It isn't often I get to post a booty photo, but it must have been my day at the candy store!
Up at 5am this morning wanting to try and get some painting done on the Ranger before I headed off to Roanoke to check out the Pick N Save. As luck would have it it was 11:30 before I was able to hit the road in the Venerable ole Wagon loaded with tools. The trip in the Wagon was wonderful!! The wagon must have needed a good run - I think we both enjoyed it!
Driving around the yard to the entrance I pass by a lot of the GM stuff parked along the fence - you could only imagine the surprise upon my face when a I passed by a 1st gen Hatchback! Not expecting to find anything and running late I forgot to grab the camera which was a real bummer.
They had an '86 Hatchback in Medium blue with dark blue interior 2.0 Auto. The seats were faded but still in good condition - medium bluish from fade with orange pinstripe. Full gauge package - I grabbed the speedo w/trip (my favorites). I also picked up the seatbelts, factory stereo w/cassette, and speedo cable for just in case. I also picked up the grill and light bezels - both were a bit tired looking but no cracks. I was suprised it had an intact front end - good bumper cover , header panel, hood and fenders - but I think clear coat was peeling off.
Also , there was a White Z24 1st gen as well, although I didn't get as much time on it because I didn't have but about 4 hours and was crazy busy. I did notice the front end was intact on it as well, it was a 2.8 - 5 speed and I bet it was a ball to drive! It had the Digi-dash and also still had the original factory cassette stereo but I am not familiar with disassembly of the Type 10/ Z24 dash/console units and didn't have the time to learn my way around it. This car even still had the old 5 spoke Z wheels so common back in the day. I think it had grey interior. The trunk and back glass was all chewed up on it.
Only 2 2nd gen base coupes - but I did manage to retrieve the seat belts out of the doors and pick up a complete set of composite headlights with the metal frames they bolt onto. I had to actually remove both headlights out of one and go to the other one and pull the drivers side unit to get a good frame to match up with the good lense.
I want to note that the 2nd Gen Coupe seatbelt assembly is a bit different in the doors than on the Sedans. I don't know for sure if they with swap in till I get down and dirty with them -something new to learn! What I do find out I'll be sure to share.
Thank goodness I did manage to pick up some spare seatbelts for the 1st gens should they ones I've got break - a real inspection killer I may add! Usually if I have a spare something- somehow the original part never gives me trouble. anyone else have that kind of luck?
All in all I had a very good haul. I also roamed the yard at a much better pace today since I've lost about 30 pounds! Looking forward to loosing another 30!
Last thing I saw as I was leaving was a fellow pulled up at the Pick N Save in a Dodge Aries - wonder if he found anything for it there today?
Thought a booty shot in the back of the wagon looked cool!
Nice score there Orlen.
Hope they treated you right at checkout$$$$$
score that digi dash if you can - sell it to the guy on ebay...
Hahaa......Well John their individual prices are really good - I just plain got too much stuff!!
Headlights were $24 each
Seatbelts $11
Radio $17
Grill was $21
Speedo cable was $11
Of course my toolbox seemed a bit heavier upon leaving for some strange reason?
I guess every guy got some kinda vice....I burn up about 5-6 gal. gas going down there so I try and tell myself I'm just gonna make the trip worthwhile Hahaa....
Ok finally checking in and just info right now.Things I got were the 2 bucket seats orlen requested,one driver side seat belt assembly,two black 1st gen belt assemblies(if you do want them now I will keep as they match sunny.I got a full rear belt assembly belts and all in black.I got that instrument cluster and a story to boot behind that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a neato share as I have to get some stuff in order.I have some pics and just spent like 4 hrs in that ONE car removing and so forth.I was whooped and dirty and my bill was not out of line for what I got.In short I had some issues with my camera's NEW updated program trying to download a video and it was being a real pain in the ---------------------- s.I still can't get it to load right to my site choice and pics it will be and maybe a shorty vid like 3 min and see if that works.OH orlen I got those rubber mats front/rear and they were GM mats! I was so frustrated last nite with my sony cameras new updated program but I had no choice as support for the old version is being dropped.The camera works great it is the download part that really sux.It rained all day here and good thing I went yesterday and I will pop some pics up either late tonight or tomorrow.I do have a COOL treat to share that is icing on the cake after busting my arse yesterday. Ok 1st Orlen you clearly did say if someone else IS interested in the bucket seats(my error there) so no problem as I will KEEP them and get them recovered myself! I finally got a shorty vid of things and my camera program was giving me some serious grief Friday and I finally got some things straight.Orlen I will send you the 2 front seat belt assemblies once I get some time to get things in order to ship.I already talked with john about the steering wheel and maybe this week work on getting things packed but not sure on shipping out anything by august 08 as I have a plate full this coming week.Oh forgot orlen yeah the mats are yours too.Kind of tired but I will get some pics posted later of the destruction on the buick I did thurs maybe sunday after I come in from work.I do have those pics ready to load and just showing my video for now.
Thanks Ron!! You-tha-Man as always!!
Once you get caught back up with yourself we'll do some PM'ing and get everything in order. Feel terrible about the mix up on those seats and promise in future requests I will be very clear about what I need and don't need!
Those are without a doubt the cleanest seat tracks I've EVER seen......period! Clearcoat them and you could place them in a museum somewhere!!
Also that cable that comes off the seat belt retractor is actually the mechanism that pulls all the slack up when you open the door. When the door is closed, the button is pushed in and allows you to tug on the seat belt and give you a little slack. Then when the door opens the button opens too and the spring is allowed to wind it all back up.
That button to the retractor is a real trick to remove too! You UNSCREW the outside ring with the 4 little notches in it counterclockwise and the connector with the button backs off from inside the bottom door piller, You can't see what is happening in there so you don't think anything is getting loose but eventually that cable will come off and like Ron said you have to pry the outter ring off with those 3 detents. Very complicated little setup there and I seem to have to Re-learn this fact everytime I go and try to remove a seatbelt since it is so very seldom that I do that.
I have been a very bad boy since I've been off on my 5 day break as I just keep going back to Pick-N-Save like a silly kid and a candy store. Tammy and I went back Friday for Factory Radios for her 3rd Gen and my 1st.. So I did get BOTH Cassette units out of both 1st gens - Yea!! Hahaa, I gotta tell you guys she was able to figure out how to get the one out of the Z24 while I was fumbling around expecting to have to remove the console to get at it!! Wish I could get her to go more often!! We wound up back in Roanoke AGAIN the next day (Saturday) to take the Grandson to the Virginia Transportation Museum. I stopped by Pick N Save yet AGAIN.......this time with just a pair of pliers and a torx bit hell bent on getting that Z24 grill and headlight bezels to play with on the old Wagon. Took all of 3 minutes to get them off and the young kid at the counter didn't know what I had and just charged me $9.25 for misc. trim parts for all 3 pcs. I walked out dumb founded feeling kinda sad that such rare parts had become something so cheap and worthless....
Just a real Quick FYI here!! At least at our Pick N Save I was surprised how few Factory Radios there were available in the 3rd gens. Well, actually ALL the radios were missing factory or not. We had a terrible time finding the specific one for her 98 Cavalier and the last facelifted models have a different style Radio and I don't think they fit in the early 3rd gen models. I also saw several very similar units to the 1st gen radios in various Cutlass Cieras thee so I think back in the 80's thee wasn't as much difference in Radio design and I'll be chasing several more of them down as I get the money and time. I also noticed we weren't the only folks pulling factory radios either - Perhaps I'm not the only one tired of Cheap Chinese ?
My next big piece of candy I am hoping to get is that Z24 HOOD for the old Wagon IF I am lucky enough. I have to manage to get the old Ranger back together as it now sits with all the lights off and the door hardware removed from painting - maybe I'll get lucky....kinda like that Life is a Box of Chocolates thing..... Pick N Save wants less than $50 for that hood of I can get back there. Keeping those fingers crossed.
Well, it is back to work next week and back to more normal!! I got a raise last week (2nd one this year!!) before I took some vacation so I guess I found what I'll be spending the extra money on it the near future....Hahaa.
........Lawd I need more storage space........
Orlen I have been collecting 1st gen GM radios for years and have a collection of them as you can see. I had purchased a Caddy radio with the aux input but it died last year. I am hoping to get one working with the aux input this summer. The two on the left top have aux inputs but do not work. My plan is to add the aux input to the bottom left one that came out of a Caddy. It works and I just have to take the time to solder in the input jack. The others are for parts. It really does not look like it but the internals on the GM radios changed from year to year.
Yep you got that pretty well stripped out Ron!
Too bad you didn't get there before the person came and tore up that dash pulling the Radio!
Just an idea but if you like these Buick seats for yourself as spares you might want to get those rear seats out to make for a matched set. I Was lucky enough to retrieve the rear set out of that Firenza several years after I had bought the front seats and man was I glad I got that lucky! Managed to shoehorn the Sedan rear seat in the Pontiac and you'd never know they didn't come with the car!!! BTW the Sedan rear seats do NOT fit in a Coupe without some SURGERY!!
Anyone have good tips for removing the Dash assembly once you get it to the point Ron has it here? Hey these things are NOT light and just the weight of themselves and easily crack the bottom of the dash when you lay it down while you are busy trying to get all that wiring disconnected. hurt my feelings when I went to all this trouble to remove a perfectly good dash out of the Tan Sedan and cracked the bottom right where it layed at the Shifter before I could safely get it out of there!
84conv wrote:Orlen I have been collecting 1st gen GM radios for years and have a collection of them as you can see. I had purchased a Caddy radio with the aux input but it died last year. I am hoping to get one working with the aux input this summer. The two on the left top have aux inputs but do not work. My plan is to add the aux input to the bottom left one that came out of a Caddy. It works and I just have to take the time to solder in the input jack. The others are for parts. It really does not look like it but the internals on the GM radios changed from year to year.

Nice Saturn one S series one on the top right

. Every Saturn that makes it to our local Pick a part usually gets the audio components raided on the first day. Almost had a nice set of Pioneer speakers out of one SL2 but some dingbat left the front doors open and the speakers got soaked.
Just about every car at my local junk yard has the radio stripped out right away. Had a Cimarron come in 2 years ago and I was there on Friday for some other stuff and came back 1st thing Saturday morning and the radio was gonzo. Funny story about that Cimarron. I was talking to the driver at the yard that picked the car up . He said he was called to get a Honda accord and when he showed up it was a weather beaten Cimarron???
That Saturn radio is for my VUE. It is from a 2004 and is one of the last years you can just swap a factory radio without the theft codes.
WOW, I'm beginning to understand factory radios are in high demand.
I wonder why?

Ok the final bit of coolness on the buick Skyhawk.While removing the passenger side seat belt I found the (GOLD) that is the completely intact factory build sheet!!I guess this is my trophy for messing around with this car for parts.This car was loaded with good features and was made for a local dealership about 30min from Greensboro.So hope this pic does justice and it is just a neat thing to find after all my junkyarding I do not recall finding one complete or any.I have yet to find mine for sunny BUT suspect it is in the quarter panel as with all my digging on certain work nothing.
computer issues among other things, I just haven't been able to be here much...
Ron, the check is in the mail, $ for IC + extra for shipping.
If I didn't send enough, let me know, If I sent too much (I expect I did), keep it, or give it to a local greyhound rescue, or heck, put it toward Orlen's shipping!
Ok wayne I have been wrenching on my nephews 98 accord for 8hours today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(tired I am).I will clean up the cluster and try to reattach the end knob on the trip meter before I pack it up and send your way.I will take the cluster apart some as the trip meter was kinda sticky and I have just the right idea to make it work nice and smooth.I will post up next week when I am not buried in fix this fix that and get the items I have to send to all you guys.I know NO hurry and you all know I never sit more than two seconds not working,cleaning something.I for now am chilling with one of favorite beers to chill after doing a boat load of cleaning and fixing that 98 and may just show a different post showing some of the grit I got into with today.
That's cool, I don't see me putting this IC in any time soon anyway.
oh, the build sheets in my experience have always been two buildsheets per car. One above the headliner, one in the backseat.
That 3rd brake light on the hatch has to be rare as hell !!
It sure has been nice to find (and get to go to) a salvage yard once again! This old man has missed it!
Only 350 miles away from a z-24...I am sooooooooo tempted right now...
Wow Orlen!
Your wagon is awesome

. That blue hatch has to be an 86. I remember seeing them by the hundreds across from the tech center when they started putting those CHMSL(s) on the hatchs - they did the Camaros the same way. You might think about grabbing the dash and ground effects off of the Z24. I can't get over how clean those cars are down there. Ours are shot with the salt up here...
You are making me want to go to the yards by me - getting the bug
sure wish I had some extra time to go check out my yards again soon too.Just busy lately fixing other problem's and needing to pack those parts I need to send out.Long day and so tired.
Yeah Paul there is so darn much I want to get off these 2 - 1st gens - heck I'd just load them up and take them home if I could!! Neither shouldn't even be in here as far as I am concerned!
Unfortunately there is only so much go around and I have to do the best I can with all three.
The hardest part for me when I go is having to decide what I can afford and what I have to leave behind for next time - assuming there WILL be a next time as they might be GONE the next time I get to come back.
I'd love to pull the nose off the Hatchback if I get the chance since it is in the best of shape. They are so hard to come by nowadays.
Can't complain though - I have managed to score some great stuff this spring and summer - managed to get the "94 Sedan straightened up and inspected - and even made a ton a progress on the 1st Gen Ranger too - while losing about 40 lbs. along the way so far. It's been a WONDERFUL year for the old man!!
Let us know if you go back Orlen, I'm really thinking about the trip right now, and if you happen to get there it would be great if you could spray the heck out of those rear bumper bolts.
Maybe we could meet up and get that front end off the car for you together.
I do know the weekend of the 20th is a definitely not (audition for The Chase), and the next weekend, the 27th is only a maybe at this point.