick an unpure spoon in the water the SPLASH scolding hot water every where :| lol that'll be cool to do lol
i have never heard of such a thing. pure water don't conduct electricity, but i'm fairly sure it will freeze.
and for this gas thing, what woudl be average gas milage on a 2.2L 3spd auto? anyone know? i want to know how bad my car runs

oh and somebody sticky this, at least for a bit. <br>
seeing that were talking about saving gas, has anyone here tried, or knows soemone who has tried this thing called the tornado fuel saver?
I saw an infomercial for it a few nights ago, but it seem skind of pricey, i would be interested inthe 13 hp it claims to add, I think the hp stuff is B.S,(i had a K and N filter on my 93 sunbird-did'nt see much improvemnet) but it might work for gas, just wanted soem first hand expercience,as $80 seems liek a lot to spend on somehting that dos'nt work.