bumpin to the top
Hey I know why the dealers are sayin it, they are confused with the radio. Our radio is THE SAME RADIO that the newer Impalas and Monte's have and every other GM with cd/tape/ combo. I know that the Impals LS uses it for the oil light and other stuff they are telling you about, but when you unplug the radio from the J-Body there is another plug that is NOT being used, I'm guessing that is the plug that the NICER cars are using to control complex stuff through the radio. But anyway, all my electronics work in my car except the chimes. SO WHAT!!!
BTW, my airbag light flashes 7 times when the car is turned on, the same amount of times it did when I bought it. I think the light flashes when the car is checking the sensors. Also if the airbags didnt' work, wouldn't the AIRBAG light be on CONSTANTLY!?
keep this post at the top please, or make this a FAQ <br>
the only reason why gm would tell you you need to replace those sensors is so they can try and make money off of you
Hey John went to your web site before I did my install, The local stereo shops didnt have the cavy harness so I used the saturn harness works fine except you have to hook the front speakers to the back on the harness and vise veri.
As to any confusion on the Motorola plug...
They designed it and sold it in the first place. Motorola has been making two-way radio equipment for years before anybody even dreamed cell phones would be this popular. Although I hate to admit it (they're our number 1 competitor,) they know their stuff, and so the Motorola plug is named after the company. It's like a Rockford-Fosgate sub. Twenty years from now, nobody else is gonna make them. There's your history lesson for the day. Class dismissed.
Vehicle powered by the hand of God
Good lesson, jcsbro

I learned something today!
BTW, when I called the GM tech's bluff about the sensors.. he didn't know what to order.
...j <br>
<br><br><a href="http://www.j-body.org/forums/read.php?f=9&i=10333&t=10333"><img src="http://members.shaw.ca/johnz24/images/roadtripsig.jpg"></a>
Yes, I'll put this in the FAQ
...j <br>
<br><br><a href="http://www.j-body.org/forums/read.php?f=9&i=10333&t=10333"><img src="http://members.shaw.ca/johnz24/images/roadtripsig.jpg"></a>
I don't actually have anything to add.. but this puts it back on the first page
...j <br>
<br><br><a href="http://www.j-body.org/members/jlenko/cars/1/"><img src="http://members.shaw.ca/johnz24/images/johnsig.jpg"></a>
John Lenko RDS Airbags oil light relocate re-locate move radio lose chimes aftermarket head unit headunit after market
There, that ought to cover the search engine <br>
<img src="http://images.cardomain.com/installs/185000-185999/185266_1_full.jpg">
New Sig on the way!!!
My question is, where do you get the adapter to plug into the factory plug at. I know about this before and I couldn't find it anywhere! So i ended up ordering one of the T kits just so I could put the thing in. I am not going to cut up my factory harness. So, just for future refrence where can get a normal plug at? <br>
how do I bypass the amplifier for the rear woofer speakers
cavalier racer: any store that stock Metra or Scosche products. You don't have to buy the T harness.. just a regular one.
Derek: what are you trying to bypass? There are two drivers in the rear.. one driven by the deck, the other the amp. Are you installing new speakers? Or? <br>
<br><br><a href="http://www.j-body.org/members/jlenko/cars/1/"><img src="http://members.shaw.ca/johnz24/images/johnsig.jpg"></a>
good info, old but good. Also changing your deck to something with a nice display might give you a better sex life

... but probably not....

what wire SHOULD Itap into for the switched 12v??????/ Is there one like behind the radio area or something?????? This is the only thing confusing me <br>
Either the brown wire in the ignition harness (thick wire, off the switch) or the windshield wiper fuse (if you're using a tap, at the fuse panel).
There isn't one near the radio.. it would be convenient... but there isn't, unfortunately.
...j <br>
<br><br><a href="http://www.j-body.org/members/jlenko/cars/1/"><img src="http://members.shaw.ca/johnz24/images/johnsig.jpg"></a>
this windshield wiper tap, where would I go about getting one of them. In my Imagination its like a fuse, with a little wire comming out of it to connect to. Should I use the same amprage as the windshield fuse, or should I up it 5 amps??????? Also, if I use the tap, this would provide a fuse for it as well right, so I wouldn't need to put in an inline fuse. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE correct me if I am wrong

Better yet, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE IM me at Cavalier2001z24 if you have AOL or AIM.
Thanks dude, you have been a HUGE help with this <br>
Bumping this to the first page again, because this post helped me install my deck today.

Thanks Lenko for clearing up all this stuff.
As to where I bought my stuff, I called around to a few shops, and most of them told me that I'd lose my airbags, and power locks and stuff

. So they didn't get my money. I went to another shop that is kinda small, and they not only had what I wanted, but they knew what they were talking about. So my only recomendation after that, is that you need to look for a GOOD shop that is willing to not only listen, but learn. <br>
I'm just another NOOB learning, one stupid question at a time.
I think I found something neat... RPO option U85 has a pin out for the factory amp.. pink wire. If you attach the blue wire from your new deck (remote turn on wire) then the factory amp should turn on... amplifying the other 1.2 of the stock speakers... including the Monsoon system.
Anyone got one to check it out for me?
...j <br>
<br><br><a href="http://www.j-body.org/members/jlenko/cars/1/"><img src="http://members.shaw.ca/johnz24/images/johnsig.jpg"></a>
sorry i saw a post about the air bag crap so time to bump it up <br>
Premier member since 9-18-2003
Spring 2004
2 Re XXX 12"s
4 Jbl 1200.1
and who else know whats else
in reading through this encyclopedia of information, most is correct; if you have a j-body. however, the rds radios that are in other gm cars such as impalas, and some malibus do infact have more than just the radio inside the radio. things such as oil change notifications and other information (other assorted warnings and displays). <br>
Lookin' Stock - For Now!
i dont mean to sound like an a$$ but most of the ppl who own better cars than the j-body usaly dont come one here cuz they are "too good" <br>
Premier member since 9-18-2003
Spring 2004
2 Re XXX 12"s
4 Jbl 1200.1
and who else know whats else
Craig, I appreciate the free bump... but I did note in my write-up...
[quote="jlenko"]If you have a 2000+
For the N and W cars, and Yukons, Blazers, etc... the oil life light is reset thru the factory deck... so relocation is necessary... UNLESS you go to GM for your oil changes.. because they can use the Tech 2 to reset the oil life light. Of course.. if you aren't doing your own oil changes.. chances are slim you're going to be replacing your factory deck on your own anyways...
Plus.. this IS a J-car site..

<br><br><a href="http://www.j-body.org/members/jlenko/cars/1/"><img src="http://members.shaw.ca/johnz24/images/ripbfzsig.jpg"></a>
Hey Lenko, I clicked on your link and it said page not found?? Damn you... Damn you to hell. <br>