JUCNBST wrote:Very good point Travis haha "Is that your mom?"....."YEAH!"....
Poor STI kid... You know he was all bragging his car to his mom, and then gets walked by a lowly cavalier.
Eli was @!#$ting in his pants...

blackbirdracing wrote:JUCNBST wrote:Very good point Travis haha "Is that your mom?"....."YEAH!"....
Poor STI kid... You know he was all bragging his car to his mom, and then gets walked by a lowly cavalier.
Eli was @!#$ting in his pants...
Haha that was tooooo funny when you told us that story. Awesome progress Jeff looking forward to seeing it all done.
Well I've not posted up yet but I may be swapping to an 00 to 02 z frontend. I got moisture coming into my passenger headlight. My pass fender needs to be replaced and the front bumper is messup up again. I also had to replace my passenger lowwer control arm. My dad had my car while I had his Z71 when the snow hit thurs, he changed lanes and kept sliding on the unplowed or salted road by the house. He didnt hit that hard enough to mess up the subframe, but I'll see if anything else is messed up when it goes in for an alignment.
check the tierod. usually they are brittle and bend easy.
I plan on replacing them when it goes in because I've got north of 75k on them anyway. Thanks for the tip though .
60lb/hr injectors showed up yesterday.
That's awesome. What did the tig run you? Meant to ask if it is 110v?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Saturday, March 03, 2012 12:25 PM
$2785. And this one runs on 220, they do have a model that runs on 110 or 220 but it costs more....and I've not been able to get a shipping quote for ya yet on the adaptor. I've been helping another member fix his lca. I'll post a pic when we finish. We just headed out for a ball joint and are at tacobell now.
Following parts are in the mail, Precision 5431 turbo, turbo blanket,oil feed/return setup, some stainless vbands, headstuds. I'm sending my spare eco out to the machine shop Friday for rotating assembly balance. Pics when stuff starts going together.
Hey jeff hope everythings going good. Cant wait to see ur car all done.
Cant wait to see this thing done its gonna be bad ass.
Thanks guys, I can't wait either.
I got home from work to night and pulled the passenger seat out. Tossed in the bare block, head, rotating assembly, flywheel, crank pulley and will be leaving shortly to drop everything off at the machine shop. It's like they designed the floor area to hold all this since it couldn't fit in the trunk.
^Thats exactly how I brought my eco motor home for y swap in the old sunfire I had.
FYI, if you plan to do the ARP exhaust manifold studs... they are about 2 weeks out on filling orders on them so you may want to order them now...
I've got 2 weeks until I get my motor back from the machine shop. Skip's been busy this year compared to the last few with tax season....oh well just means parts will pile up more. I plan on running studs but not arp's
Yeah jason linked me to the ARP's I figure why not? There will be a ton of heat back there and the less stretching of the exhaust manifold studs the better!
Just a quick update, I'm STILL waiting on my motor.....but it's cool at this point where Vince's car is down and with me not playing hood rich to finish the car asap I'm going to take my time and maybe get a little more detail oriented on my car since my truck is been running awesome the past 3 weeks that I've been dd'ing it. I'm ditching the entire 2.5" stainless exhaust from the header to the rear bumper and going 3" once I'm at the point to fab it up and NWF is most likely on my plate as well since I already have another set of LCA's and the aluminum knuckles.
Also forgot to add I've not made much work on my car in a while but I did start mod'ing the pcv system for my car to help with ring seal under high boost and made a little
How to in the boost forum. for anybody who's interested in doing something simular themselves.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, June 24, 2012 12:18 PM
Welds look great bro and looks like this build is gonna produce some great results!!! I love everything your doing and Im tunned in for the duration.. Great job man and keep up the great work!!
Thanks, hopefully when all is said and done I'll be at or above the 400whp goal I've set for myself.
not a fan of pie cut bends with 5000 welds but im sure you'll do it well

I choose the technology built for land speed records... not the technology built to save on emissions and gas mileage.
Thanks Brad, I'm only going to need possibly a few of these on my eco however when I build the new dp on the turbo Ln2 I'm going to need a few of them to snake around the alt and A/c compressor with the placement on the RDFab turbo header.