All right guys...the swap begins tomorrow morning. Any tips before i do it??
yea....protect your knuckles!!! the first time i did this i cut up all my knuckles but really just take your time and it shouldnt be too bad. not a 10 hour job by any means especially since you already have alot of time with motors. but any ?'s and we are here for ya. good luck and let us know how it goes
"sometimes the respect is more important..."
Well roughly 3 hours into it so far. Water pump has been changed and boy was it a pain. Not hard but flipping retarded the way its all set up. Had to remove the exhaust manifold etc...pretty gay! I also changed out my cooling fan (went bad a few days ago) and threw on a new fuel filter. Me and my mechanic friend are doing it. Were taking a break now cuz its flipping hot here in texas!
Were gonna attack it tonight (in a couple hours) while its cooler outside. Before we left we were removing the intake Cam Cover. All i have to do is remove cam gears, remove cam covers and then remove the cams. Then i will go back with everything. No local parts stores had any access to the cam housing/cover gaskets. I hope i can reuse these. Car only has 78k miles on it. Im reusing every gasket and seal...nothing was leaking or seeping before so i hope im fine.
What is the thread sealant that it calls out for on the Cam Gear Bolts?? My GM dealership didnt even know.....I have some GM Pipe thead sealant (kinda like teflon)....will that work? Whats the purpose of it?
Also, there was NO timing noise at all so im not replacing any guides, or chain or gears etc. Everything looks to be in great shape so far. Once i get the covers off and the cams out ill check the lifters (although im sure there fine).
Can i use RTV (gasket maker) on the timing chain cover, power steering pump, cam covers etc? Or should i just clean it up and use the rubber gaskets that were on there? Should i use the gaskets AND RTV? Lemme know fellas!!
Okay guys...the cams, water pump, and underdrive crank pulley are in/on and running great. Seems to idle smoother and more quiet. I noticed the loss in low end torque immediatly but i also noticed the nice lil top end gain! Also my intake sounds much louder and deeper now.
cam swap=straight forward
water pump=add another hour and a half and some bad words
All in all i used all the orignal gaskets (minus water pump etc) and lifters. Everything was in great shape (only has 78k). What i noticed though was that my water pump had already been replaced!!! They wear out that quick??
Mike Cove wrote:Nice info, but I wanted to point out that there is a mistake. The exh. cam casting number is not 255 455
its actually 225 455
Can any one confirm that this is. in fact, true??
I also want to attempt this swap soon
Yes Homer....that is correct
sUiCiDe wrote:I also want to attempt this swap soon
You'd be surprised how well they work with this SUPERCHARGER I have for sale...

14.330 @ 96.37mph
supercharger hey?
what did you do to protect the motor?
better parts, what things did you have to do. I am guessing that you had to have the computer reflashed as well hey?
just wondering, would love to do that, but that would likely be too costly, and make gas milage suck(maybe,just a guess)
now is this both intake n exhuast cams from the 2.3
Read the friggen front page. OMG!!!!
what did you do to protect the motor?
Protect the motor from what??
FU Tuning
I have a question here:
"The cam casting numbers are 255/455 (which IS the same number as the HO cams, but only has 0.3750" of lift, not 0.410") and the housing/carrier itself is 22542963."
1. If this is true, why not use the HO cam then if it has more lift?
2. How would I differentiate the .375 cam vs. the .410 cam if it both have the same casting #?
3. What are the specs for the factory 2.4L cams?
Orlando Quiles wrote:I have a question here:
"The cam casting numbers are 255/455 (which IS the same number as the HO cams, but only has 0.3750" of lift, not 0.410") and the housing/carrier itself is 22542963."
1. If this is true, why not use the HO cam then if it has more lift?
2. How would I differentiate the .375 cam vs. the .410 cam if it both have the same casting #?
3. What are the specs for the factory 2.4L cams?
Ok, sorry. I already read the answers.
ok i have a 01 grand am r u saying that the secret cam swap is a good idea? or not worth worried abotu a bump or sumthing on the lobes, or if the cam gets put in wrong like even 1 tooth out wud be rly bad....i have a few after market parts such as pacesetter header back full exhaust, bomz cold air intake, jet perf mod, plat 4 plugs, tornado fuel saver, how much hp gain wud i get from the cams? what upgrades should i get if i dont get the cams, and what should i do next,WHAT IS THE BEST BANG FOR THE BUCK????
I think im going to jump on the bandwagon and do this this winter. Ill go check out the parts store now for the following:
24574239 Intake camshaft for LG0(95 2.3DOHC) $197.64
22545390 Exhaust cam for LD2(Pre-95 2.3DOHC) $197.64 (Melling MC832 from autozone)
Im noticing that jrbyers96 (The Fat One), you said you didnt replace any gaskets and you have about 78K on your motor, and it seems ALL you did was get the parts i listed above and a water pump, and went to town not changing anything else. I have about 55K on mine, I might just go ahead and do the same as you. Just to clarify, I did read the first page, but it seems like all I will need to buy is those parts listed above AND possibly a new water pump. Can anyone clarify this for me please?
2002 Pontiac Sunfire GT - Supercharged
Also, does anyone know the Melling # for 24574239 Intake camshaft for LG0? The auto parts store here couldn't cross the GM number with their system.
2002 Pontiac Sunfire GT - Supercharged
No one knows. that but i would replace everything while you are doing it. It you have so much of the engine apart change everything you need. Water pump is a good idea depending on the mileage on your car.
2004 Grand Prix GTP (Competition Group)
SOLD-->1999 Z24 5M-#30 to register on JBO
"You can please some of the people some of the time but you can't please all the people'
all the time
Alright thank you for the quick reply. My price for the exhaust cam was only 180 brand new, better price than I had anticipated.
2002 Pontiac Sunfire GT - Supercharged
hey can someone tel me roughly how much this will cost replacing water pump gaskets etc,....with out the price of the cams....
thanks chris
2000 z24 Cavalier
I've had a set of secret cams laying around for awhile I just havn't put them in yet...
Is it true that you dont have to remove the cam housing and press out the cams like my manual syas... and all you have to to is remove the cam covers and yank out the cams?
Personally.. whenever I get around to doing it... I'll be replacing the water pump, timing chain, timing chain tensioner, and all the gaskets while I'm in there just because I don't wan't to have to do it again later.
I replaced the water pump and timing belt on my 93 2.0 OHC Sunbird.... and if this isn't any harder than that.... I'll probably just do it some weekend coming up.
I am in the process of getting everything together to do mine because I got to do the waterpump. I also have the timing set, guides, tensioner, and all gaskets to replace. I recently did the tensioner but i learned it wasnt really the problem, so i get to go back in. Though everything i have every seen says you can just take the top part of the cam carrier off to get to the cams, after you take the whole timing husing and everything else off. Good luck, and if you get to it before me let me know what you think of the swap.
Silver Streak wrote:Nitrous Oxide Is the best bang for the buck
lol.. the quickest bang in ur block too
yea, im also curious as to what kinda gains the swap is worth..