is nitrous legal for street use in YOUR state? - Nitrous Oxide Forum
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ive talked to everyone. cops, speed shop guys, and fellow drivers. nobody ever gives straight opinions about the stuff. so is nitrous definitely legal where some of you guys are? I know we all use it, but ive always wondered about the breaking-the-law aspect.
i dont think you can have it in a passenger car. if you have your bottle mounted in the interior then make sure you have a blanket or sweatshirt over it so a cop dont see it

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i keep mine in the trunk.. less of an issue if burst disk goes then.
The greater question is that it could be considered transportation of hazardous chemicals, which you need a license to carry, and is a federal law, not a state one. So technically, you can't even transport your bottle to the track if it has anything in it. - Information Source For 4 Cylinder Tuners
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i think it depneds on the quantity you have, ive been told that if you have 10 pounds of compressed gas or less then you don't need a hazardous cargo placard on the car, if you have more than 10 you need a hazardous cargo placard and a hazmat endorsement on your licence
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In PA you are not allowed to use it on the street. It can not be connected. If a cop pulls you over and the bottle is connected you get ticket. if its just sitting there looking pretty till track time comes then your fine.
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is there a link to that law or something? i looked and looked and never found something saying that, i mean ive seen people get in trouble for it, but never seen an actual law concerning a nitrous kit being hooked up
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It is not legal to "use" on the street in any state.
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
i believe the general law/guidline is that it is legal to have 1 (ONE) tank in your car out of reach of any person in the front of the car and unable to be switched on from the drivers seat. some places even require you to disconnect the hosing though. this is from asking numerous cops around my state, the states my friends live in that i visit, my uncle (20+ years as a cop in the west), and research online.
dont take this as law in your area though. do the required research.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
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my only question is why is it illegal to use?, obviously speeding is wrong, but say you enter the highway on ramp and want to accelerate to the traffic flow, what is wrong with nitrous? absolutely nothing
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(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
mikec2003 wrote:my only question is why is it illegal to use?, obviously speeding is wrong, but say you enter the highway on ramp and want to accelerate to the traffic flow, what is wrong with nitrous? absolutely nothing
I hope you're kidding.
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
no im not kidding, explain why its wrong, as long as you don't speed, whas the issue?
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what about liquid CO2 such as the the cryo2 kit made by design engineering?

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
i don't see why co2 could be an issue at all, but then again i don't see why n2o is an issue either
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mikec2003 wrote:my only question is why is it illegal to use?, obviously speeding is wrong, but say you enter the highway on ramp and want to accelerate to the traffic flow, what is wrong with nitrous? absolutely nothing
so you want to use nitrous to get thru the flow of traffic? thats a recipe for an accident.
if you want to play catch up, just push the gas pedal down harder

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mikec2003 wrote:no im not kidding, explain why its wrong, as long as you don't speed, whas the issue?
The simple fact the nitrous is only used for drag racing should be a good clue. No one uses nitrous just to merge into traffic.
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
Wisconsin laws treat Nitrous Oxide in the same way it treats alcohol.
No open containers allowed in vehicle.
No containers can be with in reach of driver.
If its worth doing its worth over doing.
Inferno wrote:Wisconsin laws treat Nitrous Oxide in the same way it treats alcohol.
No open containers allowed in vehicle.
No containers can be with in reach of driver.
thats retarded, you can't get high of automotive nitrous, wisconsins law is dumb
and if your on the street and encounter a passing zone and are behind 2 tractor trailers going 10 under......nitrous is a great way to accellerate a lot faster to get around the trucks
and i don't know how you guys merge, but when i do, if the highway speed limit is 65 im doing at least 60 before i get off the entrance ramp and onto the highway, so when i get on the highway im already at speed, because i hate it when you are on the highway and some idiot is going super slow because he comes on teh highway at like 25 mph
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rodimus: CO2 is a non-volatile substance. its completely inert in all forms so it shouldnt matter if its open or closed. well i guess the O2 could ignite but eh... No issue really especially since its not going into the engine as a performance enhancer.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
Well in Texas ive been told by several Law Enforcement in severla different cities, that you can have it installed and hooked up in the car, you can have the no larger than a single 15lbs bottle, any bigger than that and they can say your distributing the stuff.
You can have the bottle filled, but you cant have the system armed and reay for use while on a Public road, you cant have a remote opening device, either a solenoid inline (NOS) or a remote bottle opener (NX) and that even if the system sisnt "armed" you can have the bottle open.
No i dont know anyody that has ever gotten busted for it, unless they wer caught street racing and them the cops get you for everything they can,
Oh and also it cant be installed in the Passenger compartment, or within reach of the driver.
One last thing, if you do get pulled over and the cop wants to "check" and make sure you have automotive grade N2O in the tank, and he finds that you have Madical Grade, then your busted as well, because Madical Grade N2O is a controlled substance.
Thats how i understand the Law in Texas
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Im premium since January, but why doesnt it say that?????
mikec2003 wrote:Inferno wrote:Wisconsin laws treat Nitrous Oxide in the same way it treats alcohol.
No open containers allowed in vehicle.
No containers can be with in reach of driver.
thats retarded, you can't get high of automotive nitrous, wisconsins law is dumb
and if your on the street and encounter a passing zone and are behind 2 tractor trailers going 10 under......nitrous is a great way to accellerate a lot faster to get around the trucks
and i don't know how you guys merge, but when i do, if the highway speed limit is 65 im doing at least 60 before i get off the entrance ramp and onto the highway, so when i get on the highway im already at speed, because i hate it when you are on the highway and some idiot is going super slow because he comes on teh highway at like 25 mph
that's the stupidest argument i think i've ever heard
not tryin to make any enemies, but seriously... lay off the blow
its not an argument, more of a statement, im not gonna press this issue anymore, you can never setttle a debate over the internet
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(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
just do yourself a favor and look up why nitrous is illegal to use on the street

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
i tried, couldn't find anything, its not explosive, not flammable, not intoxicating, i can see no valid reason why it should be illegal
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(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
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