What is the top speed of our cars? not talking about the 108 limiter....lets just say i happened to bypass it, what would be i guess redline in 5th? (around 6000rpms in 5th)
1995 2.2ohv manual trans isuzu
no hate and no speeches about law and all that Bs, just tell me a number and get it over with or ill just try myself
I wish I could answer that but... I know my car gets over what the stock gauge can tell me.
Just use an online calculator and find out yourself.
About 140 redlined last I heard
sure your tires can handle going past 108?
i'm not gonna tell you not to bypass it and whatever, but just stop and consider for a second whether or not your car can honestly handle going over 100 miles an hour?
not sure my tires can handle over 20 lol

Sig thanks to bxmobkrazey on gmscf.com
that's all i'm trying to get at. it's not so much "can the engine handle over 100", it's more the fact that there are alot of moving parts on cars, and on our cars, their's alot of cheaply moving parts that do have ratings. alot of the stuff used for our cars was never meant to go that fast. ever.
Pretty sure there is a program that u can google. Put your tranny gear ratios and final drive in the blanks and it will tell u the top speed of each gear (rpm may also be required, its been a while since I've used it).
i used one of the online programs and it didnt really work right, my tach and the online thing dont seem to line up right.....maybe my tach is off? coil pack tach adaptor connected...online says 167 mph 5th gear 6000rpms...seems high, although i do 100mph at like 3800-4000 ish cant remember
blucavvy wrote:sure your tires can handle going past 108?
i'm not gonna tell you not to bypass it and whatever, but just stop and consider for a second whether or not your car can honestly handle going over 100 miles an hour?
I'm sure that he's not wanting to actually try and find out. He even said in his post that he was just curious.
As a side note, I've personally seen about 142 in a J judged by GPS tracklng.
Currently #4 in Ecotec Forced Induction horsepower ratings. 505.8 WHP 414WTQ!!!
Currently 3rd quickest Ecotec on the .org - 10.949 @ 131.50 MPH!!!
95 2.2 ohv with isuzu won't go much farther than 108 lol

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
Viper98912 wrote:95 2.2 ohv with isuzu won't go much farther than 108 lol
if you bypass the speed limiter it will
Viper98912 wrote:95 2.2 ohv with isuzu won't go much farther than 108 lol
My 4 speed auto runs out of steam before it hits 108 most of the time. A car with an anemic engine and the aerodynamics of a cinderblock wont go much faster than that.
Viper98912 wrote:95 2.2 ohv with isuzu won't go much farther than 108 lol
LOL damn! you stole my line!
If it takes forever.... I will die trying. Underdog Racing
My 01 2200 with the 4t40 has no problem just cruising up to the limiter. I've just been cruising along, glanced down and the speedo was just sitting at about 105 or so. Plenty of rpms left to go to redline, so I'm guessing about 150 or so.
colt45 wrote:My 01 2200 with the 4t40 has no problem just cruising up to the limiter. I've just been cruising along, glanced down and the speedo was just sitting at about 105 or so. Plenty of rpms left to go to redline, so I'm guessing about 150 or so.
lol, what kind of tires do you have? do you have any idea how violent it would be to have a tire blow out at 100+ miles an hour?
150 mph lol
Gotta get new ones, but Raptis VRs. Speed rated for 180 or so.
Probably getting the Raptis WR-1s. W rated tires.
btw my tires are good for 130mph H speed rating with only 5k miles on them, i was just wondering the top speed without limiter
5 speed getrag is at 200 mph at 7000 rpms on standard height tires. But at about 140 the wipers really dont want to be part of the car anymore. If you consider going over 130 completely remove the wipers and wiper arms before attempting that. And please dont do it on an open street like I did.
Btw I think that going a buck 40 is what I think @!#$ up my wipers they get confused sometimes and dont feel like shutting off or going all the way down.
BBtw my tires are rated for over 140, I'm not a dump ass, and yes going that fast on the highway was pretty dumb, I think I could have gotten it to over 160 but 140 was scary enough as it was, these car's dont like going over 120 even with the right tires and good coil overs properly setup. I really dont recommend ever going this fast in a cavalier, its really just retarded.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Saturday, February 19, 2011 9:00 PM
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cruising @ 105 on a cavalier with tires that are rate at 180 mph lmao yeah sure pal .... also sure it took you all weekend to get to 105 with that almighty 2200
Find your gear ratios and I can tell you. LD9's with an Isuzu will theoretically hit about 155mph at 6250rpm in 5th, and about 175mph if you can rev to 7000rpm.

Paying someone to install parts and bragging about it being fast, is like watching someone bang your wife and being proud to raise their kids.