farmerz24 wrote:so one last thing to confirm. is there a difference between the supercharged and non-supercharged CV's?
C.T.S wrote:The W and G bodies should have the same hubs for all their cars, and the axle's CVs should be the same as well.
teh org pwns you.
So I was looking through GM's listing of the CVs for GPs. They list two different CVs in 2000, one for the 3.1L, and one for both the L36 and L67 engines. My biggest question now is what is the difference between these three parts:
26059845 N-Body LD9 and LA1 Outer CV
26044408 W-Body L36 and L67 Outer CV
26044410 W-Body LG8 Outer CV
All for the year 2000, they like to change part numbers for the fun of it every few years too.
For the non-elite: N-Body = Grand Am, Alero, Malibu. W-Body = Impala, Monte Carlo, Grand Prix.
L36 = 3.8NA, L67 = 3.8SC, LG8 = 3.1, LD9 = 2.4TC, LA1 = 3.4OHV
I wonder if a supercharged LQ1 would fit under the hood... maybe a turboed...
My Impala caliper bolts where larger then the holes in my N-body nuckles.
Any difference between bodies, where the ABS is located? W the same as N?
wanted to say something else....... but forgot what.....
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
What year is that Impala?!
ABS connections and approximate location are the same for all GM cars since 92 (or some year around there).
I believe 99 or 00, it was a police car.
I figured as much, but thought I would throw that possability out there (like the difference between the J and N body ABS setups)
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
Yup, I agree.
It's a good step by step pictorial to see what has to be done to make these work for the J-body.
I'm picking up my control arms from Accu-Fab & Construction today as they welded in the holes on these arms.
It only cost me 15 bucks a piece to have done and will be taking out the stock bushings from the control arms this weekend.
The Prothanes are on the way and I'll be shortening up the control arms along with redrilling them for the new ball joints.
Most welding shops won't deal with the arms and must be able to Tig weld aluminum. It took a few phone calls for me to find Accu-Fab and they didn't hesitate at all in doing the holes.
I'll see how they look when I pick them up today and maybe take a few pictures of the progress.
Newbie member since 1999
Thank you Dave and JBO! 

A step by step would be nice, but TIG welding control arms is not for the weekend warrior. If you don't know what you're doing, don't even try. It really comes down to a safety issue.
Saw a car on the freeway the other day that popped a control arm. Maybe it's still there and I can take a picture.
so my next question is :
with the w/g hubs on the n spindles and the w/g outer cv's.... will the stock J axles plug into these cv's or are the w/g axles bigger?
^Yeah. We already know that the J axle will fit the N hub with the N outter CV.
If you're swapping to the W/G Hub we're assuming you're doing it because you need something that can handle alot more horsepower. The J axle is really the weakest part of the equation right now, weakest defined by the part that is most likely to critically fail (break in half).
Personally I'm the most interested making a custom W axle that will fit our skinnier cars. I'm going to use the 4T65E-HD tranny not the Getrag (I'm an auto puss I know), so sticking with a mostly W drive trane should minimize the risk I take on less heavy duty parts.
This discussion has really progressed into replacing stock suspension and drive trane parts with other beefier GM parts. Maybe we should start a new thread? This discussion was supposed to be for the N Control Ams, which we haven't hardly discussed since early in page 6.
will those alum control arms fit a 2003 cav with poly mounts??
many changes in the making
my favorite part about doing bodywork,.......... bondo bugers
John VanCuran wrote:will those alum control arms fit a 2003 cav with poly mounts??
Your kidding, right?
8 pages of info, and you still dont know the answer to this?
I hate people like you.
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
ha ha ha your so funny, dik. damn right 8 f*%king pages and i had @!#$ to do if you didnt wanna answer the question then dont talk.
"how many idiots can there be,.... your the dee dee dee."
many changes in the making
my favorite part about doing bodywork,.......... bondo bugers
and i just finally read the full 8 pages and no where in there that read did it say anything about the alum arms fitting a 2003. i also hadnt updated my profile since i joined. and as far as the whole 20g build up, i ended up paying off enexpected bills and buying a truck for the winter. i still want to do it all, and will but i needed the money for more important things, like college.
many changes in the making
my favorite part about doing bodywork,.......... bondo bugers
John VanCuran wrote:and i just finally read the full 8 pages and no where in there that read did it say anything about the alum arms fitting a 2003. i also hadnt updated my profile since i joined. and as far as the whole 20g build up, i ended up paying off enexpected bills and buying a truck for the winter. i still want to do it all, and will but i needed the money for more important things, like college.
John: FYI The suspensions basically went unchanged for all the third gen cars, and the third gen cars aren't that far off from the first and second gen cars.
So yes they will fit you car with the suggested modifications here.
John VanCuran wrote:and i just finally read the full 8 pages and no where in there that read did it say anything about the alum arms fitting a 2003. i also hadnt updated my profile since i joined. and as far as the whole 20g build up, i ended up paying off enexpected bills and buying a truck for the winter. i still want to do it all, and will but i needed the money for more important things, like college.
dont tell us the story of your life...... its common sense to search. only thing to change on a cavalier from 95 to 05 was body styling. if u get the chance stop!!! think!! and rethink..... if you spend 20 grand on a cavalier not including the car then theres something seriously wrong there. theres no way it should cost even half that if its done once and done right...
all the info for your basic questions have been answered a million times cause kids like you come on here with your so called claims of X amount of money to spend. tell ya what if u had 20 grand and bought ur car new wouldnt u be driving around in something else other then a cavalier.... i would probably be driving something like a evo, sti, you know something more popular. so with your 20 grand claim i have to wave

and be on with my day.
wether or not you ppl believe me is not my problem, and i did finaly read all 8 pages and about 7 of it was about the axel and hub and disc swaps and not once did i see the words "it will work on a 2003-05 cav. sorry i dont know all the terminology like the n and w and f body bs but thats why i asked. if you dont have anything nice to say then dont talk.
many changes in the making
my favorite part about doing bodywork,.......... bondo bugers
and if you cant read, go back to school......
newb....... 95-05 J-bodies are ALL THE FRAKING SAME........ for the 15th time.
If you dont know what N-F-W bodies are, there is a great site to find info...... its called GOOGLE
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
just cause it doesnt say in this post doesnt mean it exsists. thats why there is mutiple topics in each section of the forums. each topic has its own discussion. sorry if that is complicated for you to understand but just about any forum will tell you the same thing when u ask the same question everyone else ask. read and search
what you 2 just said is the reason i asked. and i know how forums work. however usually the listed topic is whats supposed to be discussed not everything else.
many changes in the making
my favorite part about doing bodywork,.......... bondo bugers