Body work can vary SO much between shops. I have a dent and some major scrapage due to a winter mishalf last december. I had a quote to fix the body then paint it, my average was $1200. One of my relatives used to own a body shop, said he'd fix it for free, but he doesn't paint anymore. So i got some quotes with the body fixed, just needed to be scuffed and painted, average was $750, except one place quoted me at $2600, yes $2600 to paint a bumper and 2 body panels. That's just ridiculous.

2002 2200sfi 5-speed.
just to chime in cuz im bored.... to add to your post maybe-if you are getting a bodykit, custom paint, etc, and the shop doesnt colorsand and buff the car, wtf is the point of spending all that money. thats not a shop u want to be at in my opinion.
awesome piece of info. i work at a body shop and people ask all the time what it would cost to paint their car. i tell them probs around 3 grand if your car is mint. and their like whaaaaatt?!?! yea buddy i gotta make a living too.
unfortunately auto body is the lowest paid trade going and insurance companies are just making it worse.
this write up is very educating for some one that wants paint or body work on their projects. i wish this could be stickied every where
Very nice informative piece. Thanks for the time of typing it up for us. I do studio props for a photo group and in general thought I could do good things with a spray can. Now I understand a bit more that I am not to try my hand at a custom job done myself. Thanks for the sticky, very informative and I already know a body shop to take my new car to for a suitable estimate in my area.
Woah this is still here?!?!? I haven't been on here in FOREVER!! Looking back at this I kind of sound like a b***h. I mean I remember why, soooo many of the same questions and people arguing with the professionals and stuff and it was quite frustrating at the time with all the activity. Sorry for the tone back then, and hope this has still helped some!!! And how do the sigs work anymore anyway?
hahaha hey nikki are u waking the dead up here, check ur pm, hope to get some body work quotes from you
Fallen Angel wrote:Woah this is still here?!?!? I haven't been on here in FOREVER!! Looking back at this I kind of sound like a b***h. I mean I remember why, soooo many of the same questions and people arguing with the professionals and stuff and it was quite frustrating at the time with all the activity. Sorry for the tone back then, and hope this has still helped some!!! And how do the sigs work anymore anyway?
If you're going for that Scion link, you have to use the url with the image file extension ( with the .jpg at the end), then use the [ img ] tags by clicking the "picture" icon.
So it will come out like this:
But you're gonna have to size it correctly
Heey now, it's been like... 8 years since I've been on here! My memory is a little fuzzy =P Ummm I'm going to blame it on blonde moments and old age... yeaahhhhh that sounds good.
AH HA! I am victorious. I think this was the old sig I had actually, not the other image. Thanks 96S1, for refreshing mah old newby memory LOL
Oh dude... I can't photoshop to save my life... I'd have to find someone to do that for me hah. Oddly enough, and sadly enough, I no longer have the sunfire or the scion. =/ I miss both the cars a lot hah.
its2nv4 wrote:hahaha hey nikki are u waking the dead up here, check ur pm, hope to get some body work quotes from you 
WOMAN!!! How about you check your PM's!!!! I sent you mah FB DAYS ago! =P
im here now. lol i still have my cavalier, in fact im in process repainting graphics on it haha, i think photoshopped would of been easier than sanding
96S1 wrote:Fallen Angel wrote:Oh dude... I can't photoshop to save my life... I'd have to find someone to do that for me hah. Oddly enough, and sadly enough, I no longer have the sunfire or the scion. =/ I miss both the cars a lot hah.
What do you have now?
An Eclipse. It gets me from A to B. Not my choice but it runs, and as my dad used to say "Wheels are better than heels". Hopefully I'll be able to get something new soon.